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The employers are just as much to blame for the immigration crisis as the illegals themselves. My husband was even told by one boss, "Why am I bothering with you? I could hire a Mexican for half the money I'm paying you..." My husband is white. There need to be penalties for employers who hire illegals. That is the only way they will stop hiring them and allowing them to skate free in this country. Why does no one see that? And when you and I commit a crime in America, we go to jail. Why don't they?

2006-09-06 13:37:55 · 23 answers · asked by xexquisitely_emptyx 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

If he had said, "I could hire a high school kid for half of what I'm paying you" that would be different because high school kids are not illegal immigrants. Besides, half would have been almost below minimum wage so no, he couldn't really do that to an American.

2006-09-06 14:03:20 · update #1

23 answers

Why don't you report your husband's employer? If you don't, you are equally to blame.

2006-09-06 13:40:24 · answer #1 · answered by the_wall 2 · 3 2

go to minuteman.org, they are trying to stem the flow of people coming in, New Mexico and Arizona report a drop in Drug trafficking, so the civilian policing does work.
But like you point out they would not come here if they could not get jobs. This is a self inflicted wound. Go research the Bracero program, where US employers would go to Mexico and sponsor people for specific jobs and them when the job was completed take them back to Mexico. I have to admit if I was down there living in that kind of poverty I would make a try. Illegals in Mexico spend 2-3 years in prison before being deported and from what I hear they are not the luxury accommodations the US has. We will not recognize the costs direct and indirect until it becomes too expensive to support and that can only be done by focusing on the employers.

2006-09-06 13:48:24 · answer #2 · answered by auhunter04 4 · 2 1

Because people who come to this country illegally are just trying to survive. They're not doing anything wrong to hurt or endanger anyone.

As far as your husband, if he had said the same comment, but differently, it would have been a different story: "Why am I bothering with you? I could hire a high school kid for half the money I'm paying you..."

Besides, Mexican immigrant workers are the reason why we have so many of the luxuries we normally wouldn't have. Maybe we should start redirecting our blame to the RACISM of the bosses, instead of the HIRING of the bosses.

2006-09-06 13:45:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I see it ...and am called a racist for calling a illegal alien invader a illegal alien invader. When did illegal become a race?
The employers are more guilty than the illegal alien invaders. I hate illegal alien invaders, but the employers need jail time the illegal alien invaders need deported asap. There are laws in place just not enforced. Then there are states like Oregon that forbid law officers from enforcing the immigration laws. Its the employers and the Liberals as well as the invaders fault, add the do nothing Conservatives too. Call write or e-mail your Representative and tell them build a wall and enforce he laws

2006-09-06 13:47:38 · answer #4 · answered by buzzy360comecme 3 · 2 1

There are penalties for employers who hire illegals. Notify the authorities and one by one we'll get closer to solving this problem.

Your husband's boss sounds like he should start looking for another job. It's a shame there are so many people put in positions with that type of morale building character.

2006-09-06 13:52:42 · answer #5 · answered by Paige2 3 · 0 1

it goes farther than the employers. if you report them, immigration will come and take the illegals. the next day there will be twice as many applying for the jobs. the congress and senate are the ones who made all this possible. i dont blame the illegals at all. the average wage in mexico is something like 5 bucks a day. if i could go to another nearby country, live for nothing, and retire back in my homeland in 10 years, id do it. eveybody sees it, things have been adjusted to accomodate them. its just one more time our government has turned its back on its citizens.

2006-09-06 13:51:43 · answer #6 · answered by chris l 5 · 0 1

Yeah that would be a great idea, but think of how many companies would end up in the tubes then. Think of how many companies are pretty much run by illegals. I hate them too, and I wish it were that easy, but it's not. There are other steps that need to be taken before that one.

2006-09-07 11:25:17 · answer #7 · answered by Myndi 2 · 0 0

they see it .......they just don't want to deal with the employers.the court costs.and the BS...i think this government sees dollar signs and problems with it's own system.....the money saved by employing illegals.and the cost to make them legal...is mind boggling.......

.the costs come in insurance that would have to be provided to illegals that employers have to give the employees..... the fact that these people will not work for peanuts forever.the lawsuits .will be forever and a day........defending the illegals is already a problem..when they are legal watch out...salaries and insurance will drop......everyone pays now.......my home state's medical system is broken because of the tens of millions this problem incurrs.......people who have paid into the system are in trouble..........

.when they are legal , they will fight for higher wages or strike, walk off work or whatever to get those wages, bogging down the already f***ed up system its all about money ..

THEM THAT HAVE WANT MORE !!!!............................................................................ AND WILL USE THE SYSTEM THAT WE HAVE FORMED AGAINST US.........

The system we have is failing us ......all of the system has been infected with problems that will remain forever....

2006-09-06 13:56:16 · answer #8 · answered by cesare214 6 · 0 1

Politicans know this, but they refuse to do anything about it. The solution to illegals is to take their jobs away by going after employers. There is no need at this point to round up everyone, they will leave if they cannot support themselves.

2006-09-06 13:49:31 · answer #9 · answered by Chainsaw 6 · 0 1

vote yes on the hr 4437 in November..
this stops all criminal activities at least its supposed too
5 years in prison if you shelter or you give a illegal a job..this includes the churches also..if an illegal gets caught in the USA with out permission then they are deported and never allowed back in or they wont ever qualify for a visa or legal citizenship to the USA...theres more to the hr 4437 then i mentioned..

so yes on the hr 4437 stop the criminals and the illegals they protect....

2006-09-06 14:50:17 · answer #10 · answered by bllnickie 6 · 1 1

Well being an american myself I think that america is going down the $hithole.I personally blaim the president that which I didn't vote for but I also blaim all those rich dumb as$es that can't do $hit for themselves and hire mexicans cuz thier a bunch of tight as$holes.

2006-09-06 13:42:49 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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