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I'm sure that if you've been in the Religion & Sprirtuality section for more than five minutes here on Yahoo! Answers, you've noticed that we have a large group of non-Believers, atheists, agnostics, etc.

I'm a Christian Seventh-Day Adventist. I want to know:
1. What's keeping you from becoming a non-Believer?
2. Are you happy with the religion you're in?
3. How is your faith?
4. How did you become a [Christian, Jew, Muslim, etc.] in the first place?
5. In general, why do you believe?

Anyone who answers each question in detail, and in the same format I asked them in [1., 2., 3., etc.], gets "Best Answer."

2006-09-06 10:15:20 · 18 answers · asked by Loving Life 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

1) My faith in my religion. As far as I have learned, it is the right faith. To me all religions have good and bad in them, and thus I look at them all, and attempt in my best ability to chose what is right, and disregard what is not, for me, and all those who are are around me, before me, and after me. Whatever we do, effect other people's life, even after we are gone. We all are believer, only we believe in different things, even those whom they consider themselves un-believer, believe in something different.
2)Yes, I am very happy with my religion. I learn about it, and if there is something I think is not right, then it is up to me to make things right, and not repeat the mistakes others have committed.
3)My Faith as strong as a human being can be, I wouldn't call my self a saint, but neither would I consider myself to be a heathen, or one with completely sinful.
4)I was born a Christian, I have always learned that those who believe in Christ are Christians, some would label my faith as Greek orthodox, some Catholic, personally, I would rather refer to it as Christian, and my faith was strength with my with everything I learned, my sister convert to Islam, and that was her choice. My family believes we should be what we want, and be in the religion that we believe in. For me Christianity is for me.
5)Why do I believe! It is not one reason but so many. Jesus Christ for starter. Who he was, his teaching, and what he did for us. His life and how he lived it. He was the only person who never sinned, even muslims know that as well. My faith teaches me to Love one another, and try to never do harm to anyone else. To treat others as I wish to be treated.

2006-09-06 10:34:07 · answer #1 · answered by Sierra Leone 6 · 4 0

I'm as I like to say Culturally Jewish. I believe there may be higher powers, but there is no reason to worship them, or believe that they should be given any respect for their form. Should we respect a prostitute for being the sentient being? Actions speak louder than words or burning bushes.

1. I am a non-believer because I have seen no evidence of God, I don't see why an all powerful being would need to be worshiped if it were indeed all powerful. Furthermore, this world sure is pretty messed up, even between Jews and Muslims and Christians, who all believe in THE SAME GOD and basically the same moral principles. Yeah so why are we fighting all the time. That said, I do believe that the principle between the general moral guidelines of these religions is sound except for the whole worship part. Things change as time changes, and now we can eat pigs without risk of disease, driving a car on the Sabbath isn't really work, and Marriage no longer defines commitment and intimacy. However at a base level, these core of these beliefs is still true.
2. I love the cultural, historical, communal, spirit, and intention of Judaism.
3. I don't have any... I believe in the ways of Judaism as a philosophy. Do not do unto others as you would not have done unto yourself...
4. I was Born Jewish and became an atheist of my own accord evaluating the data and what I felt was true.
5. I don't believe, but I continue in some aspects of the Jewish tradition because I believe the culture has many positive aspects, such as the value of education, knowledge, and deep thought, as well as useful skills and pragmatism. Being a Jew is a gives you a feeling of connection to other Jews, even if you don't believe. It's a kind of community.

I hope this gives you my prospective. I hope your okay with a Cultural Jews opinion. Good Topic. L8e|2

2006-09-07 18:24:10 · answer #2 · answered by shindaiwa21 4 · 0 0

1) Because I have strong faith in the living God and His Son Jesus. I have seen too many blessings and miracles in my own life...to ever let the enemy win.

2) I'm a Christian; I love Jesus! ...And being a Christian is not a religion it's a relationship and lifestyle.

3) My faith is strong. I don't allow the enemy to lie and get away with it. ((John 10:10)) I just keep that scripture in mind when he starts lying.

4) I was born into a Christian family. I was brought up from birth in the Church. However, it wasn't until many years later that I learned to have a personal relationship with Jesus.

5) Hope you've got a minute...

As I said, I was brought up in a Christian family. In my teens I walked away from the Church...and was very rebellious. I walked in the secular world for 20+ years. ((I call those the dark years)). I thought I was happy...but my life began to fall apart.

Sadly enough when things would go wrong is when I would usually pray. See, when I walked away from the Church...I didn't lose my faith. I just wanted to go out and have some fun (so I thought).

After many years of living in the dark and my mother never giving up on me (prayer)...I was invited to Church one day.

It wasn't like I remembered. So, I went back, again...and again.

Probably by the third Sunday, God / Jesus was convicting me on my life and lifestyle.

We would begin our praise and worship portion of the service...and I would weep. I knew what my life was missing...it was Jesus in my life full time...not just when I was sinking or drowning...

I rededicated my life to Jesus...and I've never looked back. My life has never been better or more productive. I'm happier and have found a peace in my life I can explain...His name is Jesus Christ and He loved me when I was still a sinner. Now, I am a new creature (creation) in Christ.

Jesus is still performing miracles in my life. I am set apart by God.

I guess that explains why the windshield is bigger than the rearview...((it's hard to go forward when you are always looking back)).

God / Jesus ROCKS!!!

2006-09-06 18:13:12 · answer #3 · answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6 · 0 0

1. I have so much belief to be persuaded to become a non-believer.

2. Sorry I am not particularly involved with any religion. Yes I am happy knowing the living God, Jesus Christ and His Resurrection.

3. Never been better. Only that sometimes due to my ignorance, in some areas of my life especially when i need it most and I can't find it - only when the troubles subside did I realize it was with me all along. How did I know it? I SURVIVED.

