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I just don’t get it….the bible I mean.

It plainly says women are to be quiet in church, and they are not to rule over man. Yet Christians allow female preachers every day.

It plainly states that Jesus made water into wine, yet Christians say that drinking is a sin.

The Old and New Testament conflict – and Christians say the Old Testament is invalid, yet they still print it every time.

It plainly states that God created only Adam and Eve. Therefore their children had to marry to populate the Earth yet incest is a sin.

It plainly states the world was created in a day – when we know it took many years to create the Earth that is fact.

We have found numerous fossils, skulls and bones PROOVING that man has evolved physically, yet Christians deny this to be true.

It never mentions the dinosaurs at all…yet they roamed the Earth.

Does anyone care to comment?????

2006-09-06 09:14:37 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Funny, "Day" doesn't mean Day and "Wine" doesn't mean wine and "women be quiet" doesn't mean women be quiet....but everything that current day Christians still want to believe and follow still means the same things.

Very convienant if you ask me!

2006-09-06 09:41:07 · update #1

43 answers

If you take each one of your questions they are all incorrect.
1. The Bible does not allow women preachers, churches do. The Bible teaches that in the last days the church will fall away from God, and that is what has happened. Women preach in disobedience to God's word, but they will be judged for it.
2. Christians in our society have mostly taken on not to drink, but he Bible only declares drunkenness as a sin.
3.The OT and NT do not conflict one bit. It is ignorance of Scripture that draws that conclusion. Christians do not invalidate the OT in the least.
4. Incest was not declared a sin until the law came it play 2000 years after Adam and Eve.
5. You are wrong, the world was created as the Bible says it was and your "evidence" is foolishness if you look at it.
6. The fossils prove nothing. Only that animals lived at one time or another, it is only your man made charts that place them where you want them to be. No proof at all, totally circular reasoning.
7. The Bible does mention dinosaurs in the Book of Job, describes them clearly but doesn't use the word dinosaur because that word is a new word, not in used 400 years ago.

2006-09-06 09:29:02 · answer #1 · answered by oldguy63 7 · 1 1

You are wrong on so many counts.

Yes, Jesus made water into wine but how many times do you read about a drunk in the bible. Christian also drink wine in church, so they do not say drinking is a sin, they say that drinking in excess is a sin. Which is also what it says in the bible.

Christians do not say the Old Testament is invalid. What the say is the Old Testament is the word of the prophets, the New Testament is the word of Jesus. When the two conflict, refer to the New Testament.

The bible never states that God "only" created Adam & Eve, it says they are the first created. Genesis 2:24 says a man shall leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, clearly meaning God intended on creating other humans.

By the SEVENTH DAY God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested [a] from all his work. 3 And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

Kind of debunks your "God created the earth in one day theory, doesn't it.

Christians don't deny all of evolution, just the part where it says we evolved from fish that climbed out of the sea.

Well, because dinosaurs roamed the Earth before humans. Remember, nobody really knows how long a "day" is for God.

2006-09-06 10:00:01 · answer #2 · answered by Jim T 4 · 0 1

Does it say that Jesus drank the wine? He was just obeying his mother.

The testaments are not conflicting. If you're going to reference specifics about the bible please list references.

It wasn't until Moses that God declared incest to be a sin. Until Moses there'd be no medical danger. Mutations wouldn't have yet built up in families, like today ... where even marrying a distant cousin, could give your kids birth defects.

God created the world in 6 days. However, there are no theories that prove the origins of the world considered to be FACT.

Why don't you reference some of these "skulls and bones PROOVING that man has evolved physically"?

Are you sure it doesn't mention dinosaurs at all? What about Job 40:15? How about Job 41 for a description of a marine reptile, and a good translation of Isaiah 30:6 for a flying reptile?

Would you care to respond?????

2006-09-06 09:40:10 · answer #3 · answered by southfloridamullets 4 · 0 0

Point one
It says that man should rule but that women should be treated as the church or Christ and also remember that MAN edited the version you read. They also have not noted that Mary Magdeline was a deciple but it is clear she was one.
It does not say that you can not drink in the Bible and that is your question right? Getting the bible so read it... it says you should not get DRUNK not that you can not drink.
CHRISTIANS SAY CHRISTIANS SAY who are these Christians you are listening too! The old testament is the word of god and the word became flesh in John Chapet one sooooo what do you think Christians really think of the old testament??? We think it is Jesus' word!!! That is is God and it is SOOO relevant in all things we can not have an end without the beginning!
LITERAL interpretations of the bible can be tricky! A literalist will tell you that at that time God enabled people to have more children and that it was a clean gene pool then as well and they lived or 900 years and therefore it was soon gereationally diverse but it also states that there were people in cities long before there should have been so learn the lesson I think that is more important than taking it literally. Also in our own generation it is still legal to marry your first cousin so we have not come very far on that one!
Whose DAY are you referring to? YOURS or GODS again get the point that God had a hand in creating the universe and all things in it for I think the longer version would really have lost most of the first generation of humans millenia ago!! Don't you?
AGAIN with the CHRISTIANS... you generalise as much as the bible I think...lol READ THE BIBLE the dinos are in there!! Tell me where and when you find them.

