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God may have created us, but he never helps us. Our selfish prayers do not work, and the church only feeds itself. All that love for God…you could be giving it to the world.

2006-09-06 11:06:28 · 16 answers · asked by Xo 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

And what has the world done for me lately?

2006-09-06 12:01:56 · answer #1 · answered by Boo 2 · 0 0

No love that we can have for our fellow man can never be the same as the love we are suppose to have for our "God". God is our spiritual father, not here on earth in human flesh and form. Our inner guidance of right from wrong, is what we percieve from him. Cant say that he doesnt help us, for he helps those who only helps themselves, thus being in this lifes journey we have sat before us many challenges and obstacles in front of us. Each one of these many different things are for us to learn and grow from. These take us along our way into a higher understanding etc. Its a matter of how we choose to learn, accept, and grow with them that gives us our understanding. It isnt God's place to make us pray. We pray in order to ask for guidance and forgiveness etc....And if you are aware of what the bible states, God does NOT dwell in houses built by man, therefore he isnt in the church physically . Only in spirit , which lies within our selves...and on the lighter note, our town is mainly composed of 2 things one being banks, and the second being churches which boils down to people living off of other peoples money....Place your faith in God and and by all means love your fellow man especially the ones you think need it cause more than likely they do....and always remeber charity begins at home, and if youre actually praying in the right sense your prayers arent selfish if your only praying for forgiveness, guidance,understanding, and for everyone else...

2006-09-06 12:19:24 · answer #2 · answered by Beamer )O( 2 · 0 0

I don't know what you're talking about. Are you saying that people that love God are simply wasting their energy??? Don't you think that people who are helping the world through religious organizations are helping for the love of God? Besides, no matter how much we love God, God will always love us 70 times more than our own mothers, who's love can never be replaced by anything else.

2006-09-06 11:14:34 · answer #3 · answered by ~*Prodigious*~ 3 · 1 0

the element is, if he existed, he does not be all loving. How would desire to you ever deliver somebody you have chose to hell? If he loves all human beings then it might in basic terms make experience that he might supply them a slap on the wrist, no longer eternity in damnation. there is so plenty extra interior the bible approximately rapidly couples being actually stupid and sinful than there is detrimental issues approximately homosexuality. My grandma who's hardcore Christian continuously says to no longer hate the sinner, yet particularly blame the sin itself. If Christians believe homosexuality is a sin, then they'd desire to blame it for present, or devil or maybe though, no longer the guy who's gay. there is particularly no longer something incorrect with it, because of the fact homosexuality happens whilst the guy continues to be interior the womb, and is hence no longer a sin because of the fact sin happens from the 2d of delivery, no longer actually creation.

2016-12-12 03:47:42 · answer #4 · answered by tollefson 4 · 0 0

god is the world, the world is god, god is existence, existence is god, god is love, love is god, existence is love, love is existence

take the world away, take existence away, and what have you got left? existence is god's love, existence is god's self

what a miracle is existence! what a wonder unparalleled! 1000 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion atoms, all drunk on love, all whirling madly with energy, with life

electrons whizzing around billions of times a second - is that energy or what? - and they keep it up forever - they have infinite energy! - each one of them! - what a place reality is! what a madhouse!

why is there something rather than nothing? why isnt there nothing? why is there existence?

who can say? but we can all say, and it is one thing we can say with perfect confidence and certainty: there is something!

and what is that something? is it a meaningless blob of nothing in particular? no, it is this world, with millions of different shapes and forms and colours and happenings and scenes and dramas and stories! and movement, and change! energy on the move! energy visible! energy energising, everywhere - making things, breaking things - come and go - this and that - grass blades having a party on the lawn with the air and the soil

how would it be if there was nothing but some brown flat land and a brown motionless sky and just people standing around who didnt need to eat? - nothing else - just brown flat land, no dust to kick up, like lino, brown changeless sky, and people with nothing to do, no desires to chase, no buses to catch

well, it aint like that, it is better than that, and you like it better than that - and you can disbelieve in god all you like - belief in god is often the wrong idea of god, anyway - you may be disbelieving in a wrong idea of god, in which case you are quite right not to believe in that idea of god - the idea of god is not necessary for true religion - all you need is a belief in the existence of the world: mystery, miracle, queer, strange, upsetting, intristin

there are two schools of thought, one wrong, one right: there are those who think of god as separate from everything, and those who think of god as everything: god = existence = life = everything = mystery [why's it here? how'd it get here?]

