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The Bible & the Quran
Jeremiah 14:11-16 2 Timothy 3:10-17

September 26, 2004

This is the third in a series comparing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the religion of Islam. In the first sermon we compared the gods of the two religions. In the second we looked at the founders of the two religions. Today we come to the scriptures of the two religions. All the major religions of the world have a written canon of authoritative scripture. Primitive religions do not have that. They rely on oral tradition passed down from generation to generation. A lot of the major religions started that way. Our Gospels began as stories and teachings remembered by the apostles and then later written down either by them or by their followers into what we now have as the Gospels. For example, the Gospel of Luke. Luke was not an apostle. He never met Jesus or heard him preach. But he talked to the people who knew Jesus. He did a careful study and then wrote his Gospel. All major religions have scriptures like this. Our gospels were written within the lifetimes of the apostles based on their eyewitness. Others, like Buddhist scriptures, were not written down until centuries later, and therefore their accuracy is suspect.

When it comes to the scriptures of Islam, we have a very simple process. Someone asked me after worship two weeks ago: “Who wrote the Quran?” The answer is Muhammad. Our Bible was written by many people over thousands of years. Even the New Testament was written by many different people over decades. But the Islamic Bible, known as the Quran, was written by one man, Muhammad. To be accurate it was recited by him and actually written down by others. Islamic tradition says Muhammad was illiterate. Muslims say is that Muhammad recited the Quran as it was given to him verbally from Allah through an angel. The word “quran” literally means “recitation.” He spoke it orally, often while in a trance, and those who heard him wrote it down. They wrote it down on anything they could find at the time. They wrote it on shards of pottery, papyrus, tree bark or palm leaves – whatever was at hand. This happened over a 23 years period of time - from the time the angel Gabriel first appeared to him while he was mediating in a cave on Mount Hira outside Mecca to the time he gave his last recitation at the pilgrimage in Mecca just a few months before he died. After his death these revelations were assembled by his followers and published as the Quran. It has 114 chapters called surahs and is about the size of the Christian New Testament.

Muslims believe that the Quran eternally exists in heaven in its perfect form written in Arabic, and it was given word by word, page by page to the prophet Muhammad who repeated it on earth. So they believe that all earthly editions of the Quran are just copies of the heavenly Quran. Muslims do not believe the Quran can be translated. Translation into any other language is a corruption of it. But most Muslims in the world today do not speak or read Arabic, so they have to learn Arabic to understand their scriptures. Children around the world memorize portions of the Quran in Arabic without even knowing what they are saying because they do not understand the language. Muslims say it is the noblest of all books written in the most beautiful form of Arabic. They say that no one could ever create a surah that could rival anything in the Quran. For them the Quran is perfect, infallible, eternal, immortal, the complete and final revelation of God to man. Is it?

When we compare the Quran to the Bible we find many historical errors in the Quran. Muhammad got his knowledge of the Bible second-hand because he was illiterate. He learned the Bible stories from listening to Christians and Jews. There were Jewish tribes in Arabia – several in Medina – where Muhammad lived after fleeing Mecca. Furthermore he had contact with heretical Christian groups in Arabia. He listened to them teach, preach and discuss. Then when he recited the Quran he incorporated the information he had heard. But he got it wrong more often than not. Muhammad in the Quran invites us to compare what he has to say against the Bible. (See Sura 2:136 as well as Suras 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 25...). So let’s take him up on his offer. When we do we find glaring errors. Here are some examples of the mistakes in the Quran.

The Quran says the world was created in eight days. The Bible says six days and rested on the seventh. The Quran says only two of Noah’s sons were saved, that one of Noah’s sons refused to go into the ark and was drowned in the flood. The Bible says all three went in and were saved. Quran says Noah’s ark landed on Mount Judi; the Bible on Mount Ararat. Different name for Abraham’s father. Quran says Abraham lived and worshipped in Mecca – Bible says it was in the land of Canaan. It says Abraham was thrown into a fire by Nimrod, who according to the Bible lived centuries earlier. This is a common mistake in the Quran; Muhammad often got his timeline messed up. He confused the stories of Esther and Moses, saying that Haman was in the court of Pharaoh rather than the Persian king Ahasuerus, and that Haman helped to build the Tower of Babel. It says that the golden calf was constructed in the wilderness under the advice of a Samaritan. (Samaritans did not come into existence for many centuries after the time of the golden calf). He says that Noah’s flood happened in the time of Moses. The Quran confuses Miriam the sister of Moses with Mary (Hebrew name Miriam) the mother of Jesus. It says that Abraham tried to sacrifice Ishmael not Isaac. Muhammad says Moses was adopted by Pharaoh’s wife rather than Pharaoh’s daughter. He talks about crucifixion by Pharaoh whereas that was invented by the Romans. He says Mary gave birth to Jesus under a palm tree and that Christians pray toward Jerusalem. It says Alexander the Great was a Muslim.

