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Ok i need to have my say.It can be proven that God did not create us that we evolved from primates and we are closely genetically linked with them. As for the chicken and the egg it was obviously the chicken as they evolved from another living organism and then began to lay eggs and this was over millions of years so they did not all of a sudden just appear.

The reason i have such issues with religion is that i find it very conter productive. People are constantly arguing and as there are so many religions how can one religion be right. It is pure fiction like any book i belive it has some good points to make but these are taken to literally and this just causes the world problems. If you look at the majority of the wars the world has had the root from religion.

If scientist can prove there theories then surely someone in some church should at least be able to prove theres. Or god should send another Jesus to help us out bit!!!

So WHY do you have a faith? Why do you need it?

2006-09-06 11:35:34 · 31 answers · asked by daniel j 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

Such an interesting question. I believe in God. I believe that the worlds major religions all worship the same God. Unfortunately, most of their believers do not agree with me. Hence all the war and killing in the name of God. I wish they would just throw away their man written books and think about what they all preach first and foremost, God loves us. I have to believe in evolution because scientific evidence that can be seen and touched cannot be ignored. I cannot say that I need my belief in God, nor can I explain it or prove that He exists. It is just there. It feels good to my soul and my mind. I don't question it, I just feel it. That is enough for me. I also have issues with religion but I have no issues with God.

2006-09-06 11:52:01 · answer #1 · answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 · 0 1

Evolution is a theory. Nothing more. There are many factors that discredit it.

To say "God doesn't exist" is a fallacy. There is no way that you could ever prove that point. Also, the way this entire universe runs is prove that there is a higher being.

Let me ask you this. If you're walking through some forest in the middle of nowhere and you find an intricate, beautifully designed toy car on the ground, what is your first thought? "Where did it come from?" You won't think "Oh, it just evolved from a tree stump".

Now imagine how more complex and amazing the human brain -alone- is than a toy. And what do people say? "Uhh, we evolved from monkeys, that's why."

The odds of there having been life in this universe is 1 in over billions. So how, with odds that slim to the point of nonexistance, are we alive today?

Another thing; if scientists are proving their theories, does that disprove God? No, it doesn't. As I gain more knowledge about science, my belief in God is reinforced continuosly.

Humanity doesn't need another "Jesus". You have all the facts you need to believe in God. It's very simple, really. Atheists have a lot more to lose than people of faith. If you're an atheist who discovers that there is a God upon death, then you're screwed for eternity. If you're religious and you die and your body decomposes into nothingness, then you won't be around to care.

So which is a more welcoming thought; spending eternity in Hell for invoking God's wrath or simply not existing anymore? Exactly.

2006-09-06 11:53:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If we evolved from primates how come we've stopped evolving? What stopped the process?

Researchers and scientists are still learning or trying to find out what the truth is but how much of the truth do we really know?
About how much percent do you think you know?

If say we only know about 5% of the truth, don't you think that maybe God makes up part if not the whole of the rest of the truth?

2006-09-06 12:18:50 · answer #3 · answered by JUSEve 2 · 0 0

I think some people need a faith, some belief in a loving deity and the promise of an afterlife, because they are fearful, really seriously fearful, of the fact that we are all mortal.

At some point, everybody realises that they, individually, are going to die. I am going to die. Hells, everybody who answers here, today, will at some point pop their clogs.

And some people can't imagine life without there being a Choir Invisible for them to join.

Faith is the only thing that stops them going insane. Because if there were no God, and if the moral codes by which civilisation rules itself are based on a fiction, then is there a point to morality, goodness ... even to going on living at all?

Hence, faith - faith that, in the end, goodness and tolerance and the sanctity of Love Thy Neighbour actually count for something, in tthe end.

If only people could realise that it is possible for them to choose morality, and tolerance, and good, whether there is a God or not.

2006-09-06 12:17:53 · answer #4 · answered by fiat_knox 4 · 0 0

I would disagree, the egg came first. The egg was laid by the previous version of a chicken and what was in the egg is what we know as a chicken.
Science doesn't support the existence of aliens or the paranormal, but I belive in aliens, the paranormal and science. Mainly because science say it's not possible for things to happen that happen regularly, example, bees shouldn't be able to fly and twin babies are impossible. But both happen. As stated before the faith is normally more in there is a point to out lives and that something all powerful watching over us. Kinda gives them a aim in life aswell as a parent figure they can look to in times of trouble.

It's is also nice to think that when we die we will be met by all out loved ones and we will be with them for eternity. It is a bit more nicer than thinking when you die your going to be nothing more than worm food and the loved ones who have died are nothing but worm food. In most casses I think it is people trying to feel comfortable, and that life is more than it seems.

Tho I am not religious I do hope there is some truth in what they say and life is more than science says.

2006-09-06 11:45:25 · answer #5 · answered by earthangel_ghost 3 · 1 1

The issues I have are w/ religion, not God. I believe in God, but not in organized religions. How can everyone be fighting thinking that their religion is right and only they will go to heaven? That is messed up. I'm a really scientific person, so when i look at the complexities of cells and molecules, that's when i think there was something else involved in our creation. But as far as all of these seperate religions, they were all established by humans so there is a lot of human error around.