4. Since I am not committed in any religion I'd just say as a free thinker I enjoy the freedom to choose which is being taught by several religions adopt it where it sees fit with my belief. I become who I am because mainly I believe more in spirituality than religion.

5. I believe because no matter how big we have leaped intellectually, how science can strip off some phenomena used to be confined under miracle, how bible are being interpreted several ways, how the world gets smaller, how sometimes we blew our top, how we can be mean sometimes - I believe because the spirit that dwells in us is full of LOVE.

2006-09-06 17:49:02 · answer #4 · answered by Frontal Lobe 4 · 1 1

1. well im not a non believer because i believe
2. yes
3. i dont know, whats a lot to me might not be a lot. but i dont think faith is all it takes.
4. i was born a catholic, and after researhing different religions and other branches of christianity i decided to remain a catholic and become confirmed earlier this year.
5. i dont know why, i just feel that this cant be a product of random chance(im not reffering to evolution), that everything just became poofed into existence, and everything is meaningless no matter what.

also, the fact that every culture in the known history of civilization had some kind of 'God', something that ruled over the other gods and was well, godly. (native americans=great spirit, greeks= chaos, the void from which everything was created, christians=God the father)

lastly, if i were to think this was some 'fairly tale to scare us into behaving' like many athesits will say, then why do adults still believe? my mom told me those kind of stories when i was little, and even then i could tell it was BS, just to warn me from doing stupid things.

2006-09-06 17:27:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1. What's keeping you from becoming a non-Believer?

God has gotten me through alot. I can't turn away from something I know to be true by my own experiance.

2. Are you happy with the religion you're in?

I don't follow religion but I follow Christ and yes I am happy with beliveing in what I believe.

3.How is your faith?

Im double minded alot of the times but I keep my faith because as I already said God has proven himself to me and even though i have my doubts from time to time I still reason from what He has done for me in the past. etc

4. How did you become a [Christian, Jew, Muslim, etc.] in the first place?

My brother in law use to tell me about christian beliefs and he never forced it on me along with my sister but it was at a harvest crusade is where I got saved.

5. In general, why do you believe?

I've done my own research into my beliefs its not man made unlike others religions but it was founded upon by Christ. He is the foundation of my faith the reason I believe and I don't believe him to be a liar but what he says he is the " Son of God."

2006-09-06 17:50:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1. I continue to believe in God because I don't want to live in this world without the forgiveness of my sins.
2. Yes I am happy with my religious choice.
3. I am a Christian who believes in the the trinity- the father, son, & holy ghost-.
4. I first became a Christian because of my parents faith. I continued in the faith because of what I believe to be true..the Bible.
5. I believe because of the Bible and its words. Although some translations may be different it's truth is always the same.

2006-09-06 17:32:29 · answer #7 · answered by PENGUIN 1 · 1 0

1. I suppose that I remain a believer in part because in addition to believing God exists, I believe God matters in my life and in the world today.

2. Yes, I am.

3. How? I consider it good. I question what I believe from time to time, but have not yet swayed from my belief in God. I appreciate the role of non-believers in challenging the faithful or believers, as it helps clarify what I do believe.

4. Born to Christian parents.

5. See number 1 above.

2006-09-06 17:21:19 · answer #8 · answered by kingstubborn 6 · 1 0

1. I believe w/all of my heart in the inerrant Word of God (aka the Holy Bible). There r many passages in the Bible that provide good answers to your ??'s. My fave is John 3:16. Get a free, legitimate copy of the Holy Bible at http://www.e-sword,net.
2. Religion is a title, I am, rather, a follower & student of the teachings of Jesus the Christ.
3. My faith is strong--faith comes by hearing/reading the Word of God.
4. I became a Christian by accepting that Jesus came to this earth to voluntarily lay down His life for my sins, then He rose again & will soon return to take us home to be w/Him for eternity.
5. I know in my heart & I've seen w/my eyes the works that God has done in my life & those around me!
Check out http://www.gotquestions.org & http://www.billygraham.org. There r many denominations on this earth, but there won't be any in heaven (I'm in a class u would call non-denominational) I believe in the whole Bible from cover to cover, nothing deleted, nothing added.
God Bless you

2006-09-06 17:33:57 · answer #9 · answered by Sheryl R 4 · 1 0

1.Alhamdullellah,(Thanks Godness), I'm a believer.
2.YES, Alhamdullellah(Thanks Godness).
3.I'm a muslim believes in One God who sent us several prophets to teach us and show us the right path that will end in JANNA (paradise).The last prophet sent to us was Muhammad PBUH who was sent with our last holy book ;the holy Quraan which includes everything in our life , past life and facts about the future. The holy Quraan is suitable any time and every where .I 'm really proud that my God Chose me to be a muslim and I hope I 'll remain till the last day and moment of my short life.
4.I 'm a muslim because my Dad and mom r but I do believe this is the right and last religion and the only accepted one and our book is kept by Allah (God ) non changed till the end of this life.
5.I believe because we need God to help us , to support us and to guide us . We believe as we need to saturate our spirit .Our spirit is like our body,needs to be nurished. when we pray ,not only we get what we need from the only one who can help(Allah ) but we also feel satisfied just when we worship God. We feel happy and in peace when we pray and worship.

2006-09-06 17:42:25 · answer #10 · answered by TheTruth 2 · 0 0

1.Fear of punishment from there all loving god.
2. Why would anybody be happy worshipping another being.
3. My faith is strong in my believes.
4. Most are raised that way brain washed when they are young.
5. I believe the way I do because of the examples the universe gives me.

2006-09-06 17:21:38 · answer #11 · answered by region50 6 · 0 1

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