2006-09-06 09:27:29 · answer #4 · answered by Queen Fromage 3 · 0 0

1. Some women even want to play Rugby these days!!!

2. For Christians drinking is not a Sin.

3. Okay, for the Adam and Eve, incest thing, you have a point.

4. The world was created over a period of a few days.

5. God must have made the fossils too.

6. Ask God.

7. Yes, me.

Hope this helped : )

Email me if you have more questions:

2006-09-06 09:24:56 · answer #5 · answered by Lizard 3 · 0 1

I would love to comment-

1~ Women back in the Bible period were not educated and they were known for gossiping and starting rumors because they were not very smart. Only very few were mentioned as intelligent (Lydia - she owned her own business & Priscilla who taught Paul the teachings of Christ). There were others who were supporters of the faith. But women in general were not informed or educated in the Bible or government. That is why Paul stated that women should remain silent. Women today are a whole lot smarter and are used by God in mighty way - just look at Kathryn Kulman who had her own healing ministries and Joyce Meyer's who has taught millions about God. God has raised these women up to preach the word - what man is going to stop that?

2~ Jesus turned the water into wine and Christians believe that drinking to drunkardness is a sin. Drinking a little bit here and there will probably will not cause anyone to sin. But becoming an alcoholic is a sin. The Bible says drunkness will not get you into Heaven. Also the Bible forbids polluting our bodies because it is the temple of God.

3~ The Old Testament is not invalid, as a matter of fact it teaches us what sin is and why Jesus had to die on the cross. The Old Testament teaches us that we really need grace and without it we are all doomed to Hell but thank God for the New Testament where Jesus came to set us free.

4~ When God created Adam and Eve, the bodies were perfect without defect. So when they they had kids, and they had a lot to populate the world. Cain married his sister - you must understand that their DNA was not corrupted until the time of Moses - God said to stop marrying family members because not only sin was a big part of the world but also people's blood and DNA were changing and God treated incest as a sin as well.

5~ God can do anything he wants - he is all powerful. He chose to create the world in six days (to man - one day to God is a thousand years to man) so you could go on the theory that it took God 6 days to create the world when in man's view, it was six thousand years. And how do you know that time period elements that we have to measure time is not flawed?

6~ Man has not evolved, when we find fossils of different shapes and sizes of man. There kind be many reasons for that - people back in the Old Testament did not have medicines to treat their maladies. Many tribes of the pagan religions cast out anyone who was sick among them and left them to suffer and die. Of course their bodies would change due to the lack of medicines and attention to their health. We take for granted our technologies and pharamacies but the people in the Bible did not have these.

7~ dinosaurs are mentioned in the Book of Job.

I hope that these comments helped you out. If you would like further input, let me know. I have more helpful information on your questions if you are interested.

2006-09-06 09:31:29 · answer #6 · answered by wonderwoman 3 · 1 0

that's absolutely bull... It doesn't say that anywhere on the Bible... It never said women had to be quiet.. I don't know where you got that from but trust me, it aint true and you need to get your facts straight. Drinking is not a sin but drinking exessively is.
Back when Adam and Eve were alive, they didn't have the 10 commandments.
No they do not know that it was a fact that the world was created in a day. I have proof that it wasn't.
They never said that fossils prove that.. yes there are fossils but it's not because it's proven anything.
They did mention dinosaurs in the Bible. you're not just supposed to read a little passage. if you read the first 5 chapters of Genesis.. i mean really read it, then you'll get what i'm saying.
But before you come on here and try to prove something get your facts straight....

2006-09-06 09:25:17 · answer #7 · answered by Foxxy 4 · 0 1

OK, well start from the beginning, Not ALL the Christians allow female leadership. So it´s not every denomination.

Also there's no evidence to say: Drinking is a sin, the problem is what people do when they are drunk, SEX, DRUGS, KILL, destroy your family, so the problem is the result of been drinking, or been drunk.

The OLD testament is part of the Bible, so we believe in ALL what it says.

Yes, people need to populate the earth so God let them married with their family, but HE abolished that statement years later, and established as a sin.

Created in a day, YES, the same way He created Adam with approx 30 yrs old, He created the earth with approx ????yrs old. In one day.

Yes, we have fossils, but are they human? or from extinct species of animals?

It mentions in JOB chapter 40 in the OLD testament that there were this beasts among the world.

I care to comment buddy, so if you have more questions, write the down.

2006-09-06 09:23:05 · answer #8 · answered by christian? 2 · 0 1

Drinking wine is not a sin.... otherwise Jesus was sinful as he drank wine too (at least once).
Drinking to excess is a sin though.

OT is based on stories that are provenable to be at the very least inaccurate and at times by NT, and at times by physical proofs.

Incest is more of a modern sin, only in recent centuries and decades has it been wrong to marry if under 18.
Our own greatgrandparents were likley early teens when they married.

The bible itself states - 1 day to god is a thousand years to man.
That alone could mean many more than 6-7days for creation.
or even the 6000 age of earth.

2006-09-07 06:36:33 · answer #9 · answered by pcreamer2000 5 · 0 0

Catholics dont allow female preachers. churches that allow female preachers are wrong. catholics also have the choice of believing in evolution if they want to or not. incest wasnt a sin when adam and eve were around because incest didnt cause mutations back then and there was no one else to do it with. it was do it or die trying. a day to God didnt necessarily equal a day to humans. the old testament is valid and if something conflicts the new testament wins. drinking is not a sin. getting drunk is a sin. females arent allowed to rule over man but man isnt allowed to overrule females either. i dont know who fed u all that bs but catholics are right and protestants are only partly right which means they are partly wrong. am i confusing u yet?

2006-09-06 09:28:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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