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1. they work really really cheap, so we get products really really cheap! But wait, in return for that, we pay for their illegal children to go to our public schools and our hospitals with our tax dollars. We pay for the thousands of criminals to live in our jails.

2. So if the middle class is paying the tax bill for this cheap labor, who is making the profit from it? The rich employers ?

All of those cheap products aren't so cheap all of a sudden.

I see the value in Cultural diversity, but my great grandparents came here LEGALLY. Fence jumpers make a MOCKERY of the entire US History of immagration!!!!

What is the solution? Amnesty only tells them to ingnore our laws long enough and they'll get citizenship....

2006-09-06 11:45:14 · 18 answers · asked by GobleyGook 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

18 answers

No we are not benefitting from them because we are paying a WHOLE BUNCH of tax dollars for each one. Medicare, Medicaid, TANIF, Food Stamps go to them. Everytime and illegal alien has a baby in the US and goes to the hospital, the bill goes to the taxpayers.

I pay $3500 in property tax each year. I work in a high school. The school pays abour $10,000 for each student. If there are 10 students from illegals, then that's $100,000. Our money is being wasted when it could be used to help Americans that are here legally.

2006-09-06 11:51:47 · answer #1 · answered by TiredofIdiots 4 · 2 4

You're correct that only business owners profit from illegals and they cost the average American more in taxes then is gained for supposedly cheaper products (although this has not been proven since cheap imports exists regardless).

The solution is to reform immigration laws to allow the "right" number of immigrants in every year but nobody already here illegally should be eligible.

2006-09-06 19:28:51 · answer #2 · answered by remmo16 4 · 1 0

I sort of agree and disagree with you. we both get something out of illegal immigrants. cheap things, labor, all that, and some of the illegal immigrants get better lives. but also, there are a lot of them that just come and commit crimes, bring the brutal parts of their culture with them. i am all for cultural diversity but there has to be limits. some illegal immigrants bring good things here, lead good lives, and help the economy, are great community leaders, and go on to become assets to the US like being doctors etc. . but it is true that there are some who come and kill, and steal, but not only out right stealing, but from our taxes. the whole picture is not in only black and white, there are many gray areas, so there is no definite answer. some help us and are good, others are not, but that can be said for any and every society/country, that said, we should not just give a straight answer as in: send them all back.

2006-09-06 18:58:14 · answer #3 · answered by andria 2 · 0 0

The problem is that the government doesn't allow nearly enough workers into the US. If they did, the problem would be solved.

Without the workers, the jobs that the illegals have often go unfulfilled. In some instances, that can mean a loss of money: if there are not enough migrant workers to pick all of the fruit, it will rot, and then the farms need government subsidies to stay in business.

Either way, it costs us money.

And if those people COULD come here legally, they would. The problem is they can't. Can you really blame them for wanting a better life?

2006-09-06 18:55:35 · answer #4 · answered by Kate F 3 · 2 1

Dear GobleyGook,
With all respect, I am strongly compelled to mention a sidenote. This is not an issue of illegal "immigrants", but rather an issue of illegal Mexicans. That is what most people mean here even though they may be afraid to say it for fear of being labeled "prejudiced". Do you hear of Russians coming here and throwing used diapers in our clean waters? I don't think so, I have seen nothing but good and respectful attitudes from our Russian immigrants towards others and towards our precious environment. Do you hear of the French coming here and propagating themselves without thought or reason or any responsibility? No, I don't think so. Do you hear of the Portuguese coming here and forming aggressive, dangerous, not to mention annoying gangs that make ghettos of once valuable communities? I do not think so. Everyone can see the point I am making here. And my point is not against a race, my point is strongly against irresponsibility, ignorance, aggression, uncleanliness, and machismo in the matters of society and the matters of the environment. As there are the few who do have common sense and respect for the new country they are occupying, 90% of my and all my friends' experiences with illegal Mexican individuals have not been in their favor. All of you can testify to that, even if it is in the back of your mind.
Oh, and I am not American, but it did take me 2 years to acquire legal permission to leave my country and respectfully settle in America. Note: respectfully and responsibly.

