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Is this because god didnt want people getting pregnant before marriage? What if after you get married you are not physically or sexually happy with your partner? Another note if you wait till your married then get a divorce does this still apply to any new relationships?

2006-09-06 06:56:23 · 20 answers · asked by sheltz32tt 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

Because marriage should be about love, trust and spiritual connection. Sex is great, but it is not what you build a life on.

2006-09-06 07:09:41 · answer #1 · answered by ladytc 6 · 3 0

My faith teaches me that the body is sacred, and that the power to procreate, or create life, is a very sacred power and that it should not be taken lightly or abused.

I think the whole argument of "how will I know if we are compatible" is just made up by people who don't understand the true nature of a sexual relationship. It's way more than the physical, there is an emotional and spiritual connection as well.

Saving sex for marriage also has other advantages. Look at all of the time you will save not worrying about STDs, unwanted pregnancies and rejections. Children also have the right to be born into a loving family where the parents care for each other and the child. This is not to say that all marriages are perfect and that getting married will solve all of your problems, but if two people are committed to their vow and each other the children they have will be better suited to survive in this crazy world.

Finally, yes, I waited till I was married to become sexually active, and I am proud of this. My husband was the same. We have a very fulfilling relationship built on trust, compassion and concern for each other. Was this and easy choice to make? No, it was not, and I struggled with my passions, but I can say that mastering them was and is far more rewarding than a string of one night stands and empty promises and broken relationships.

2006-09-06 07:32:14 · answer #2 · answered by East of Eden 4 · 1 0

Marriage is an institution made up by humans not god.

Many people who have sex do not want to marry the person they are having sex with.

Illegitimacy has been a big issue throughout history.
Clans and tribes wanted to make sure of bloodlines. Lineage was very important
to most.

Once most people try sex they like it and will keep on engaging in it regardless of the consequences whether they are married or not.

Marriage was to insure a woman would have food, security and shelter and a support network for the children she bore from the man she married.

Most marriages were arranged as politcal or economic alliances not usually based on love. Children especially girls were considered chattel and virginity was highly prized. If a girl was not a virgin she was not considered valuable enough to marry off.

2006-09-06 07:02:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Sexuality is one of the most powerful human traits, and as such, must be dealt with seriously. Notice how, for most cultures, sexuality is the source of all kinds of destabilizing trends, like jealousy or greed. Because sexuality (and not just sex) can engender human emotions and tendencies that can be destructive, the Hebrew Bible seems very sexually restrictive.

There's a common-sense reason for this. In the ancient world, tribes were small and their continuity depended on the men on the tribe being able to find enough women to produce a viable next generation. In the Hebrew Bible, the Israelites believed themselves to be God's chosen people, and as such did not want to make their race impure by intorducing foreign blood into it. Thus the restriction against adultery in the decalogue, intended to restrict Israelite males from entering into sexual relations with non-Israelite women. An impure Israelite bloodline meant that the people to whom God promised God's favor are now ambiguous.

In the Christian Testament, Jesus appropriates suxuality as a metaphor for Gpd's love for humanity. The physical expression of love between a husband and wife reflects the passion Jesus proclaimed that God has for humanity. For Jesus, sexuality had revelatory significance: properly-ordered sexuality gives us a window through which we can view God's love for us.

Thus, anything short of that properly-ordered sexuality perverts what is meant to be revelatory. That's not to say that unmarried people cannot love each other passionately, but rather that sexuality and sexual acts should not be treated cavalierly.

Marriage is a reciprocal trust: both partners trust that the other has entered into a covenant relationship whereby each person sacrifices themselves and their desires in favor of those of their spouse. This is how people who truly love each other operate, regardless of the circumstances of the relationship: rich or poor, sick or healthy, on and on. Not being "physically or sexually happy with your partner" does not correspond to this reciprocal trust because it places your desires above those of your spouse.

2006-09-06 07:19:27 · answer #4 · answered by David W 3 · 1 0

Sex can lead to pregnancy, therefore it is a serious issue that should not be taken lightly. What that means is some lady will be either forced to kill the little life taking shape in her tummy or offer it for adoption to strangers who may never care for the child.

Sex is very serious business. Good people make a commitment to their partner to take care of the new life that may come, only then they indulge in such activity.

Even if a divorce takes place, at least the child is not fatherless!!