2006-09-06 11:40:57 · answer #6 · answered by Gina C 2 · 1 1

There is a lot of evidence for Christianity, your answer to these 3 questions will help you in your search for the truth. Does truth exist? Is there a God? Are miracles possible? Then after this you can look at the question, is the Bible true? Truth is telling it like it really is. Either God exists or doesn't. Only one of these positions can be right. This leads us to the law of non-contradiction, the law of non-contradiction basically states that it is impossible for opposite ideas to be true at the same time and in the same sense. God can't both exist and not exist in the same time and same sense. You cannot think without the law of non contradiction, you cant avoid using it. If you say you dont believe in it, then you do believe it because you just used it. All truth is absolute, if something is true its true all over the world, there is no such thing as relative truth. If you say that there is no such thing as truth, or no-one has the truth, then you are using a self defeating statement, so if there is no such thing as truth? you apply the claim to itself and you have to ask - is that true? Or is you say you can't know truth? Well how do you know its true that you can't know truth? Or if you say there are no absolutes? are you absolutely sure? Because to say there are no absolutes is an absolute truth claim! Or if you say its true for you and not for me! or Evolution is true for you and christianity is true for me. Again apply the claim to itself, is that true for everybody, that its true for you and not for me, cause thats true for everybody then its not just true for you and not for me!!! If its true for you, its true for everybody. If nobody has the truth then how do you know thats true, in order for you to know nobody has the truth, you would have to know what everyone knows and what they dont know and in order for you to do that you would have to be God!! Which brings us to the second question, does God exist? is it true that God exists? three arguments exist for the existance of God, 1. the cosmological argument, if the unverse had a beginning then it must have had a beginner, 2. the design argument, if there is design in the universe, there must be a designer, and 3. the morality argument, if there is a real right and wrong, there must be a God, because if there is no God, you cant say Mother Theresa was any better than Hitler, because you cant say anything if ultimately wrong or right because its just your opinion against someone elses opinion, but if there is a real right and wrong there must be someone who is that source of rightness and has given it to us!! The universe began and time began, time matter and space are co-relative they have to exist together, which means they had to begin together, this is what Einstein discovered. So if it had a beginning it had to have a beginner!! Someone created something, if there is no God why does anything exist, if natural law came into existence through evolution this suggests that there is something outside natural law, which we would call, supernatural!! God's finger prints are all over the earth. We are in the exact right position for life to exist on this planet, a half degree of difference and we dont exist!! If jupiter didnt have its 63 moons we probably wouldnt exit, the universe is precisely designed. Life is designed beyond any natural law that could exist! There is evidence in all aspects of life that prove there is intelligent design. DNA how much DNA is in a one cell Aoemba, Steven Hawkings said there was the equivalent of a thousand complete sets of Encyclopedia Britannica!!! To believe that came from Natural law is like blowing up a pile of bricks and expecting a house to be the result!! I dont have enough faith to believe we came from a one cell organism!! If there is no source of morality beyond human beings, there is no right and wrong. How do you know Mother Theresa is better than hitler? How do you know its right to help and wrong to kill? The moral law, its inside of us! So evolutionists have a bigger faith than Christians, you just dont call it faith, you try and call it fact!! Work through those questions then you will come to some real conclusions!!

2006-09-06 12:34:31 · answer #7 · answered by millary2g 1 · 0 0

The chicken and the egg is meant metaphorically. We need faith because there simply aren't enough logical or scientific explanations with the knowledge we have. As a species we are curios, and need to know or find some reason for our lives, otherwise our existence can seem pointless. Lets not forget also that the bible and other religious books are full of common sense (i.e. the ten commandments) and rules that have protected man from social chaos. It isn't all hocus pocus and mythology

2006-09-06 11:55:27 · answer #8 · answered by alex p 3 · 0 2

I believe that you should do the right thing regardless of whether or not there is a God. If people want to believe in God then please do so quietly. Your lifestyle is your choice but please have some consideration for others. Gays parade up and down and are in your face with their bragging and so are the religious. I am not interested in their lifestyles. They have the freedom to pursue them but only if they do not interfere with others enjoyment. Harping on about how perversion is great or hell fire awaits is annoying, provocative and not acceptable. If they want to be unpopular and turn people against then they can abuse the freedoms they have and shouldn't be surprised when they loose them.

Chanting that it can't be proved that God does not exist is pointless. It is well established that it is virtually impossible to prove a negative. If you assert something it is disingenuous to require the other party to prove you wrong. If you say something exists then you should have the honesty and courage of your convictions and prove the existence. I cannot prove that there are no elves and pixies or fairies and ogres but I very much doubt that they exist. Like Tinkerbell in Peter Pan most Christians seem to accept that Tinkerbell was correct when she said that fairies exist providing enough people believe in them. Substituting the word God Mutatis Mutandis the argument is clear.

2006-09-06 11:43:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I believe science and religion can be reconciled, for example maybe God started the evolutionary process and is therefore accountable for Creation. I know that religion can cause wars but it also attributes some of the greater things that exist today, charity for example. as with all things you can never have a simple black and white conclusion, and this is where faith comes into things.

2006-09-06 15:28:17 · answer #10 · answered by haunted_angel85 2 · 0 0

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