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I'm 12. They won't let me go to the mall, movies the avenue, plazas, nowhere. Under one condition. There needs to be supervision. But I think I'm old enough to go out with friends now. I'm in 7th grade, and they won't let me go anywhere. Tomorrow, they have an appointment with the counselors. I'm mad but excited to see who's right or wrong. Me, or my parents? I want to go out and have some fun. But they won't let me. So I've been really sad lately.

2006-09-06 15:29:28 · 44 answers · asked by =] 1 in Family & Relationships Family

44 answers

Get a grip princess. There is a lot out there that can hurt you. Overprotective? I think you are old enough to respect your parents opinions. Your certainly are not old enough to make any kind of decision. You are soooooo wrong.

You have many years to be having fun. Get a grip on reality. You are a little child whether you like it or not.

2006-09-06 15:31:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I am asuming you're a girl. Your lucky because my 15 year old wouldn't be online right know!!! Your parents are scared. They were your age and they know more than you think. It's a different world now!!! When me & your parents were younger it was safer out there. My daughter just started going to the mall, movies, etc... with friends when she was 14. It's not that I don't trust her, I just don't trust other people. I'm SURE your parents feel the same. I always remind my daughter when she's screaming at me because I don't let her do "ANYTHING", that it's because I love her so much and will do everything I can, as long as I can, to keep her safe. She tells me so often that certain friends are allowed to do so much more than her and my answer is always that it is MY responsibility to keep her safe and I am doing the very best that I can do. So instead of being sad, be happy that you have wonderful parents that LOVE you sooo much and care about you. You have so much time ahead of you so don't worry, you will get to do all the things you want to do, eventually. But remember one thing...when your parents allow you to something new, earn their trust. Do exactly what you were given permission to do and stay out of trouble. The more trust you earn, the more they will let you do!! Good Luck!! Some day when you're a parent you will thank your parents for their excellent life lessons.

2006-09-06 15:45:06 · answer #2 · answered by LG 2 · 0 0

Its okay dear. You are maturing so fast into a world that you understand only to the smallest degree. Your parents are not quite ready for you to be old enough to do things by yourself. There are a lot of good people out there but there are also a lot of bad people too.

Chances are you would be alright and make good decisions but it is not time for you quite yet. When you do get free time away from them, at the mall, and so on then you should enjoy it. But don't give into the whole THEIR JUST TRYING TO CONTROL ME attitude because that is what they are suposed to do when you are twelve is control you. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up, it happens very fast and sudden and you should enjoy being twelve. Also, don't be too hard on them because they love you very dearly and only want the best for you. Even if you think it SUCKS right now. Your time will come.

PS. Put some of your extra energy into school, learning, and doing well. It really does make a difference when you get older especially if and when you go to college. Good study habits also are very important to have developed starting in seventh grade Good Luck and God Bless ps I am only 21 yr old male so I speak from exp. too

2006-09-06 15:37:43 · answer #3 · answered by Beano4aReason 4 · 1 0

I'm 12 too, my parents are strict, but they let me got to the mall, movies, parks, etc with a friend. But I have to have my cell-phone with, and it has to be before dark. Try to persuade them to let you go if you bring some sort of cell-phone or walkie talkie, they also would want you to go with friends, belive me, the MORE friends, the BETTER!!!!! It will make your parents feel a whole lot safer, the reason that more friends are better, is that if someone gets hurt, some peple can go get help, while the other people stay by the person that needs help. So I hope that this info helped, it helped me, so hopefully it will do the same to you. Being with just your friends makes you feel mature, and more independant, it's a good feeling!!!

2006-09-06 16:02:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well don't get your hopes up too much that the counselor will be on your side. Parents set rules for a reason. There are a lot of crazy freaks in this world and your parents sound like they intend to make sure you don't cross paths with them. However, you do need a little independence to prove you are worthy of more responsiblity. My advice would be to follow the rules and they will loosen the reigns on you. If you fight them every step of the way they will tighten up and make matters worse. It may seem to you that this is a horrible injustice but trust me, You won't even remember these days when you are heading off to college someday on your own. Take care and try to be respectful to your parents. It will bring you a lot more happiness than fighting with them ever will.

