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i have a 3 month yr old girl who is good as gold at night she goes down at 10 and wakes again at 8, so really i cant ask for more but in the day time shes constantly crying, not real crying but just winging everytime i put her down or leave the room, i hate leaving her when shes like that but i cant hold her all day... shes getting heavy now!

2006-09-06 11:09:36 · 28 answers · asked by Young mom 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

28 answers

Shes jsut a momma's girl. Thats how my son was. He wanted to cuddle with me allt he time. Its wonderful but its true we can't holf them all the time. Have you tryed a sling or a baby carrier, that way you can go about your daily routine while still holding her. if you do let her cry start it off with short increments, like a few mintues then 5 min then 10 she will get the hint. Also get her a swing and a bouncer so she has somethign to look at or if you need to clean up a bit or get dinner ready you can put the bouncer in fron of the tv and pop in a baby einstein movie 15 min of tv wont kill her.

2006-09-06 11:13:06 · answer #1 · answered by Lyoness 3 · 1 1

She needs to sleep more. Seriously. A baby her age should be sleeping about 16 hours in a 24 hour period. It sounds like she's a good night time sleeper, yay! But she may need more naps during the day. I have a day care in my home and deal with tired kids on a daily basis. Babies should not spend more than 2 hours awake at a time. In fact, most infants I've watched can't even make it an hour and half before needing to go back down for a nap. And by nap I mean an hour and half to 2 hours solid sleep. If she's waking at 8 am, she needs another nap around 10, earlier if I had to guess. Let's say she sleeps until around 12, back down for another nap at 2pm, the very latest. Then she's up again around 4. At this point I would encourage you to also move her bedtime up a couple of hours like around 8pm, 7 would be better. That way you could stretch the 2 hour rule to 3 hours and get her down for the night instead of trying to squeeze another nap in early in the evening. Eventually you would really want the naps to be around 9am and 1pm, but she's a little young for a strict sleep schedule. Basically I would watch the clock when she wakes up and really try to get her back down within 2 hours. I think you will be amazed at what a difference it will make in her attitude. If she is well rested the whining will stop.

2006-09-06 14:47:42 · answer #2 · answered by disneychick 5 · 0 0

Be thankful she sleeps at night. I'll take a crying child during the day, over being up all night. A swing works good, so does a sling carrier. Maybe you should just stop and rock her. Before you know it, she'll be to big to hold. The house, the dishes, the yard, they'll all wait. If your a working mom outside the home it could be harder. But if your home, your lucky. Enjoy it. This phase will pass in month or so when she can interact better with toys and other things that will keep her amused.

2006-09-06 11:23:22 · answer #3 · answered by spyder 1 · 1 0

Look what i watched on the tv once a program called "Super Nanny" its very good how to riase ur child and if he cries a lot and that stuff and i watched once an epsode abt a family whose their child cries a lot look what do they do.They put them in bed or u can leave her anywhere because u siad that in the day she cry so u can leave her or u can stau beside her and u can go away from her slowly and when she sees u gone she will cry and then ull do the same think keep repeating until she stops because she will get used and this works at night this is really good i watched them cries a lott and in the end they stops but i think u should wait a little bit because she is still a baby but u can try ull not loose oki so gd luck.

2006-09-06 11:17:31 · answer #4 · answered by Sweet gurl 2 · 1 0

Babies cry to communicate. A 3 month old isn't manipulative like some people might want to tell you. She crys because she needs something. And at this age being held and touched is a true NEED. She also has no sense of the permenence of objects yet, so if she can't see/hear/smell/touch/taste you then she isn't sure if you are still there or if you'll come back.

Get a sling. Wear her and you can be more mobile but keep her with you. You can do almost anything with a baby in a sling!

Talk to her if you leave her in one room to go to another so she can hear your voice.

Play peek-a-boo with her and this will help her begin to work out the idea that even if she can't see you, you are still there and will come back.

2006-09-06 11:17:26 · answer #5 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 2 1

Make sure that she isn't overstimulated by noise in the home. Things like the TV or stereo being on too loud or the lights being too bright might be disturbing her. Also, a swing or bouncer do work great to pacify a baby for short periods of time so that you can get some things done too. Just know that it is ok to let her cry for a few minutes....you know the differences in her cries by now. So if she has all of her needs met for the moment then it's ok to try to let her sooth herself.

2006-09-06 11:20:44 · answer #6 · answered by vickyc76 2 · 1 0

No, you certainly can't hold her all the time.
Try this....it will take some patience.
Put her in a swing or play pen and sit near where she can see you. Sing to her, read to her, but do not pick her up for 10 minutes no matter how she fusses.
Later in the day do this for 15 minutes.
Keep stretching out the time...
Then lay her down and move around the room for awhile dusting or folding laundry, saying every-so-often, "You are ok, honey".
After doing this for several days, lay her down and step out of the room for 10 minutes.
Later, step out for 15 minutes.
The idea is to get her used to your being there but not constantly hovering.

2006-09-06 11:18:49 · answer #7 · answered by Puzzler 3 · 1 1

I dont think leaving her cry for a while is a bad thing. Im sure she's fine, mayeb she just wants a little more mommy time. I hate to leave my lil girl crying too, but mines almost 10 months old. I put my lil girl in her swing and that seems to calm her down, especially if she can see me. I think the baby gets scared when you walk away. I think if she can see you, she might not cry as much. But it is ok to let her cry. Its good for her.

2006-09-07 07:06:37 · answer #8 · answered by saraidan 3 · 0 1

There was a time with my last pregnancy that I was unable to hold my 2 year old. I would tell her that I would hold her hand instead. It took some getting used to, but she took to it. She is a momma's girl. Include her in your chores, don't just leave her crying. My 3 year old loves putting clothes in the dryer and getting them out, telling me how much salt to use in the kitchen. You can find something to ease her seperation pain. It will just take time.

2006-09-06 11:40:06 · answer #9 · answered by toricp3 2 · 0 0

I think it's old school to leave the baby crying. I think our parents tell us to do that because that's what they did, the logic was it teaches the baby to ignore their hunger pains or whatever and be patient. I think the new thinking is that this causes the baby to cry more because they don't trust that you will come and they think they have to cry more to be heard since they don't have any other tools to get your attention. I think it creates more behavior problems because of isolation and lack of trust. I have two and I held them all they wanted or I stuck them in one of those slings and if I had to put them down, I got one of those bouncy seats and the swing and the johnny jump up (email me if you want to know what that is).. my kids are 6 and 7 now and they aren't spoiled or mal-adjusted.

2006-09-06 11:18:49 · answer #10 · answered by rom0801 2 · 1 0

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