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Please tell me the proof.

2006-09-06 12:41:24 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I guess I forgot to clarify, I am a Christion, have been all my life, there is no doubt in my mind that there is a god. I justed wanted to know if there is any poof that backs up Christianity.

2006-09-06 12:58:19 · update #1

49 answers

It's not about Christianity. It's all about God. Focus on him and not on religion and man.

2006-09-06 12:44:25 · answer #1 · answered by Pashur 7 · 1 2

Read "The Messianic Legacy" and find out. YOU will understand how many past and present religious leaders lie by omission and mislead and misquote and neglect to say things that are of historical value for the sake of their personal agenda, to separate you from your hard earned money! Do you know the truth about how the first Bible came about? Do you ever wonder why some "books" were left out and others accepted? Have you ever wondered if the translations missed something or were in erred? Do you wonder if what you have been taught all your life, what you've studied and were told to be the truth was indeed the truth? I suggest that you get this book and do some serious reading. Why are there only four Gospels in the Bible, and not the Gospel according to Mary Magdalene, or the Gospel According to Judas or the Gospel According to James the brother of JC?

Here's a question for you. JC went to Jerusalem and he asked for a donkey to fulfill the prophecy. He KNEW the prophecy that said he was the annointed one ("Messiah" which had a different meaning 2,000 years ago) said that he'd be martyred. He was crucified, not stoned to death by the Jews; crucifiction was the punishment for political dissidents, and he was said to have been (on Mary's side) of the house of David and Solomon (former Kings). Why is Judas considered a traitor when JC ordered him to tell the authorities where he was? JC KNEW of the "betrayal" so it was NOT a betrayal but a person who HELPED the prophecy come true... why is Judas, then, a scourge now even in our everyday vocabulary?

I suggest that you read and find out for yourself, rather than ask questions and get nothing but opinions; read for yourself and do not let others put ideas in your head. Learn to think for yourself.

2006-09-06 13:17:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This question keeps being asked.

Jesus came back from the dead and showed himself to over 500 witnesses (according to Paul) to prove that he was alive again.

Note most of these people, including all but two of the original twelve disciples, were willing to be tortured to death rater that retract their story that they saw Jesus return from the dead. It seems that a liar would have retracted his story to save his own skin. After all, what good does fame or fortune do to a dead man?

If someone does not believe the eye witnesses, then the circumstantial evidence of archeology, ancient manuscripts, and the empty tomb probably won't mean much to him either.

Nor would the evidence of people who claim that Jesus has changed their lives.

...Frank Morrison, a British lawyer of the 1930s, undertook an expedition to collect circumstantial evidence to disprove the resurrection. Such evidence, of course, is admissible in all courts of law in civilised countries to prove or disprove events of which there are no living eyewitnesses. When he analysed the evidence, he reached a stunning conclusion: The resurrection had actually taken place! Morrison presented his case in his book, "Who Moved the Stone?"

Another factor worth considering is the character of the disciples. They were eleven cowardly men who shut themselves in a room after the crucifixion because they were afraid. Yet what galvanized them into action so that within their own lifetime, much of the thenknown world could hear the message of Christ? Some of them paid for this message with their lives. Would they have done so if the resurrection were a hoax? If the resurrection were not true, then Christianity would be the biggest fraud perpetuated on the human race!

Fifth, we cannot ignore the mark that Jesus has left upon history. Kenneth Scott Latourette, the great historian, writes: "As the centuries pass, the evidence is accumulating that, measured by his effect on history, Jesus is the most influential life ever lived on this planet. That influence appears to be mounting" ("American Historical Review", January 1949). Even historian William Lecky, a skeptic, writes, "It may be truly said that simple record of three short years of active life has done more to regenerate and soften mankind than all the disquisitions of philosophers and all the exhortations of moralists. This has indeed been the wellspring of whatever is best and purest in the Christian life. Amid all the sins and failings, amid all the priestcraft and persecution and fanaticism that have defaced the Church, it has preserved in the character and example of its founder an enduring principle of regeneration" ("History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne", New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1903).

2006-09-06 12:59:16 · answer #3 · answered by Randy G 7 · 0 1

Ok I would go down the list but I dont have time. The fact is that I know 100% in my heart that God is real. I know its hard to believe and you will probably mock me for it, but the fact is that its true. That is something evolutionists can NEVER say. You cant understand me because you havent experienced the truth. Its so sad how you are so clueless, until it happens to you. Until then you will think that I am lieing. Thats ok though, I know the truth.
Also I wouldnt spend too much time in evolution. More and more scientists are now admitting that it is wrong. It has been proven wrong (many, many times) but takes a while to process. Its like how the public school system taught that the world was flat, or taught the geocentric theory... and guess what, Those were Wrong!

2006-09-06 12:49:35 · answer #4 · answered by A* 4 · 0 1

I am not a Christian for this very reason: there is NO proof of Christianity's validity. In fact there isn't even any proof that Jesus was a real person.

Remember, God exists independently of all religions.

