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why do catholics praise mary? it says you shall not come unto the father but by me. mary sinnned. mary had other children. i don't believe she is the mother of God. how can she be she didn't appear on earth when jesus needed to be born. she was born on earth and born into sin like all of us.

2006-09-06 12:00:48 · 18 answers · asked by thee wojc 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

Why do Catholics praise Mary?

Because that is what the angel Gabriel did - "Hail favored one . . ." Also Mary herself prophesies that "all generations shall call me blessed." She's the mother of our Lord and our mother too as Jesus tells us from the cross "Son behold your mother." Why wouldn't we praise her? Don't we hold our own mothers in high esteem? Why should the mother of our Lord not be held in high esteem? Don't you think Jesus loves and respects his mother (as the commandment says)?

Of course no one comes to the Father except by Jesus. And the Father sent us Jesus through Mary. Mary said yes to God's will and conceived our Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit. I think she deserves some praise for that, don't ya think? If she had said no, who knows, maybe God would not have sent His son into the world - unless you like to think of God as a rapist.

While Jesus is the sole mediator, there is no rule about how we are to approach Jesus. Why can't we approach Jesus through his own mother? That's how He came to us, after all.

Catholics don't think that Mary is a goddess or that she saves us. Jesus is our savior. Mary prays for us and intercedes for us. Asking someone else to pray for you does not mean you think Jesus isn't the only way to God. Surely you have asked other people to pray for you or for some intention. Does this mean that you think those other people are your way to God? Of course not. The same goes with Mary.

As for her sinning and other children, let's seem some proof of that. I would particularly like to see some proof that the bretheren of the Lord referred to in the gospels are also said to be the children of Mary. They could have been the children of Joseph from a previous marriage - it's actually likely since they rebuked Jesus as only an older sibling could have in that culture.

As for the sin part, I can already guess you'll quote the scripture where Mary says "I rejoice in God my savior." God is indeed Mary's savior. Catholics say Mary is sinless because of what God did for her. If Mary was immaculately conceived, then this was because she had a savior. God simply chose to save Mary from sin at her conception because of His special plan for Mary. God's allowed to do that, you know.

What's most troubling is that you don't believe Mary is the mother of God. Mary is the mother of Jesus. Do you not believe Jesus is God? If Jesus=God, then Mary, as the mother of Jesus, is also the mother of God. That's just basic common sense. Mary isn't the mother of the trinity, but she is the mother of Jesus, who is fully God and fully human. To refuse to call Mary the mother of God is really more a slight against Jesus than it is against her.

Mary didn't need to appear on earth suddenly in order to be Jesus' mother. She was His mother just as any normal woman would be a mother. That's the mystery of the Incarnation - how can God be a tiny baby, born of a woman, a human just like us in all ways but sin?

2006-09-06 13:51:24 · answer #1 · answered by Sass B 4 · 1 0

The reason Catholics praise mary is because in the religon, people believe that mary was the mother fo God, that jesus was virgin born, and that mary never sinned. Now i don't think mary had any other kids but even if she did, and for your info having sex after you're married (which she was, joseph remember) isn't a sin

2006-09-06 12:07:27 · answer #2 · answered by Super Swimmer Chick 2 · 0 0

I don't know why the Catholics praise her, but I do believe she is the mother of Jesus. In the Bible she is a virgen when the Gabriel appears to her, telling her that she will give birth to a baby and she was to call Him Jesus. Yes, she was a sinner, but if you remember David was too and he was found favorable in God's eyes. This is the same with Mary. Look at Matthew in the Bible and you will see what I am talking about. God Bless!

2006-09-06 12:07:58 · answer #3 · answered by Loved By Someone Above 4 · 0 0

why do catholics praise mary?

Because Mary was absolutely essential to God's plan of salvation for mankind.

it says you shall not come unto the father but by me.

But Jesus came into the world through Mary, first.

mary sinnned.

Mary was exempt from original sin to prepare her to be the sinless vessel ... the Ark of the new covenant ... for Jesus, the sinless man. Mary never sinned by her own will.

mary had other children.

So you say ... but you don't have all the facts. Mary never had any other children. You were taught to think that by those who simply don't know any better. False teachers!

i don't believe she is the mother of God.

The Bible calls her the mother of the Lord. What do you think that means?

Who was it that emerged from her womb?

Was it only part of Jesus, or was it all of him?

Was it only his humanity that was born into this world, his divinity, or both?

The baby that emerged from Mary's womb was truly God ... so Mary is truly the mother of God ... and truly man ... so Mary is also the mother of Jesus' perfect humanity.

how can she be she didn't appear on earth when jesus needed to be born. she was born on earth and born into sin like all of us.