the word god means absolutely nothing - god just means the answer to every question you havent got an answer to -

what made the world? god made the world

what is god? god is 'what?'

what made the world? = god made the world

subtract 'made the world' from both sides, and you are left with: what? = god, god = what?

god is just a question in the form of an answer

[some people are uncomfortable with unanswerable questions - i dont mind them]

an atom - all the scientists in the world, with 100 years, and all the funding in the world, could not make one - so an atom takes some skill to make - more skill than humans have - and yet there it is, an atom - definitely exists - and there isnt a god working away in his workshop, turning out atoms - and yet there they are

why are they there? dont know, probably never will know ['god knows why they are there']

and im happy about it - ill be sad if it all disappears - ill be heartbroken, ill go insane [assuming i can survive] - ill be crying out: please come back!

touch a brick, touch a benchtop - miracle, love, existence, a given - millions of givens

if you were living in nothing with your parents, had been for years, and your parents gave you a universe for christmas, i can say with absolute certainty that you would be saying a very big wow! - you would think your parents were just the greatest [whenever you could take your mind off the universe for a second] - gee, thanks, dad, thanks, mom/mum

dont thank god - god doesnt exist - thank your lucky stars [they dont exist either, but they come in handy - and they are exactly the same as god - they are the nonexistent explanation for the given of the world]

do you want it to disappear? no? that is gratitude - you are grateful, you dont have to try to be, you are, because you'd hate it if it disappeared

the explanation for existence - not only do we not have it - we can never have it - why? - because any explanation of something has to be outside that something youre explaining - you cant explain a horse by something inside the horse - and there is nothing outside existence - by definition - so no explanation - all we will ever know is that the universe definitely turned up, somewhere along the line, because here it is

it isnt perfect, it has faults, it is not above criticism, but, gee, am i glad it's here

your body: somehow, those zillions of atoms are each and all organised, organising, doing a million jobs, coordinating their behaviour with each other to make and sustain a body - zipping around, doing 500 chemical operations simultaneously in the liver - all the things, zillions of things, that have to be done, be bones, turn out sperm - they dont go flying off to the other end of the universe for a holiday, they work 24/7 together making a body

it is such a big wow that it is really really hard to grasp it - it is a much bigger wow than our hearts can do - never mind

and there is not the least shadow of doubt it is real! - and you dont need to be religious [fake] to believe it

first thing you do in the morning, you check to see whether reality is where you want it

like the most efficient butler: i laid out your best universe today sir, it being such a good day for a life, and i have laid out a city/country for you as requested - it is just outside the window

2006-09-06 15:02:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God is always there you must stop and listen don't be foolish God loves us and helps us all the time why do you think you are alive man did not make man God did

2006-09-06 11:23:43 · answer #6 · answered by albert l 1 · 1 0

This is absolutely a disgrace. You know what stop blaming God for things you cant have or get to happen> God doesn't do anything wrong to people. They do it to themselves. I'm appalled at this crap. I really am and am sick and frigging tired of people insulting God and people like me who do truly believe in him. He has helped me through more than you will ever imagine and then some. So please stop this. Its a real insult. Ya know those of us who believe do just that. We don't try to reform those like you. You really need to find out what bothers you and what's missing in your life and stop blaming God. Blame people who murder, rape and abuse and blame people who steal, sell drugs and molest children, blame people who torment animals and start wars and terrorize countries, so stop putting th blame on God. My belief and being a good person with his will of making me go after what I wanted in life got me a beautiful big house, a man that treats me with the respect I deserve, and the chance to go to medical school. I went after it. Because I prayed for the strength to get it. I didn't wait for God to hand it to me on a silver platter. Shame . Just a shame.

2006-09-06 11:28:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

This is simple love god and your Friends yes and god dose help use in many ways you just don't know

2006-09-06 11:15:11 · answer #8 · answered by TINK 1 · 1 0

Speak for yourself, God helps me all the time.

2006-09-06 11:11:40 · answer #9 · answered by ask the eightball 4 · 2 0

Why don't you just let other people believe what they want to believe. You do your thing, let people who actually love God do theirs and quit worrying about it.

2006-09-06 11:12:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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