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23 answers

Because he is our creator, God deserves our worship.(Revelation 4:11) Worship demonstrates our love and appreciation for what he has done for us.

2006-09-06 12:20:03 · answer #1 · answered by izofblue37 5 · 1 2

Pretend you are a parent. You gave birth, you provided all needs and gave love without question. Don't you deserve to have a child that appreciates you? What would you think if that child cursed you, told everyone you weren't real, never thanked you for anything and took everything for granted all the while doing things that were wrong and causing them pain, and then turning around and blaming you for it? Our worshiping God is giving thanks to Him and acknowledgment of His wonderful attributes which enrich our lives. When we worship God, we are changed, our worries wash away, we put ourselves in the position of receiving from God. This is good for us and this is the reason we are told to worship Him. Its for our good, not because God has an ego.

2006-09-06 14:40:18 · answer #2 · answered by kitty K 2 · 0 0

Here's what many don't know. God is just we call the diety or creator. He true identity is Love, have ever heard the saying "God is Love"? Well it's not just a saying it is his true identity. His definition of love or himself is this: Love believes all things, hopes al things, it is not puffed up (highminded) it does not varnish itself (prideful or arragant), It thinks no ill concerning his neighbor (does not think or seek to do harm or think wrong about or evil), It considers others before it considers it's own self (love thinks about you and what you want be before it considers it's own wants or desires). In short; Everything we put our trust, time , praise and worship in on this earth has a will fail us. So think of it this way, Love wants us to put our focus on it because it knows it can't fail and it will guide us to get what we want and desire the right way without binding ourselves to more trouble. We praise money,cars,people,jobs,homesand so forth and they all can be taken away, stolen, lost.We also identify ourselves by these things and don't realize that they don't make us, we make them.
But He (God) made us and know all about us our hurts, pains, disappointments, illnesses, and struggles. Here's what He (God)is saying: When something breaks down or is in need of repair or just simple understanding, it must be taken back to the source.
You don't take your car to the plumber of course you know that.
Last and not near least remember the lines of communication is thru faith which is simple belief and trust in the unseen. We have a built-in communicator and that is what God wants us to use to contact and walk with him with.

There is much much more to be explained, i've tried to give you the short version. God Bless!

2006-09-06 12:47:00 · answer #3 · answered by Digital X 1 · 0 0

It seems that this god creature is so vain and vindictive that if you do not stroke it's ego by worshiping it in a highly proscribed manner, it sends you to an eternity of suffering in the fires of Hell. This sounds like a highly disturbed creature that is hardly worthy of respect, let alone worship.

2006-09-06 16:32:59 · answer #4 · answered by iknowtruthismine 7 · 0 0

God as you call him has a name and that name is Jesus Christ. Jesus never forced anyone to worship him, ever. All those who deny the Christ are known as Anti-Christ, and all Anti-Christ shall have burn while the ages roll . If Jesus isn't real and Hell isn't real, why be concerned in the least about asking foolish questions about Jesus? This old vile ( the world ) that hides the unseen world which will be removed at the end. And the person who denies the Christ, shall come face to face with unspeakable horrors, and you can't die your already dead, it will never end.

2006-09-06 12:38:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its not that this invisible imaginary being wants us to worship it, but it demands it.
If we do not we are supposedly faced with eternal tortured, but remember this is the same god that loves everyone.
Don't worry about the spooky god talk. It is not real.

2006-09-06 12:19:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

1) Because it changes us, situations and events

2) Because worshipping God makes His presence strong around us and within us. He may even appear to you. Miracles can happen.

3) Worshipping God can have a similar effect to prayer but at times can be even more powerful than prayer.

2006-09-06 12:21:17 · answer #7 · answered by LL 4 · 0 2

Watch what you say, God knows your heart, and your thoughts and your mind, God created us, and loves us dearly as our father, as any father loves a child, but so much more, God is protective of us from all the evil and thier is alot that God protects us from right now, thats why God sent Jesus Christ so that we have a second chance to come and accept Jesus as our saviour for giving his life on the cross for our sins and be raised, just as we will be when Jesus Christ returns, the ones that know Jesus Christ in this life will be awoken, the ones that did not, Jesus will reply, I never knew you. That is our decision, That is our choice, we better make the right one, and encourage others to listen to the truth.

2006-09-06 12:22:40 · answer #8 · answered by bryton1001 4 · 0 2

bush_kills_4,YOU are literally a spark (seed) of GOD,in your heart you know you have a oneness with GOD. what people call faith is really your inner longing to return to GOD. GOD is many things ,like,unconditional LOVE,THUS,we worship or LOVE GOD. IF you have a century or two I will continue??? LOVE whistle britches

2006-09-06 12:29:46 · answer #9 · answered by Weldon 5 · 0 1

because He created us to love, obey and worship Him.

we all believe what we want but God's truth doesn't change. our purpose is to stay connected to God. humans, fame and money will never fill the space that only He can.

that's why we always look for that something that feels empty in us...it is a space no one and nothing can fill.


2006-09-06 12:25:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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