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Adam and Eve where one of his creations and they were homosapiens - walking upright with no body hair - where do the dinosaurs and neanderthals come into the equation?

We have physical proof that dinosaurs existed millions of years ago yet certain religions can only account for a few 1000 years where they say the world began .

How would you explain that?

For the record this question is in no way meant with any hatred or disrespect so I expect the same in the answers - I don't need anybody telling me I'm a hater !

2006-09-06 07:10:50 · 56 answers · asked by the thinker 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Feirce - yes there has !

bodys found in peat bogs that have been carbon dated

2006-09-06 07:16:21 · update #1

Pierce - at which point in the question above did I say "God" doesn't exist?

Please read the question thoroughly...

2006-09-06 07:21:25 · update #2

DuckPhup -

excellent comment but I'm afraid it doesnt warrant 10 points - only a thumbs up - you didnt answer the question !

Appreciate the effort - have a gold star and a lolly pop - and you can play out for an extra 5 mins at break time ! ;o)

2006-09-06 07:23:12 · update #3

Casey M - yes correct it is aguesstimate

bit of a difference between 1,000,000, years and 5000 years though !!!

2006-09-06 07:24:30 · update #4

SGT CECH - FYI I am a Christian - you really are narrow minded to assume that it is a non christian that asked the question...

It is merely a question that has popped in to my mind time and time again and I wanted other peoples opinions...

2006-09-06 07:26:38 · update #5

Thomas - happy you got 2 points? good - now tootle off to www.ireallydontcarewhathappensinthisworld.com

2006-09-06 07:29:55 · update #6

ok 6 days - not what im asking though - enjoy your undeserving 2 points !

2006-09-06 07:36:31 · update #7

pablo - yes i have !

2006-09-06 07:40:20 · update #8

56 answers

Get to the point already!!!! Evidence of Evolution is SOLID. Evidence of "creation" is not. End of story.

Casey M. Doesn't know jack about Carbon dating! And religious scholars, sadly Jewish ones, too, are bent on denying proof of evolution by ignoring EVIDENCE...hard, solid, physical, quantifiable evidence.

I reiterate that humans are a pathetic blight on the world.

2006-09-06 09:08:30 · answer #1 · answered by Gwynneth Of Olwen 6 · 4 1

No one can for sure tell how long anything has truly been around. Even your so-called carbon dating is suspect and not the definitive answer to this. The bible says that a day is as a thousand years and athousand years ia as a day to the Lord.

when these words were written in the Bible people were not as famniliar with using large numbers to express an amount. So those thousand years could plausibly be a lot more years than we expect and that the figure used was what people in that time understood.

It has been said that there are things that Satan has done throughout the ages to deliberately confuse and mislead mankind so that they will be deceptively led away from God while thinking that they were actually serving God.

Scince there have been no actual definitive proof that this universe was not created as found in the bible then we may assume that it is a correct rendition of our beginnings. NO>rubber bands do not hold everything together.

a work in progress

2006-09-06 07:38:43 · answer #2 · answered by cobravetor 3 · 1 1

Actually, the creation story which, incidentally is not just a Christian belief, has it that God created the world in 6 days, and on the seventh day, he rested.

I would suggest that the timescale of this story is condensed, so that only the part that is relevant to the human population gets a mention, and the 65 million years ago bit about the dinosaurs, and their predecesors did not warrant the telling. That is not to say that it did not happen, but it is not necessary to record a blow by blow account of the whole four and half milliard years to explain Judaic-Christianity.

Seems very wise that God did not create humans before he had put the dinosaurs out of the picture, or we would have had very limited chances of surviving this far.

Well done, God, I say!

2006-09-06 07:36:19 · answer #3 · answered by Rolf 6 · 1 1

oooh oooh....I know this one.....my ultra-christian friend explained EVERYTHING to me.
Once upon a time, many many years ago, the air on the planet was very different than it is now. This air enabled reptiles, plants and insects to grow very large. It also allowed people to grow large (Goliath?!?!?) and to live for hundreds of years.

And then she said a lot of other bs...that I've since blocked out.

My daughter's teacher insists that the planet is only 5000 years old (don't worry, I've already had a chat with the principal about THAT one) because true believers say that if you follow the time line given in the bible that's how many years it boils down to. She also states that carbon-dating is not reliable. All of the bible was written by people who had to explain why they were here and the fairytales they created were the best they had to offer. It also had to be believable enough to convince the masses.

Suffice it to say that they do not have to explain anything because God/Bible say so and theyblindly believe and that should be enough for us (the non-believers). You will not get a good answer out of them....check that...you will not get a provable answer out of them. ps: you should read "myths and deceptions of the bible"...enlightening to say the least...a little heavy but interesting.

2006-09-06 10:56:17 · answer #4 · answered by crale70 3 · 2 0

Aww geez... all these hyper people giving hyper answers....

Am I the only one that attented a private Christian academy here!?!

One theory which I like to believe is that Adam and Eve were created like you said: upright and with no body hair. They were also made as........ ADULTS!

The answer is here, which came first the chicken or the egg? God made the chicken who could reproduce! Along with a grown up Adam and an adult Eve, God made the earth as a matured form of earth. Adult Earth! That's why geologist see the aging of the earth the way it is. How could God put humanity in a swimming pool of hot lava?

More thoughts... Geologists were so occupied with an ice age which covered the earth. Evidence shows that the earth was flooded with ice and proof exists from certain species of animals showed up in strange places on the earth. Coincidently, the bible accounts for Noah's ark. It makes sense that perhaps the scientists overlooked the fact that a flood was recorded and showed that species that didn't make it into Noah's ark such as dinosaurs and extra animals floated to different parts of the world.