2006-09-06 19:05:59 · answer #5 · answered by abundancesplendormajesty 2 · 2 0

To answer your main question as to if US Citizens are benefiting from the Illegal Immigrants, or is it an illusion, I see it first hand. I live in the New Orleans area-- suffered through hurricane Katrina. We have had a MAJOR influx of illegal immigrants here (two of the four townhouse units in the building I live are being rented by illegal Mexicans).

They do work cheap, which lines the pockets of the employers-- but even then, they get paid great wages for hard labor. They seem to do really good work too, at least when they understand what they are to do.

But there is a downside to it all. A Mexican is a suspect in the murder of a woman in a park a few blocks from where I live-- it was profiled on America's Most Wanted even. The illegal Mexicans in my neighborhood (and there are about 2 to 4 hundred in a few block area of my townhouse) are disrespectful and rude. They park in my parking spot (which is part of my rent) because it is closer to their front door (even after being told numerous times by myself AND the landlord that they have their own spot and must park in it). For several weeks they ran hoses from a neighbors water (without the neighbor knowing it) into their townhouse units, because they do not have the proper documentation to get the utilities turned on in their name. They ran the hoses without asking permission and not caring if someone else was paying for their water usage. They tried that with electrical extension chords alsp. They blare their radios and drink beer sitting on the beds of their pickup trucks in the parking lot till 2 in the morning, even though I have to be up for work at 6am. And the one day, and this is what really angered me, they parked in my spot, so I pulled in behind them, leaving several feet between their van and my car, and they still proceeded to put their van in reverse, and use their van to push my parked car out of the way so they could leave the parking spot. They throw their trash bags in my garbage can (which I pay for), instead of buying their own garbage can and paying for their own garbage removal. I have had to put my garbage can on my patio and have to drag it through my house every week now, to ensure I am not paying for others garbage. They leave their beer bottles laying in the yard-- wherever they want to throw it. They also have been making lewd comments (in Spanish) to the females who live in this building.

When we try to speak to them to let them know that this is not how things work in this country, they just keep repeating (in Spanish) that they speak no English.

I called INS (Immigration) and was told that they are overwhelmed right now in our area, and that there is nothing they can do about it, and they are not even willing to take a report about it. They told me that if there is a problem to call police and see if the police can find something to arrest them for, which will then turn them over to Immigration for deportation.

I have seen the good (they really do work hard, especially in a time and place where workers are desperately needed while we rebuild after the hurricane), but I have also seen the bad, and I am getting fed up with it. They do not realize that in this country, we have certain rules and laws that they MUST adhere to, like every other person in this country.

The point is, this though-- they ARE benefitting us with their hard work. But they are also usetting people with their rudeness and lack of courtesy, so yes, it is an illusion.

So my answer is, it is both a benefit and an illusion.

And I agree-- they came here ILLEGALLY, which is a crime, and they should not be rewarded for breaking a law by getting amnesty. The government is wanting that though, because it will please the masses (the illegals) and those illegals will remember that when they officially become citizens and can vote for a party-- they will vote for whichever party gets them in, which means more votes for either the Republicans or the Democrats.

I say round them up, ship them back, secure the borders, and make them stand in line like the rest of the people who want in this country. They violated our immigration laws just by entering illegally, and should not be rewarded for violating out laws.

2006-09-06 19:12:31 · answer #6 · answered by AnAvidViewer 3 · 3 0

The reason people come here illegally is because it takes to long to become an american and people don't want to stay in mexico for 16 more years and wait for their papers they might die or have a messed up life. That is why people come here it suck over there in mexico just because you were lucky enough to be born here. My aunt came here illegaly but my cousin was born here as an american which made my aunt a resident there is ways to speed things up but they are not fast enough

2006-09-06 18:51:27 · answer #7 · answered by Jesus S 2 · 1 1

It's an illusion for sure and illegal immigration, as most Americans know, are devastating to the middle class, who our useless government cares nothing about.

2006-09-07 02:46:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

They do not work that cheap, that is an illusion for sure. I have seen the pay stubs and they were making as much as I made at a management position.

2006-09-06 18:52:16 · answer #9 · answered by 51ain'tbad 3 · 1 2

their children are no longer "illegal".
Getting the citizenship in America is automatic if a child is born in America. The children will automatically be American citizen regardless what the parents are.
After all, the child is NOT illegal.

2014-03-13 22:18:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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