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i recently asked a question about if george bush should be impeached or not many of you said yes and many of you said no because he hasent broken any laws, or done anything and you are wrong he has broken laws i dont know if taping phone calls is illeagle or not but im pretty shure it is and he has broken many other laws too those of you who said "oh im sorry mabey you like cliton or nixon or cheney" i just havent gotten to them yet!

2006-09-06 09:58:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

15 answers

I'm against everything that Bush stands for and does.

And YES he should be IMPEACHED!!!

- He believes in manipulating the public with propaganda in order to control the masses. Hitler believed the same yet he claims to be a Christian. The Christian faith believes in honesty and truth. How is manipulating the masses with false propaganda either of those.
- He is a false Christian. He was hired by his father in 1988 to learn how to 'sound' Christian in order to win the evangelical vote. And I have yet to find any record of him every being baptized.
- He knowingly lied to the American ppl and to Congress in the state of the union speech about Iraq's WMDs. (grounds for impeachment)
- He has destroyed my country's high level of respect all around the world. Now ppl actually hate us instead of admire us.
-His cowboy diplomacy has created more terrorists in this world than could have ever been imagined.
-He has gone around congress by using executive orders to combine religion with the state. These executive orders evolve around his Faith-Based Initiatives that MY tax dollars are paying for. To this day, no non-christian organizations have received any of those funds. (grounds for impeachment)
- He has ignored my country's laws and disobeyed the constitution repeatedly. (grounds for impeachment)
- He has used rendition to have prisoners tortured which is a war crime and violation of the Geneva convention. He is a war criminal. (grounds for impeachment)
- He is flat out an immoral man with an evil spirit. He believes in lies, deceit and power.... anything for political gain and to keep republicans in power.
- I truly believe that he is Cheney and Rumsfeld's pawn and Rove has no moral fiber whatsoever in his soul.
- Any party that 'admittingly' uses HATE to win elections... I can't describe the emotion I get about this... I think maybe nausea.
- Here recently, after the Supreme Court slapped him on the wrist about some things, he has decided to try to rewrite legislation rather than conform to our constitution. The same constitution he gave an oath to honor, protect and obey.
- He turned me into a murderer by using my tax dollars to kill 100,000s of innocent Iraqis. (grounds for impeachment)
- He is PRO-ILLEGAL immigration.
- he is all about helping the rich get richer. IE, his party sabotages the minimum wage increase by addnig in estate tax cuts for ONLY the rich.

How ppl believe this man is a Christian is beyond me.

2006-09-10 09:40:42 · answer #1 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 2 2

Right now a federal judge ruled that the warrant less wire taping in the US is unconstitutional and stopped the program but Bush is appealing it to the supreme court. This issue has nothing to do with "i am doing nothing wrong" it has to do with giving one person or group in government absolute power and the American people don`t have a way to monitor government. We should not be changing for terrorist that is what they want us to do change out ways Bush said.

2006-09-06 17:08:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Mosquitojammer wrote:

"What a surprise another left wing, liberal maniac
Seems if you have a better plan why don't you shut your pie hole and do something."

***Ok, let's do something. Let's talk about the right wing sanity.

1) You allow the judiciary to install a billionaire's coked-out drunkard of a son, who had a "vision" at age 40 that "god wanted him to be President," into the Presidency, something which is without precedent in 200+ years, who leads us into a war with a nation that had absolutely nothing to do with harming the United States in any way, shape or form. You then cheer when the Vice President rakes in millions of dollars in residual earnings from a company he used to run which was awarded, bid free and illegally, a multi-billion dollar contract to rebuild the very country the VEEP destroyed...all financed courtesy of the American Taxpayer in the form of future-interest lending from the Chinese and Japanese...

2) You believe that life begins at conception and ends at birth.

3) Your churches are bastions for pedophiles and assorted others miscreants and malcontents.

4) You'd rather have a vegetable who will do nothing for the rest of her life "live," and murder a death-row convict like Stanley Williams who helped an entire generation of young people not follow the footsteps he did. Oh, that's right...you like prisons filled so you can have inmates work for your corporations for slave wages, and it offers great benefits to your crony compatriots at Halliburtion.

5) You suck money out of old folks social security checks, who are guillable enough to send there starvation money to the likes of Jimmy Swaggart, who uses the proceeds to **** whores on his leopard skin covered seats in a $90,000 Jaguar.

6) Your spokespeople include liars (Laura Schlesinger ain't really a Doctor!) drug-addicts (Rush Limbaugh) gambling addicts (William Bennett) thieves (Right Wing Evangelists) murderers (this entire Presidential Administration) all of whose acts are a very affront to the "God" you proclaim to "endorse."

Gotta love your sanity, dude...

The only good news is you are on your way OUT...

2006-09-10 12:24:46 · answer #3 · answered by TurboLover 2 · 0 0


I, for one, do not like George Bush nor his approach to certain policies, HOWEVER, I'm not sure that the things he's done/accused of are impeachable offenses under the Law.

As far as the taping of phone calls are concerned, I've "read" that there is a legal process by which they may be done, but again, if he has violated the process, I don't know if its impeachable or not. And then again, is it something we want to get into not knowing fully the law???

2006-09-06 17:08:22 · answer #4 · answered by simmonsbey 2 · 0 2

This is the issue, that at this point accoring to the attorney general ( person who would prosecture federal law violations) does not view it as a break in the law, that during war time and because of the allowance of Presidental power, he is allowed to do that.

We are still invovled in an entire court reactions to see if they feel it is or is not legal. We are only at one liberal Federal judge to rule it is illegal but it is beleived it will never hold up at the Full Federal Court level and esp not at the Supreme court if it gets that far.

But no he has not broken any laws.

2006-09-06 20:10:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

George W. Bush is a moran. He should be impeached and executed for high treason of the United States of America.

Hes too stupid to think, he paid his way through elementry, middle, high school. and college, if not he would be stuck in the first grade!

He was never elected either time. He LOST the popular vote TWICE!

2006-09-09 18:13:12 · answer #6 · answered by Jeremy© ® ™ 5 · 0 0

He should be impeached...that's all there is to it really, I have a hard time believing that many people actually watched the debates before the election and based their votes on what he did and said...or uh didn't say I suppose, not to mention the freedom he has already taken away from the American people with the Patriot Act..it is a ******* joke!

2006-09-06 17:03:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Impeachable offense!!! Maybe this wire tapping court case may give up an impeachable offense. Don't hold your breath, presidents have a built in protection, IT'S CALLED POLITICS!!! You probably have heard Congress is working on a bill banning prison abuse[ [Bush rendered John Mc Cains bill unconstitutional with a signing statement] Politicians cover for their own.

2006-09-06 17:57:22 · answer #8 · answered by longroad 5 · 1 1

What he's doing isn't expressely illegal, it's dependant on the supreme court if they ever need to decide. And you forget that Clinton made a bill banning firearms that bypassed the second amendment with equal or greater disregard for the constitution.

2006-09-06 17:24:58 · answer #9 · answered by Black Sabbath 6 · 0 1

Most people who don't think he hasn't broken any laws haven't bothered to actually read the laws in question.

It's really rather sad, to watch people blindly arguing their positions, when both the actual laws and the courts disagree with them.

But we've already established that people don't actually need to think before they voice their uninformed opinions.

2006-09-06 17:06:35 · answer #10 · answered by coragryph 7 · 1 1

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