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Do you think something is wrong with the american people who accept torture has a normal thing? How comes the US president allows american society to fall into barbarism similar to the one spoused by the nazis during wwII..?

2006-09-06 13:05:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

willian B wrote:ok how come when americans do it... its a bad thing but when other people do it to americans and do it alot worse.

murder cannot be allowed or justified because others committed too committed murder.

2006-09-06 13:31:51 · update #1

gran-mas right wrote:
@ least when we are done with them, they still have their heads attached to their necks!Oh! and they aren't burnt to a crisp with their body parts hanging from a bridge! Oh! They didn't have to jump out of a half mile tall building to die rather then burn to death! Who's barbaric?

no- americans, do something else, they napalm their victims and lite up their cigarettes off dead burning bodies, they dont bomb themselves but they can send sophisticated cruise missiles that are kill more people.. they tell afghan to make the culture of opium because they want 9the US) to rise money to sponsor more terrorism around the world. The US is an agent of death that is aiming at enslaving other nations under its dominations

2006-09-06 13:40:10 · update #2

inzarah, excepted that it is americans who are on arab lands,no occupation no war..

Hitler occupied most of europe, poland , france etc.. the American with their occupation of Iraq
has set a record, america beat the nazis with their illegal occupation..

one more thing- hitler was fighting imaginary terrorists- this same as GWB..

2006-09-06 13:45:12 · update #3

William B- with your line of thinking , it would be normal to coomit genocide because the nazis
did the same to the jews in WWII ?

2006-09-06 13:47:40 · update #4

10 answers

Because a third of the American people blindly follow Bush regardless of what he does, and most of the rest don't care.

We've gone from being a nation of sheep, to a nation of lemmings.

2006-09-06 13:07:58 · answer #1 · answered by coragryph 7 · 1 0

All dictatorships torture people. Ours isn't any different.
The arrogance of power suscribes to the dictum that the ends justify the means. Catholics during the inquisition , Roman Emperors, Pol Pot, the Reniassance Popes, Japan during WW II,
The Americans during the Philippine occupation, Stalin, the Mongols, the French monarchy, all feudal states during the Mideaval ages, China during the Cultural Revolution, the Ottoman Empire
We're no different.

2006-09-06 21:05:16 · answer #2 · answered by planksheer 7 · 0 0

We have been using long before the current war we used it all the way back to the the wars we had with the native Americans,. It is a sick practice that has should not be accepted by any civilized nation or society. The allowance of this by Mr Bush shows to just how low of a level this country has sunken to

2006-09-06 20:26:17 · answer #3 · answered by bisquedog 6 · 0 0

ok how come when americans do it... its a bad thing but when other people do it to americans and do it alot worse. its no big deal... wtf is wrong with u people... even if we just do psychological torture u guys get pissed off at us.. we have people getting their heads slowly cut off by dull knifes or other forms of torture... and ur calling us the freakin nazi's?

yea but ur acting like its just americans torturing people in the world. the american people dont accept torture as a normal thing but we cant hold back forever... my criminal justice teacher talks about after a court case where there was a older man who molested a 5 year old child he said that sometimes he wishes that he would lash out so he'd have a reason to use force on his ***. the americans are not creating genicide. and i dont really support what the US president does 95% of the time

2006-09-06 20:14:55 · answer #4 · answered by Dont get Infected 7 · 1 0

Well I think it's inhumane but it is pretty "normal" historically. The Vikings, Romans, Aztecs, Japanese, Chinese etc etc all engaged in torture. It's been practiced by almost every society.
Not that that makes it right.
I would hardly call what we are doing in any way like the Nazis though. We are talking vastly different degrees and types etc so its really not fair to compare it.
In fact what you are describing is the treatment of most regular prisoners and criminals in most countries and would not even qualify as torture.
Its not like we are beating them to death, making them convert or die, or making them do taped messages on tv even. They are the ones engaging in the inhumane practices, not us.

2006-09-06 20:16:51 · answer #5 · answered by inzaratha 6 · 0 0

@ least when we are done with them, they still have their heads attached to their necks!Oh! and they aren't burnt to a crisp with their body parts hanging from a bridge! Oh! They didn't have to jump out of a half mile tall building to die rather then burn to death! Who's barbaric?

2006-09-06 20:15:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Every person that I know that has been in Iraq says that we are doing the right thing.

I listen to them not the tv, not people who don't know what they are talking about.

2006-09-06 21:20:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What's the matter looser, do you expect sympathy for your beloved terrorist pigs ? You wont get it from those of us that know who and what you are !! Your hell is just begining ! Scurry back under your rock, we wouldn't want you to miss it !!!

2006-09-06 21:08:11 · answer #8 · answered by bd5star 2 · 1 0

I could personally care less if we use torture. if it helps us win, keeps our people alive, destroys the enemies will to resist and helps to insure thier ultimate defeat? im all for it.

2006-09-06 22:14:33 · answer #9 · answered by Kevin P 3 · 0 0

i don't think anyone accepts torture as normality, that's a gross misrepresentation

2006-09-06 20:17:46 · answer #10 · answered by   6 · 0 0

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