Then there are the theological errors that I have mentioned before. The Quran denies the crucifixion and death of Jesus and the resurrection and the Trinity. It says the trinity that Christians worship is the Father, Mary and Jesus. The Quran is a jumble of historical and theological errors. It is a reflection of Muhammad’s crude understanding of the Bible and Christianity. Anyone who reads the Quran objectively has to realize that it was written by someone with a very confused knowledge of the Bible and history. Muslims acknowledge the discrepancies that I have pointed out, but they say that the Bible has it wrong and the history books have it wrong. They say the Bible has been corrupted by Jews and Christians and the Quran is correct in all these issues.

When you examine the Quran in the light of the Bible it is a tangle of errors. It is a fallible human document. It reminds me of the Book of Mormon – complete fabrication written by a man who did not have all his cards in order. In fact I see a lot of similarities between Mormonism and Islam – especially when it comes to polygamy. Both Joseph Smith and Muhammad had a real problem with sex and money and power. Both wanted to be seen as biblical prophet and to start their own religion using the Bible as a starting point. There is no comparison between the Bible and the Quran.

Our scripture for today says: “But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” I believe this can be applied to Muhammad and his most radical followers today. That might seem harsh, but I have no trouble saying that terrorists are evil men and they clearly are Muslims. It seems to me that they are getting worse and worse. The recent murder of hundreds of children by Islamic terrorists in Beslan, Russia, is terrible! And we have not seen the worst yet. I am waiting for a major chemical, biological or nuclear attack. These people are deceived by the falsehood of the Quran and deceiving others in return. “But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.”

There are people today who just overlook all this in order to be tolerant and accepting of Islam. They want to say that all religions are the same. To say such a thing they have to purposely not look too closely at any religion, because they clearly are not the same. They want to put the Quran up next to the Bible and say that both should be respected as equals. They gloss over the differences and the contradictions. But when you read the Quran and it tells you to kill Jews and Christians, you have say “Hey, there’s a double standard here!” The Quran has anti-Christian and anti-Jewish rhetoric. It denigrates women. It teaches jihad – holy war. You cannot say the too books are equal!

But that is enough about the Quran. I needed to tell you some things about the Quran, but what I really want to talk about is the Book that I love above all other books - the Holy Bible. Our passage from 2 Timothy says: “But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.”

I am the type of person who does not like to read a book twice, just like I do not like to watch a movie twice. But I have read the Bible over and over again. I read it every day of my life. I only miss reading it under extraordinary circumstances. I spend at least a half hour every morning reading it devotionally, not counting the study I do every day for preparation for Bible classes and sermons. When I read it, it is always fresh and alive. The Spirit of the living God pulsates through this book. There is no comparison between it and any other book. When I read the Quran, there is no life there. It is dead. No spirit speaks. When I read the Bahai scriptures they are dead. When I read the Buddhist scriptures, they are brittle and frail. But when I read the Bible it is “living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

The Bible is inspired by God. It is God-breathed. It is “given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Today I want you to reexamine your reading and study of God’s word. Muslims around the world faithfully recite something that they do not even understand the language of. They revere it as eternal and immortal. They are wiling to die flying into towers with the Quran on their lips believing its false promises of paradise for martyrs. That all for a fallible, dead false book invented by a false prophet. But we have the Word of God. What do you do with it? Many of us are reading through the Bible this year. I applaud you. But many of you are not. Many of you have never read the Bible through. You have read paperback bestsellers but never read the all time bestseller. Why? Think about it for a moment. Why do you have such a hard time reading the Bible? Why do you fall asleep while reading it? Why are you bored while reading it? Why are you just not interested in reading it? Why? Is it because it is boring? No! If you find it boring, the problem is not with the Bible. If you can watch three hours of Steelers and not be bored, why can’t you read three hours of God’s word? If you can watch two hours of a movie, why not two hours of God’s word? If you can watch a half-hour sitcom, why not spend a half-hour reading God’s Word?