God is God. He is master of time and space. What's so difficult about arranging the Blessed Virgin's conception so that original sin was not imputed to her, in order to provide a holy dwelling place for Jesus, who is God, and who has no tolerance for sin?

Who taught you all this nonsense, anyway?

You have been deceived by false teachers, and equally false traditions of men.

2006-09-06 21:02:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Jesus mother Mary was a very religious person that followed the laws of the Old Testament. She was born sin free and she was a virgin when she gave birth to our Lord. As far as the catholics go I feel they are on the wrong track, you should not worship anyone but God and does not matter how many statues that they have in church, that is all wrong.

2006-09-06 14:21:06 · answer #5 · answered by morris 5 · 0 1

Yet, Elizabeth proclaimed at her sighting carrying the Messiah in her womb, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb"!

Why did Jesus submit to his mother, when it was not his time...and change the water into wine at the feast of Cana?

Whose human blood runs in the veins of our Savior? Their very blood that mixed with the Divine Father to create Jesus Christ!
Special?! You bet. The first proclaimed Christian to believe that the child within her was the new Messiah? You bet.

It was through this simple peasant girl, her "yes", that our salvation progressed!
Human totally. An example for all people? Yes!

What is amazing is that Martin Luther agreed with the Catholic Church about Mary, being the Mother of God!

John Calvin said, "It cannot be denied that God in choosing and destining Mary to be the Mother of his Son, granted her the highest honor"!

Ulrich Zwingli said, "I firmly believe that Mary, according to the words of the gospel as a pure Virgin brought forth for us the Son of God an in Childbirth and after childbirth forever remained a pure, intact Virgin"!

For 2000 years Mary has deserved the praise for the proclamation of her Son Jesus Christ as Lord.

You should honor Jesus Christ mother as well.

Think 4th Commandment and follow Jesus Christ's example.

2006-09-06 22:39:59 · answer #6 · answered by Lives7 6 · 0 0

It's OK you are right, there is no reason to pray Mary, she is not god or even close...she was a human like everybody else...But she was admirable...she was an unbelievable women, she had to be, because God choose her among thousands of thousands of women to be the mother of jesus here in earth. That's it. Is a good example, but no more than that.

2006-09-06 12:05:08 · answer #7 · answered by fireangel 4 · 2 0

yes Rcc praise Mary - they don't pray to Her. Mary is a catalist that has one goal and has always had one goal - to help people know and love Her Son. I'm sorry you don't believe in Jesus. We believe God created Mary without sin - otherwise how could She carry His Son? God choose to invite Mary into His Divine plan of alvation by making Her the Mother of His Son. HE could have just popped Jesus down to earth when it was time, but He chose to invite the whole himan population into His plan.
This is why I praise Mary - She asnwered God without any thought ot her own self. She raised Jesus, the Son of God, God made Man. She is an example to all people to give one's life fully to God, no matter what the question/request.

(Flower you don't have any contact info. if you'd like to know the origin of the pray you mentioned, please let me know : )

2006-09-06 12:12:23 · answer #8 · answered by Marysia 7 · 1 0

The first thing that someone should be considering is whether the idea of sin is actually real.

If God is supposed to be perfect how could She have made anything or anyone that wasn't perfect.
Think about it. The idea of sin assumes certain things about God that seem highly unlikely.

First it assumes a God who is too incompetent to organize a simple educational field excursion and figure out a way to get all of the students home safely.

How likely is this that God would not be smart enough to come up with a plan for our salvation that is going to work?

It also assumes that God must have created us imperfect if we are sinners.

One might assume that God would be able to create someone perfect each and every time if he chose to. Assuming God is capable of this, then it follows logically that we must be perfect creations if we are actually creations of this perfect God.

Unless of course you are saying that God chose to create us imperfect.

If God created us imperfect then anything that may go wrong is Gods fault, not ours. This seems a bit illogical at best so I think that we need to assume that What God creates would have to be perfect.

If this is the case and Gods creations are perfect, then nothing that we can do could change what God created perfect and make it imperfect unless we think that we are more powerful than God is.

How likely is it that we the creation could be more powerful than the creator. I personally find this idea somewhat amusing, and a bit absurd.

Religion tells us that God is perfect. If this is true then it could hardly be logically for Gods creations to be considered to be anything less than perfect.

If this is the case then Nothing that we can ever do could possibly change this perfection that God willed, unless we were so powerful that our choices could override and change the will of God.

How likely is that????

Think about it.

The idea of sin is simple nonsense; a lie made up about God by religion.

Love and blessings

Source --- Course in miracles

2006-09-06 12:02:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I have wondered myself y catholics pray to Mary good question, sorry i don't know though. She is the mother of Jesus Christ though.

2006-09-06 12:04:26 · answer #10 · answered by cslynn1980 3 · 0 0

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