2006-09-06 15:38:32 · answer #5 · answered by annaslifetoday 1 · 0 0

I understand you and I understand your parents. I have kids too and I'm a young mom so I know where you are coming from. Trust is a big thing in a relationship, even with parents. If this something you truly want then I think you deserve some trust. Going to the mall, movies is okay but if you're going out to party tillmidnight, I would question that myself too. Hav eyou done anything to lose their trust? If not, then help them. Help them trust you and trust what you do. Know what's safe and help reassure them. Hey, they need it too. Get a cell phone if you have to. Scary things can happen, just understand they feel scared. Good Luck, and don't be so sad. :)

2006-09-06 15:34:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sometimes parents love us so much they do not realize the demands they put upon us. I feel in this day and age,
there are so many things that could go wrong. Child Snappers are every where and I mean every where. All they want is one naive girl to find and take away with her. If you are not killed you are blessed with learning to live with being raped and I assure you there are many ramifications from that, it is not pretty. Having been a foster parent for sexually abused children, I assure you even the 2 year olds have difficulty. They are damaged for the rest of their lives. I would hate to think that would happen to you. It is horrible. There are so many kids today their parents did not care enough and they got into serious trouble with the law...now their lives are ruined to a degree with a police record. If only their parents would have been there for them...if only.
You should be so Thankful your parents are different and want to see the best for you in safety and in your everyday life. My parents were strict too like that but I am Thankful they were. Sometimes we think we are grounded mature wise when indeed we are not. Thank Your Mom and Dad for loving you so much..They want only the best for you.

2006-09-06 15:43:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Your parents are not being overprotective. They are just being protective. Do you read the newspapers? Do you watch the news? Girls older than you are being grabbed at malls and such, or enticed into leaving willingly, or just plain getting into trouble by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It doesn't mean that they don't trust you (that I can tell from this). It only means that they prefer that you stay safe.

It is tough growing up. It is hard as h*ll as a parent to let your kids grow up and to keep them as safe as possible in a horribly nasty world. Read some of the crap that is posted on some of these questions and tell me that the world is a nice place for a 12 year old girl to be unsupervised.

2006-09-06 15:35:47 · answer #8 · answered by Road Warrior 4 · 1 0

I had the same prblem when i was 12.. Im 14 now.. I couldnt stand it either. They need to let u have fun. But they are just trying to protect u. I think that u r 100 percent right. U should be alout to go to the movies or to the mall witout adults.. but u shuld go with a group of friends in case somthing does happen

2006-09-06 15:32:56 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You are only 12 my dear...it's not that they don't allow you. They allow you to go under supervision. It's not that bad right? What about your friends? Are they allowed to go malls and stuff by themselves? The parents don't stop them? Just ask yourself, would you be happy if they let you do whatever you like and don't care about you? Is that what you want? I'm sure if they do this, you will also hate them for that? Please don't learn to hate your parents, they are your parents and they know whats best for you. Just remember if anything happen to you, they will blame themselves for letting you go anywhere you like. I'm from the east side of the world and if a child behaving like you here, we would say this is the western culture where they don't know how to respect their parents. Please prove me wrong.....

2006-09-06 16:07:47 · answer #10 · answered by betty boo 3 · 0 0

I know how that feels, but consider yourself lucky that your parents protect you. I've seen other parents where the kids go out anywhere, and do anything they want. Usually, that leads to bad things like smoking and drinking.

Although, if you've got nothing to hide, then tell them to go ahead and supervise you-they don't trust you enough yet to let you go out on your own, but it's for your own good.
Let your parents know that they can trust you, and see how it goes.

And I agree with another comment I saw on here...you should get a favorite aunt, or uncle-even grandparent and let them talk with your parents. They'll ease off a little. But the most important thing is to let your parents know that they can trust you, and that your parents love you no matter what-that's why they're over protective. They don't want to see you get hurt. :)

2006-09-06 15:43:19 · answer #11 · answered by benvash 4 · 1 0

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