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about a month and a half ago i joined sparkpeople.com and i thought,hey this site is cool because i get to put down the food i eat and they give tips and i thought things was going great i mean i lost some weight,the cute neighbor was there,even though he had a gf i didnt mind cuz i know we was friends,and i was drinking water and exercising everyday for 45 minutes.then all of a sudden my world crashed down.i dont know why but i felt a lack of exercise and just felt depressed again.i tend to be in a happy mood one day and the next a pissed off ***** because i just want to and i dont know what seems to get me this way.maybe its cuz i quit my job last week cuz i couldnt understand it and i have a learning disability and now i feel like ill never find a job and a boyfriend cuz of how i look im 300lbs and im 5'6 im overweight and i need help cuz i need to be where i was again,i was happy but now im down and i feel useless and worthless and i need to gain my self esteem,and the neighbor

2006-09-06 09:38:59 · 12 answers · asked by john cenas girl 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

the neighbor.he was over yesterday to use the computer and now i found out that hes going back to ga cuz he had a good job offer and maybe thats why i feel down idk i think its that and me not going to this job that was extremely diffucult.i feel like im so fat n ugly cuz a couple days ago,guys online was calling me fat and stuff and it hurt my feelings and it gets to me when ppl call me names.and i just dont have the money to go to the gym,buy healthy foods etc and dont tell me to do that cuz i cant get the money till i get a decent job that pays well so.i just need help trying to gain my confidence.i couldnt believe when i exercised i was under 300.and my friends,they dont want to workout with me cuz well they just wont and my family wont do nething with me and i just have no support,no confidence,no job,no boyfriend,no license,no car,no self esteem,nothng and i need some peoples help please i mean i was fine until i realized how stupid and pathetic i am.

2006-09-06 09:42:23 · update #1

and please dont tell me to go to a doctor when nobody can afford it not even me not even my family friends nobody can afford to go to a doctor or go sign up for a gym I HAVE NO MONEY!!

2006-09-06 09:45:55 · update #2

12 answers

You need to focus on you....and losing the weight. It's not healthy for you and your life will surely get better in all ways if you do. Try walking....start a little at a time,and then add a bit each day. Start with 20 minutes a day...and add as you feel up to it. I PROMISE if you can do this...it will help. Try to reduce your eating a little at a time. Dieting can also affect mood.....but walking will bring your mood up again.
Don't give up...it's your life we're talking about.....

2006-09-06 09:42:26 · answer #1 · answered by Me 3 · 0 0

I have to say I have been there and still struggling with my weight and self esteem. You are going to hear so many things like go to the doctors, start exercising, eat healthy, those are all great if you have insurance or money, advice but I say find out who you are for you. Look inside your self and think about what you really want. Do it for yourself not anyone else. Believe me that is hard I know and there will be times that you will back slide, but pick your self up and start over. It might take some time but don't give up on your self. Keep telling yourself that you can do it and that you are a good person no matter what you look like on the outside it is what is on the inside(in your heart) that counts anyways. When you worked out you said that you felt good. Ok so the money is tight right now go walking, it doesn't have to be long walks start off slow and gradually add more as the time goes on. Check in your town and see if there is a weigh loss support group, they are ususally free and through the hospital or clinics, ask around you might be suprised at what you find. Find someone that you can talk to and confinded into that won't judge you or degrate you. Do not listen to those ignorant people that call you names and say things to hurt you they are saying those things to make them feel better and don't give them the satisfaction of helping them, you are better than that.

To give you some encouragment I was 300 pounds, a single mom and really depressed, I found my soul mate when I least expected it and now we have been married for 3 years and I am happy. Yes I have lost some weight I am down to 252 pounds but I am happy. I am still working on loosing weight but I am doing better emotionally and you will to.

Good luck with you journey and I have faith in you that you will be just fine and you can do it. If the depression gets to bad call a doctor don't wait the depression can be cured and you will be fine.