The Bible is inspired by God. Every bit of it. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.” That means it is accurate and reliable in every way. It is reliable when it comes to history because the Author is the One who guides history. He writes history ahead of time. It is reliable when it comes to science for he is the One who made the natural world. But those areas are of secondary importance. What is most important is that it is reliable when it comes to spiritual things. It is reliable as a guide to salvation. It is “able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.” Not only that but it is the only reliable source for theological truth. It “is profitable for doctrine,” our passage says. “for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,” This is talking about spiritual growth and moral guidance. The reason our society is so degenerate is because it has abandoned the Bible as its source of ethics and morality. We have decided that morality is a matter of personal opinion and that social morality is a matter of a democratic vote or law or a Supreme Court ruling. Nonsense. What is right and wrong cannot be decided by majority vote or an opinion poll. It is decided by God. And God has revealed that to us in his word. When we read it and study it, it is profitable. When we read it and submit to its authority which is the only way to understand it. As I have repeatedly said, the only way to understand the Bible is to stand under it – to stand under its authority in our lives. When we do that it reproves us, it corrects us, it instructs us in righteousness. To what end? “that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

The purpose of the word of God is to save us, to make us “wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ,” and then to challenge us and change us and to equip us “for every good work.” That will not happen if we are not reading the Bible. If we are not studying and submitting to the authority and discipline of the Bible, we will carried along with every wind and current of our culture. We live constantly under the influence of American culture. It will shape us and transform us without us even being aware of it. The only way that we can not just be a lump of clay pushed into the mold of American values is if we are shaped by another power. That power has to be the power of the Holy Spirit operating not only directly in our lives but also through the vehicle of God’s Word. In that way we are transformed. AS Paul says, Ro 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, in order to prove by you what is that good and pleasing and perfect will of God.”

The Quran is not the Word of God. It is not inspired by God. At best it is inspired by the distorted imagination of a confused mind. At worst it is inspired by a deceiving spirit masquerading as an angel of light. It is not too harsh to say that instead of transforming humans or culture for the better, Islam is growing “worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” We are seeing the result of the deception in these lost souls known as terrorists. “Evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:13-17) Praise God for his Holy Word. May we take advantage of this wonderful gift.

2006-09-06 15:54:41 · answer #1 · answered by BrotherMichael 6 · 1 1

It is basically the same book but different spectrums of it. We believe the same things until it comes down to Jesus and his divinity and Mohhamed being the very last prophet. They are asked to pray 5 times a day which is good(nothing wrong with that). The world begins the same way, God made it. God makes the universe go round. The world ends basically the SAME way. Just like how the bible has little descrepincies because it is all in your point of view. and how you percieve things. And The bible was eye witness accounts of Jesus's life and teachings by his followers(who stayed with him night and day) straight from Jesus's mouth. The quran was told word by word to mohhamed from the angel gabriel and mohhameds follwers wrote it down for him because he was illiteraite.

2006-09-06 16:01:54 · answer #2 · answered by St.Christopher the militant. lol 2 · 0 0

Rockin bob,
There's more than one answer. If you are just going to look at people, there are at least two, Abraham and Jesus. But the Muslims believe that another Biblical character Ishmael got the birthright promises, being the firstborn to Abraham, but not Sarah. And they also contort the role and person of Jesus the Christ.

So there might be places and people that are connected, but there are few similarities in the view of what they were to history. The Koran is riddled with fallacies.

2006-09-06 15:53:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm a christian, but I read parts of the koran a long time ago. I recall it talked about Noah and stuff from the bible.
Also I think the koran has to do with the muslims reclaiming what Esau has given to Jabob, his inheritence and his father Isaac's blessings.
Later on Jacob wressled with the Angel of the Lord and won, Jacob said: I will not let you go untill you bless me! The angel then blessed him
and asked "what is your name" Jacob said: Jacob
and the angel said: Your name is now Israel because you wressled with God and you won!
so its a double blessing for jacob (Israel)
They can claim all they want. Israel got the blessings.

2006-09-06 16:21:03 · answer #4 · answered by Yahoo! 5 · 0 0


2006-09-06 15:47:44 · answer #5 · answered by a_delphic_oracle 6 · 3 0

In the Bible, the angel Gabriel always tells the truth.

In the Koran, the angel Gabriel always lies.

2006-09-06 19:23:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In many Old testament writings they are alike. Both recognize Mary as having been a virgin when she was pregnant with Jesus. Both have similar teachings and life-plans. Both teach one God created man.

2006-09-06 15:54:10 · answer #7 · answered by a_phantoms_rose 7 · 1 0

o.k. lets see who the educated are among you.whats the connection between the quoran & the bible?10 pts?

Yes................NOthing. Tanks

2006-09-06 15:47:19 · answer #8 · answered by whynotaskdon 7 · 0 4

The quran says the bible is true only in the parts that agree with it.

if it doesn't then God allowed his holy word to be corrupted. My God is powerful enough to keep his word safe from human intervention

2006-09-06 15:49:41 · answer #9 · answered by Slave to JC 4 · 0 1

They are as ying and yang, the Koran deals in evil. The Bible
in Good.

2006-09-06 15:57:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Where do you start? Several connections....Old Testament figures such as Abraham..Noah...the creation story....Jesus, His mother Mary...on and on.

2006-09-06 15:49:44 · answer #11 · answered by Augustine 6 · 1 0

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