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19 answers

It seems that this god creature is so vain and vindictive that if you do not stroke it's ego by worshiping it in a highly proscribed manner, it sends you to an eternity of suffering in the fires of Hell. This sounds like a highly disturbed creature that is hardly worthy of respect, let alone worship.

2006-09-06 16:36:30 · answer #1 · answered by iknowtruthismine 7 · 0 0

I don't know why some people think tendering worship is a human need and believe this as a reasonable answer. The God of the so called heavenly books is a very demanding middle-aged male who wants obedience and conformity from his subjects. Man created God in his image and if you look very carefully at God you Will see how few middle aged men, probably high on hashish, wrote those lousy stories about Adam, Eve, and a snake. If you visit the Middle east notice the very clear skies, especially at night, and the abundance of drugs. That explains why all those religion are so geographically restricted to this area of the world.

2006-09-06 19:07:31 · answer #2 · answered by Pyramider 3 · 1 1

Worship in the church today is not what the Bible calls worship. Today we live in the age when the church has fallen away from God called in the Bible the Apostacy, or in another place the "luke warm" church. Worship is done because people want to do it, because it makes them feel good. So it is not really worship at all, but is only what they would like to do any way.
In the Bible worship had to do with one thing, sacrifice. The worth of God to you was determined by what you were willing to sacrifice for your God. The first mention of worship in the Bible was Abraham when he was traveling to Mt Moriah to sacrifice his son at God's request. He said, "I and the lad will go yonder and we will worship and will return to you." Abraham was not going up on that mountain to strum a guitar and sing chorses, he was going up there to slay his son. God told him, Because you did not withold your son now I know that there is nothing that you will not withold from me. That is the purpose of worship to see how much God is worth to you and ow much you will with hold from God.

2006-09-06 19:09:40 · answer #3 · answered by oldguy63 7 · 1 1

Because he created us. We are constantly referred to in the Bible as God's children. God thinks of us as his children. Knowing this, ask yourself how you would want your children to behave concerning you. I think that most of the answers here are evidence enough that most people don't get what worship really is. God wants us to love him and appreciate him and have respect. Isn't that how you would want your children to behave concerning you? God doesn't require our worship but that is what God desires. Just like you don't require the love and apreciation of your children. But it is something that makes you happy. So to break it down into simpler terms, It makes God happy when we worship him and it makes him unhappy when we act like most of the people who answered this question. You all need to show a little more love. Just because you don't understand some things doesn't mean that you can automatically assume the worse and start showing signs of hate. That is what you are you doing. Not understanding and being sarcastic. BTW sarcasm is not a form of humor. It is a form of wit. Wit is a form of aggression.

Your low rating of my answer means nothing to me except I know you aren't asking the question because you want answers. You are asking it because you hate Christians.

2006-09-06 19:20:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I wonder where it says in the bible he requires worship...I know praying and thanking him is what I do...I show love to him and admiration and is that what you mean by worship?

2006-09-06 19:05:38 · answer #5 · answered by tweetz 3 · 1 1

He doesn't, the bible wasn't created by God at all. It was created by his 'disciples' or whatever Christians call them now. So basically a bunch of religious geeks got together, had a cup of tea, and made a bunch of nonsense and put it in a book. Ever since then the book has been full of worship and love. *Rolls eyes*

Please note: I'm not against Christianity completely, just find them to be hypocritical.

2006-09-06 19:00:25 · answer #6 · answered by winds_of_justice 4 · 1 3

I have long said that IF we are indeed made in "His" (maybe "Her"?) image, why would an all-powerful and all-knowing god want me to lower myself to begging and praising him (don't you really think He's heard it all before?) if it is not going to make him better, grander or wiser or more powerful? Why would he want to see His/Her image in a genuflecting and supplicating position...? Why not a proud individual capable of helping our own fellow human beings, striving for a better life, overcoming obstacles and finding technological, scientific and medical cures, improvements, etc., etc? If this is a "human" need to some, why do they always try to impose it on others? Can it be, perhaps, that it is nothing more than good business to have followers to fill the coffers (for those select few "leaders" and their families) to live off the others, and to command and subjugate and have under their command... to weld power... ?

2006-09-06 19:08:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

If u built your own home and did everything from pounding the nails to laying the carpet wouldnt u be insulted if we all came along and siad .Hey Look what these boards did and wow how great these nails must be ,No . u would want to be praised for all you have done ,So worship the LORD for he is GOOD

2006-09-06 19:05:37 · answer #8 · answered by Terry S 5 · 1 1

Silly little idea isn't it.

Worship is something that the insecure crave.

What exactly is it that God would have to be insecure about?

Love and blessings

2006-09-06 19:01:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

God created all, everyone, everybody, did anyone else do that, how can people worship anyone or anything else but thier creator, and say thier life is worth living, Jesus Christ is the only way.

2006-09-06 19:00:30 · answer #10 · answered by bryton1001 4 · 1 2

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