2006-09-06 07:00:58 · answer #5 · answered by NQV 4 · 1 1

In my Honest opinion, It was that God didn't want children to be left without a good care network. As hard as it is on single mothers today imagine if you had to raise all of these children without modern convenience. Like supermarkets, hot and cold running water, etc. And also sex is supposed to be a gift you give to the one you truly love. And all of this " what if I am not satisfied with my partner" business. If you truly love the one you are with, you can work out all of the details of how it best pleases you. As you discover each others bodies, those pleasures will be there in ways you can never imagine. It is always best to wait until you have found the proper person to be your mate. I didn't and I had nothing but Heartache and emptiness until I found my Love. But we didn't start out perfect, our relationship had to grow.

Hope this helps

2006-09-06 07:11:56 · answer #6 · answered by Democestes 3 · 0 1

Why is it that people who wait to have sex until marriage are far less likely to get divorced than people who live together and "try it before they buy it?"

Statistics don't support your theory.

If you wait until you are married and then get divorced, yes it does still apply to future relationships. Also, if one is divorced they should not remarry as that would be adultery since there is no divorce in God's eyes. Marriage is a covenant and not a contract.

2006-09-06 07:03:12 · answer #7 · answered by anabasisx 3 · 1 1

I think it comes down to self respect. God really wants us to respect ourselves, our bodies, our minds. If we go around having "free love" i.e. sex with anyone who strikes our fancies then we are degrading our bodies and our minds. The body should be treated as a temple. With dignity, love and respect. There is a great deal more to marriage than just awesome sex. Although, awesome sex in marriage is a wonderful thing.

Sex can lead to pregnancy, STD's, and AIDS. Sex can be demoralizing to the soul if it is done without love and care for the unique individual involved.

I would think that any beautiful soul would want to nourish their body enough to keep it pure without giving it up to just anybody.

God wants us to be happy. He wants us to take care of each other. He requests that we wait until we marry to have sex because he wants us to honor one another.

2006-09-06 07:17:42 · answer #8 · answered by Sister Cat 3 · 1 1

my goodness so many questions
Remember marriage is in the heart first Paper comes after that. Adam and Eve didnt have a certificate. If you are always with one person it is OK cuz youre married in His eyes but I recommend the diamond and vows and romance after 18 mos... If love dies or there is abuse then divorce happens sometimes and then vows are taken again and we keep on living..

2006-09-06 07:02:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Actually, God created us for sex within marriage. You are looking at a negative aspect when you say "no sex before marriage," for you could just as easily have said "no sex outside of marriage" and it would still be true--just the glass is half empty kind of approach:)
Anyway, God made us into loving human beings and he created the way of increasing his creation (namely, us) through our cooperation. That is, the all-mighty and all-powerful God relies on little, old us to co-create with Him. What an awesome responsibility! God created sex to be the only act which can both create new life and destroy lives that already exist--the only way.
Sex outside of marriage destroys love. The message that the persons are saying with their mouths may be "I love you," but the message their bodies are saying is "I lust after you. I want your body. I am not concerned about you or your physical or emotional welfare. I am willing to put you in a potentially dangerous and highly consequential situation without committing to you at all." and we all know that actions speak louder than words. Real men don't put their girlfriends into that position. Real men respect women and wait until they have commited with their mouths AND bodies before they celebrate wonderful and guilt-free sex as God intended it to be. And believe me, it is the ONLY way to enjoy sex to its fullest potential.

P.S. I want to add something about worrying about being "sexually happy" with your partner. Don't worry. You will be. God fills in the details. Whenver you give to God and ask for His guidance, He gives back ten fold. He will not be out-given. I waited until I was married and I had the same worries that you have now, but I was not disappointed. I have been blessed a hundred times over with my marriage and thank God for that! You will be, too!

P.P.S. Having sex with other partners other than your wife or husband inhibits your ability at intimacy with your spouse--either now or in the future. This is especially true for men. Think about what St. Paul said--you are making yourself a part of them. If you continue to give parts of yourself away to one person and then another, what will be left to give to your spouse? I have never, ever regretted the decision to be a virgin when I got married. My husband was 28 when we got married and he, too was a virgin--Thank God--because I was so afraid that if I fell in love with a non-virgin that his past life would always come back to haunt us. No regrets:)

2006-09-06 07:10:23 · answer #10 · answered by Mary's Daughter 4 · 1 1

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