2006-09-06 13:08:24 · answer #5 · answered by Huddy 6 · 0 0

i'm sorry...yet it is neither logical nor scientific. you're making huge assumptions with out making use of any info to back up those assumptions. human beings are actually not appropriate; the universe isn't appropriate. You act as though what you assert is real, besides the fact that it is no longer. as an occasion, i've got faith in the great bang. If it got here approximately, and if there have been no God, meaning there became right into a extensive explosion - end maximum suitable there....there became into no explosion. It became right into a selection from a quantum singularity. and all of the priority that released out of the explosion basically got here approximately to land in the suitable places - What are you conversing approximately? What do you propose "land in the suitable places"? Mercury, as an occasion, is so on the fringe of the solar that no longer something ought to available strengthen there - how is that appropriate? strengthen perfect gravitational fields wherein no planets might collide - planets and stars do collide with one yet another now and returned - and the earth, and doubtless another planets, landed in the actual distance from their suns and stronger the precisely maximum suitable atmospheres so as that they might help clever life - it is any incorrect way around. life stronger on earth to greater healthful the circumstances of the earth; the earth wasn't created for us. additionally, each planet and moon in the image voltaic gadget serves to guard the single planet that happens to have clever life on it from great meteors and different issues that ought to wreck the earth. - it is properly stunning - No planets in the image voltaic gadget "preserve" us from meteors - this is our environment that protects us from maximum meteors. in case you think of that this might turn an atheist right into a theist, then you certainly are being delusional.

2016-10-14 09:48:51 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Yes, there is proof, let me explain.

The way current historians determine what is and what was authentic in history is to look at the eyewitness accounts given by individuals of the particular time periods.

In Jesus case, eyewitnesses saw and wrote concerning Jesus' life, teachings, miracles, death and resurrection. With no writings refuting it. Therefore, historians take it as being an authentic event in history.

Another example of what I mean is this; We weren't there when George Washington was President of the United States. So how do we know that it was true? We know because of the eyewitnesses of the time saw and wrote these things and no one refuted it. therefore, it was documented that George Washington WAS the first U.S. President.

The same goes for Jesus Christ.

2006-09-06 12:47:43 · answer #7 · answered by stpolycarp77 6 · 0 1

The Temptation Seal', depicting the fall of man, has been found; proof of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Gen. 18-19, which Albright and Kyle found in 1925. Joseph's palace in On, Gen. 41:45, Sir Flinders Petrie discovered the ruins of this palace in 1912. Moses and Pharoah, Ex. 2:1-12. There is some difference of opinion as to which Pharoah it was with whom Moses dealt; but whichever it was his mummified body has been found, so that one may now look on the actual face of the one that Moses defied. Ahab's House of Ivory, I Kings 22:39. A Harvard University Expedition found the ruins of this Ivory Palace in Samaria. David's wall, mentioned in I Chronicles 11:8, which he built from Milo round about, has been uncovered. The gravestone of Uzziah, king of Judah, mentioned in II Chr. 26:23, has been found, by Dr. Sukenik, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Halley's Bible Handbook).
In I Chronicles 11:8 it is said that David "Built the city round about.", 400 feet of the remains of this wall have been uncovered. In places the old Jebusite foundations are still visible under David's masonry.

In many of the towns named in connection with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, such as Shechem, Bethel, Ai, Jerusalem, Gerar, Dotham; Albright and Garstang have found in the bottom levels of their ruins shreds of evidence that the towns were actually existing about 1000 B.C. In II Samuel 5:8 it speaks of the watercourse by which David's men gained entrance into Jerusalem. This watercourse was discovered in 1866 by Warren of the Palestine Exploration Fund.

2006-09-06 13:16:14 · answer #8 · answered by pooh bear 4 · 0 0

Yes. The first part is the external -- that is NOT in the Bible -- proof that there was a man named Jesus, who lived in Israel, about 2,000 years ago. Note -- this is not whether he was God, was a prophet, etc. Just that a man with that name, was born and died.

Before we move on, is this an issue, or would you agree that there was a such a man?

2006-09-06 12:55:56 · answer #9 · answered by mikemckewl 2 · 0 1

no, there isn't. the only real evidence they offer is a book that was written about events between 30 and several hundred years before each part was written. there are a lot of claims and rules in there, but if you look at them, a lot of them don't make sense at all. the bottom line is there is no way to tell, and that is what religion is, having faith in something without being able to prove it

2006-09-06 12:46:14 · answer #10 · answered by C_Millionaire 5 · 0 0

no proof exists, this is a real religion that exists and in this sense it is real, but as far as the validity and who created or changed what for what purpose and who copied or plagiarized what story from whom are more difficult questions as time goes on and cultures become obsolete or assimilated into other ones religion evolves to accomodate the needs of the government,priests and the people , for example easter and christmas were pagan holidays but the church was having a most difficult time keeping cooperation with christian conversion cause people did not want to part with their holidays so these holidays got a modified and a new history was added into the religion or scripture so now christmas and easter are christian they fit in with the jesus story nicely ,so the needs of the church and the people were met.
truth is subjective, your truth is not the same as my truth and our truth does not invalidate the truths of others a devout muslim lives their life worshipping and following rituals of Allah, so Allah is real, and true in their life and in their community, but not in my life or my community

2006-09-06 12:51:56 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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