2006-09-06 17:00:28 · answer #2 · answered by Child_of_ God 2 · 0 0

Gosh - this is hard. First and foremost, no matter how much you may weigh, that is not all of who you are. Appearance is not everything about you. We most all fight weight so you are not alone. Take a serious look around when you are out in public. You may be at the top end of the scale right now, but you know you can take care of that. Believe in yourself, because we all sure do. Depression and mood swings are common but not really normal. It would help you if you started counseling and drug therapy for these problems. This will also have a bad effect on your weight as these mood altering drugs can cause weight gain or at the very least preclude loss. Don't despair, just go into it facing one thing at a time knowing that you can beat that. Then on to the next and the next. A boyfriend should be the last thing on the list for now although being lonely may seem to be the root of your problem, it is not. Hit sparkpeople hard and fast and get to the weight of your issues (Pun) intended. Like me and so many others you have it in you, just go get it.

2006-09-06 16:52:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi first of all I can relate to depression. I have dealt with it for a long time but I found the cure and it doesnt take weight loss,a face lift or more money its totally free. Let me guess you probably either have or look at some of the top female magazines(cosmo,vazaar etc) and you get this false image of how a women is supposed to look when this is not the norm at all. It doesnt matter whether you are 10 or 200 pounds over weight if you focus on that you will always be down. Your worth has come from inside knowing that you were fearfully and wonderfully made by your Creator. If you would like to talk more plz email me at annafaulds@yahoo.com Dont lose hope....

2006-09-06 16:47:24 · answer #4 · answered by steptoejosh 2 · 0 0

Hi. Wow, you are having some very strong feelings right now. I sure can understand. Like you, I have battled my weight and my self-esteem all my life. There have been moments when I felt I was "winning", but then I would slide back into that sad place that seemed to hold me down into despair. I know you have a lot of things to deal with and I can't solve all of it for you, but I will give you this one small gift: I believe in you. I believe that you are a lovely, intelligent, kind person with so much to offer if only others would notice. I offer you my confidence in you while you are finding your own. Take my faith in you and hold on to it while you are getting your life back in shape. I will go on believing in you every day until you are well and happy again. So don't ever feel like you are unloved or alone because I will always be by your side.

2006-09-06 16:45:49 · answer #5 · answered by Isis 7 · 0 0

There are a few things that should happen here. First off, go to the doctor. You condition might be medical/psychological. First thought is thyroid. An underactive thyroid will cause bouts of depression and weight gain, it's a vicious cycle. The other thing (which seems to be the popular diagnosis with everyone I know) is bi-polar disorder. It seems everywhere I turn, someone is getting diagnosed with it, so what the hey, check it out!!!

The weight issue, if you can afford it Weight Watchers is an excellent program. It is a total change of life.

2006-09-06 16:44:41 · answer #6 · answered by Heather S 4 · 0 0

Well it sounds to me like you joined a group which encouraged you to live a healthier lifestyle, but you did it to get the attention of a guy, and the guy turned out to be interested in someone else, right? Well, I would suggest that you continue with your group if it was making you so happy...but this time do it for yourself, no one else...you aren't going to let you down. Apart from that, physical activity and a healthy diet can help keep you from getting depressed. We all deal with depression and stress differently, but one thing almost everyone agrees on is that physical activity helps relieve it...

2006-09-06 16:46:31 · answer #7 · answered by Tom 4 · 0 0

Try to imagine what could happen if you lost wait. And set goals for yourself everytime you reach a goal do something nice. Go out to diner or buy new clothes some thing fun and the pounds will fly off in no time.

2006-09-06 16:45:13 · answer #8 · answered by Rae D. 2 · 0 0

Oh, sweetie! My suggestion is to go to the doctor. There are so many ways to get help....you don't have to do it on your own! I have experienced depression on and off through my life, sometimes to a very dangerous point. It is not something that you can just get through on your own. There are many types of therapy that can help big time along with medication if you need it.

2006-09-06 16:42:49 · answer #9 · answered by mv_alva 2 · 0 0

It's obvious that your mind is whizzing around- make a doc's app't and get a referral to a psychiatrist...

2006-09-06 16:47:04 · answer #10 · answered by Mrs.Foster 4 · 0 0

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