"Raindrops are falling on my head.... la la dee da dee dee dee da......"

2006-09-06 07:30:26 · answer #5 · answered by grouchy bato 2 · 1 1

Duck Phup has a lot of answers, and there are more too.

I do not believe in any gods but there are some questions that just dont seem to have answers, for instance:

We now know that gravity is a unversal constant. 1G is the same on earth as it is on the other side of the universe, yet in that dawn of time 'one gravity' could have been any measurement and yet if its measurement was just 1/10th difference either way we would never have existed.

The liquid that we need to survive more than anything else, yet why does this liquid not act like any other. If you freeze a bit of water it floats, it becomes less dense yet every other liquid becomes more dense and sinks. If water acted the same way as other liquids the tops of our oceans would have frozen every year and the ice would have sunk, in the depths it would have built up until the only loose water we had would be found in summer on the surface of these large seas of thick ice.
Why does water not act like other liquids, is it because we need it?

There are so many things in the universe that could have ended up anywhere doing anything and that universal constant would have stopped us from existing, the measure of gravity and the strange behaviour of water are just two of them. There are about 100 others that are known and for which we have no explanation.

What is wonderous even without a belief in a god is that all of these things would just happen to be right so that we could exist, its the universal equivelent of the same person randomly winning the lottery every week for a year.

At some point the question of intelligent design has to come into it, and many of our best scientists themselves do wonder....how in a whole universe of options could it just happen to be right.

2006-09-06 07:28:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

God actually created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh.

Just because the Bible doesn't talk about dinasours doesn't mean the the Bible doesn't acknowledge there existence. In fact several places in the Bible talks about large beast that could have been what we in contemporary terms refer to as dinasours. Jonah was swallowed by a great fish. Might this be a prehistoric fish or dinasour of sorts.

What about the time line? The current way archeologists and scientis determine age of items especially rocks formations is under screwtany. An example is a recent range of cliffs were tested for age and the results came in as very old. In reality it was only about 100 years old but was massively altered due to a large earthquake. So it stands to reason that other natural causes could easily alter the accuracy of test results as well. According to the Bible the entire earth was flooded, remember. Sorry I couldn't remember better details than this.

2006-09-06 07:23:58 · answer #7 · answered by Rick D 4 · 0 2

I believe in the creation, and that it was a literal thing that happened. I also believe that God created the dinosaurs and the neadrathals, and that some how they fit into the six creative periods, or days. God rested on the seventh.

I also know that there are things that are in the Bible that science will not ever be able to explain, this however, does not diminish my faith. I think of the Bible as God's word on earth, but that it is more about our salvation than explaining every last little mystery.

Just because we humans with our very finite brains and limited understanding cannot prove something, does not mean it doesn't exist or didn't happen. Isaiah 55: 8-9 states: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

2006-09-06 07:19:59 · answer #8 · answered by East of Eden 4 · 0 3

1st off im not christian.but biblically speaking.

The bible itself contradicts the 6000 year story if a day is 24hrs.
Bible states 1day to god is a thousand years to man.

There is physical (undated by science) but dated by egyptian past that noahs flood could not have been later than 12000 years ago..

Some say that dinosaurs could have predated man, and even say the 6 day creation doesnt exclude the possibility.

My own wife who is christian, says that the creation acct doesnt necessarily mean that the earth as some sort of planet wasnt already here. and that god just remade it.

2006-09-07 06:30:49 · answer #9 · answered by pcreamer2000 5 · 0 0

The answer is quite simple. The people that wrote the bible didn’t know anything about dinosaurs or Neanderthals and so didn’t take them into account.

Christianity is simply wrong.

Don’t worry though, you don’t have to dramatically change your lifestyle or anything.

You just have to realise that when you do good deeds you are doing them for yourself, your family and the human race.

All biological life on this planet is trying to get better and that includes you.

Clinging to ideas that are out of date is morally wrong and against nature.

2006-09-06 10:14:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Unfortunately this results from those who take the bible completely literally (some of it should be but certainly not all of it) and believe the world was created in 6 24hour periods with a seventh 24 hour period as a day of rest. But the old Hebrews (those who wrote the Old Testament and therefore Genesis) use the word day different from modern people. Day just refers to periods of time that are significant (similar to the way we would use the word era). I don't remember everything in exact order so please keep that in mind for what I'm about to say.

AS far as i remember, on one of those days God created the sun, which I would count as a significant period of time (the time necessary to make the sun) and so that could count as a "day." Then He created day and night (sent the earth rotating so that each place receives the sun and then doesn't) and that would count as a second day. Then the creation of living things could count as another "day." So this could all count as billions of years and still be referred to as days (or rather eras of time).

The Bible does also mention large animals that could account for the dinosaurs called leviathans. It also mentions large humans that could account for "Neanderthals." The bible says that some angels came down and slept with human females and that their offspring were large humans with "bad tempers" and a penchant for evil. I forget what the bible called them but someone should be able to tell you that.

And if there were a large flood like the bible claims the erosion and deposits of sand and dirt everywhere could very well change the position of those animals/neanderthals both in place (geographical location) and in level in the dirt (how high up or down in the dirt they were). And if it is true then their being angel spawn may make those people different enough that carbon-dating may not work properly on them (I don't know for sure if it would but it is a possiblity I'm putting forward, but not definite evidence that is what happened). So it is still possible for both the bible and science to be correct at the same time, though I could see not everyone believing that they do agree and therefore both cannot be correct.

2006-09-06 07:18:17 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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