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Aren't religious schools of all sects just indoctrination tools? I mean you can go to a Christian university and become indoctrinated, but Educated? Really?

Isn't Christianity anti-intellectual at it's very core? Remember, original sin was eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge.

2006-09-06 12:21:59 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers


So so right. they don't want you thinking at all, cause free thought will make you stop believing and then stop donating.

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2006-09-06 12:24:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

So sorry, you are the one who has been indoctrinated by public education.

Study your history; Christianity is the only reason mankind decided the laws of the Universe can be discovered. Christianity is responsible for the first Universities, medicine, astology, biology and so forth.

Darwin's theory of evolution is dead; all mainstream scientists know it; religious and nonreligious. Public education is 20 years behind and usually stays behind.

I bet you think people in Columbus day thought the world is flat? Do they still teach that?
Wrong; Eratosthenes accurately calculated the diameter of the earth back in 200 BC. That's 2200 years ago. No educated person in human history believed the world is flat.

The list goes on. Public education is the indoctrination; your are taught to be good Americans; good consumers. You are "educated" so that you will get a job and learn to buy burgers, cable TV, and a car.

Do you know more than 50% of Americans never read another book after high school? How many books have you read about the topic of your question?

By the way, the tree was the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. You left out the last part.

You at least show you are thinking. If you want to really know the truth; you may. Good luck in your search.

2006-09-06 12:35:15 · answer #2 · answered by plane williams 3 · 1 0

lol, oh my goodness you call Christians clueless?! I go to a Christian school so I would be a good person to ask. Well our education is harder. We have a lot of public school kids who come thinking its the same and fail out before the second semester. Not only do we have an extra subject (Bible) but all the subjects are harder. Every senior talks how easy college is after our school. Second a sect? In science we learn all theories. We learn the creationists and evolutionists view. Unlike believed theory, the school is not there to brainwash us. They want us to believe in God because we really believe. We compare and contrast different ideas and views, then hold debates. This is more than any public school can claim since the public school system is biased to the evolutionary view point. Being a Christian I have to think more. Since it isn’t the automatically accepted belief, I have been force to think way beyond. You call Christians biased and stupid while I think the same to you. Evolution? Are you serious? I have studied evolution, not just in school but on my own and it is SO stupid. Everything came from nothing, that makes sense. Its nothing but an excuse made up by some guy someday. Your the one that just believes what you are told. They say evolution is right, and you say ok. They say jump, you jump. That’s pathetic. So when you come up with a real argument, then post that question. Otherwise you are just going to embarrass yourself again with stupid biased comments that you have been told yet do not have any support. Oh and get a clue.

2006-09-06 12:27:10 · answer #3 · answered by A* 4 · 1 2

Do you also think that Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, and Charles Darwin were indoctrinated illiterates? They were educated at Christian Universities, and professed a deep faith.

Judaism, of which Christianity and Islam are sects, REQUIRES scientific endeavors. Read the Book of Proverbs if you dare.

The translation reads, "..the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil..."

Not that this will sway you, of course, but others might pause and consider it

2006-09-06 12:40:17 · answer #4 · answered by Helmut 7 · 0 0

What a funny question, I'm still laughing.

I'll disagree with you tho, but use save your great line for later.

Christian Colleges -- I have to say those kids study hard. They get all the basic stuff AND they have their religious studies as well.

History it skewed anyways so I'd not fault the skewed version being taught in the college. If they have to learn Hebrew or Aramaic or Latin, that's a whole lotta learning. If they have to learn advanced research methods, again, it's quite a challenge.

While one may argue the basic belief system, I have a feeling that those Christians in those religious colleges are indeed getting quite a good Education.


2006-09-06 12:35:08 · answer #5 · answered by wrathofkublakhan 6 · 1 0

Christian home schools and Christian private schools have much better results in education than public schools does.

As for as indoctrination, religious colleges only teach religion in thier religion classes, not in the other classes and they offer a much higher grade of education many times.

And you have people who are Jewish, Muslim and more that send thier children to various other religious schools becuase they value the importance of a non public education that really brain washes the children into all sort of wrong ideas and re-written history

2006-09-06 12:32:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

And the original western universities were all founded by the Catholic Church.

Anyone who thinks Christianity is fundamentally anti-intellectual is in serious need of a history lesson. Go tell your theory to any professor of medieval studies. Most of them are atheists and don't have a vested interest either way. They'd still laugh you out the door.

2006-09-06 13:23:23 · answer #7 · answered by Sass B 4 · 0 0

There are some great colleges out there, that are run or affiliated with churches. They won't let you take "industrial basket weaving" , like state run liberal schools, that rewrite history to their liking. Without Christianity you would not even have colleges. Most though don't really care what religion you are and you don't need to take their religious courses. Check out Campbell University in North Carolina. As Christianity being anti-intellectually it is not, but they tend to be Conservative, not a mad hatter liberal like you. Don't like to work, go to a state university. There are a lot of great jobs for people with PH D's in modern European history like teaching it to others.

2006-09-06 12:40:42 · answer #8 · answered by Taiping 7 · 0 0

Talk about the "pot calling the kettle black". Actually, we'll leave the "oxy" off just for you. Where did you obtain your supposed erudition?

The late Theodore Roosevelt said, "A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education".

Speaking about the Bible, Leo Tolstoy once penned, "I was dazzled by the revelation of truth and obtained complete answers to my questions: What is the meaning of my life? And the meaning of other people's lives".

The first U.S. president, George Washington said, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible."

Physics' former hero Isaac Newton wrote, "No sciences are better attested than the Bible".

Lastly, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "I feel that a comprehensive study of the Bible is a liberal education for anyone. Nearly all of the great men of our country have been well versed in the teachings of the Bible."

Want more, Mr. Mensa?

2006-09-06 12:47:41 · answer #9 · answered by LL 4 · 0 0

Absolutely not. I went to one. Learned a lot. Physics. Math. Psychology. Chemistry. Biology. English. German. State universities are pretty dogmatic in their own way. Went to one of those, too. And most Christians aren't fundamentalist, by the way. The nutters don't represent the mainstream, they just get all the attention because they're so - - well, nuts.

2006-09-06 12:29:09 · answer #10 · answered by Blues Player 2 · 0 0

You don't even have that right you uneducated contradiction. It was eating the fruit from the tree knowledge OF good and evil. If you didn't know what evil was you were always doing the right thing. But then because the fruit was eaten Adam and Eve became aware of sin, evil, wrong doing. And since then it's been down hill. It's called free will but I would gladly give it up, just to have it perfect again in the begining. No sorrows.

2006-09-06 12:26:52 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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