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Why do you bash the Christian faith only? Of the many questions I've seen in this category, most of them BASH the Christian faith. Why not bash the Scientology faith as well? To be quite honest, I think it makes MORE sense to believe in the Christian faith than in the Scientology faith (since science has PROVEN over and over again that the Bible is accurate, where Science has yet to prove Scientology). But that is just my personal opinon....

2006-09-06 06:44:16 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

By the way, science HAS proven Christianity over and over again, as well as Historians, Archaeologists and many other sciences.

www.godandscience.org. It is a fascinating website, something you should all check out sometime.

2006-09-06 06:57:41 · update #1

And I am not shoving my religion down the throats of my kids! I'm merely asking from a religious stand point.

On another note, not all Christian's shove their faith down everyone's throat. Granted, they can be extreme at times, but they are not the only one's to shove their faith down the throats of everyone.

2006-09-06 06:59:45 · update #2

For all you knucleheads, those days that the World/Universe was created in, are not LITERAL 24 hour days, as science has proven that.

2006-09-06 07:03:59 · update #3

By the way d_chino, to answer your question: talking donkeys and snakes can be done ONLY through the Supernatural: the snake as Satan in the form of a snake; and the donkey as the God himself.

2006-09-06 08:28:53 · update #4

To answer your question Kithy, we refer to the sun as "rising and setting", even though Science places the Sun in the center of the Universe.

Bats are not birds, that is true. But they fly like birds, so the original Hebrew was probably used to interpret bats as birds.

Rabbits eat their food a second time (in the form of poop), which is very similar to eating curd. The point is that they need to eat what they get rid of again in order to benefit from the nutrients.

2006-09-06 08:37:55 · update #5

20 answers

well, your personal opinion is ludicrously incorrect.....that is the danger of faith base opinion vs. evidence based knowledge.

1. I am an equal opportunity "basher", to use your term. Islam, christianity, Scientology, Hindu...I am happy to take them all on. However, there are mostly Xians on this site, and they tend to make the most outrageous statements. Also, as I was raised in as fundamentalist, evangelical Christian church, I know the most about that particular form of mind control.

2. The Wholly Babble has been proven over and over again to be WRONG with regards to history, biology, physics, astronomy, cosmology etc. etc..........so I'm not sure what "science" you are refering to. Science doesn't really care one way or the other about religious belief, it is more concerned with facts and testable hypotheses. Your god and science site is only convincing to those who don't actually know anything about science, and are desperate to believe.....grasping at straws. It is really just christian apologia blather, and if you look at their "evidence" with an open mind, and not a pre-conceived belief...it is to laugh.

3. christianity is just as ridiculous and delusional as scientology. It is really hard for an "outsider" to make a judgment call on the relative ridiculousness of various religious ideologies....they are all pretty wacko. There is just as much evidence for the existence of Xenu and thetans, as there is for God and your eternal soul...and for the flying spaghetti monster, for that matter.

4. The reason ALL religious belief needs challenging (not just the christian one that dominates the US and west) is that people who engage in magical thinking, and believe in gods/demons and angels have control of weapons of mass destruction. It just isn't safe for the rest of us to allow you the indulgence of your delusional dogma any longer.

2006-09-06 06:45:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Scientology was originally a branch off of Christianity... It has just assumed another role (One of their main offices is right across the river from me). And the reason why Christianity has been bashed so much is because that is the Majority here. If it had been Mithra and his followers, Mithra(ism) would be the one to get bashed.

Could you provide some proof of Science Proving the Bible? Considering that the Bible is not a science book to begin with. States supernatural occurances that Science can not prove one way or another. Certain cities were supposed to be completely destroyed, NEVER to be remembered again. Tyre was one of those... yet I just saw it on TV the other day. Sodom and Gamorrah is obviously remembered everytime a Homosexual speaks. Yet these cities were supposed to be wiped out completely, NEVER to be remembered again. It also states that the "sun stood still"... yet NASA has had to put out a document expressing that the whole thing about them finding out that it was true, was a huge hoax and there is no possible way to determine that. Even if the sun stood still in the sky.... would it matter? Earth is the one that moves, not the sun. Bats are not birds, according to science. And Rabbits do not chew the cud.

Now, I respect your opinion, that Christianity is the better religion. But Christianity is hardly the only one that gets bashed. It's the main one Non-Christians bash. Now, as a Pagan, I can say that my beliefs have been bashed and it was usually by Christians. The majority if Non's that I know have been done the same way. Seeing this is usually the majority, that is why Christianity is usually the one that gets bashed the most on here.

2006-09-06 07:29:11 · answer #2 · answered by Kithy 6 · 1 0

No science has shown that the Bible is accurate. Perhaps some small percentage of the Bible has been shown to be historically accurate, but most is not. Besides, many of the contradictions in the Bible are logical, so science need not comment.

That said, pointing to inconsistancies in the Bible and/or Christian theology is not "bashing", it's needed debate. Christians get addressed the most because they are the major religion in the West. Many of their (indefensible) beliefs create real world political and social problems for the rest of us. Blue laws, laws barring atheists from public office (still active in 7 states) and government money to organizations who bar atheists (like the Boy Scouts) are just a few reasons to fight the theocracy we live in in the US. Scientology is not taken seriously by anyone but the most deranged, and the government keeps close tabs on them (since they broke into the IRS), so why bother?

2006-09-06 06:58:45 · answer #3 · answered by neil s 7 · 1 0

"I think it makes MORE sense to believe in the Christian faith than in the Scientology faith (since science has PROVEN over and over again that the Bible is accurate"

Yeah, like talking snakes, the world being created in 6 days, global floods and drunken sailors, men who can live inside whales, parting of seas, flat imovable planets,... do I need to go on?

There are two reasons "bible bashing" is going on almost exclusively here. First this site is primarily frequenteed by western individuals (i.e. christians, and atheist who used to be christian). Secdon people want to have a conversation with those of an opposing view. There are no scientologists here, there are very few muslims, very few Jews, almost no buddhists, etc.

Why would we waste time discussing a particular religion when there are no adherents of that religion here?

2006-09-06 06:56:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Well science has never PROVEN the Bible correct. It has found evidence that can support some of the historical events mentioned but not that Bible was correct.

Science has evidence to suggest that the Nile turning to blood was due to red clay being washed from mountain but it does not prove that the Nile turned into Blood.

Science has proved that the Earth is billions of years old but according to Bible it is only about 6,000 years old..science proved bible wrong there

To answer your question I think it is because no other faith says their holy book is 100% perfect and literally true as much as Christianity despite all the contradictions within the book. Also no other faith has said their book is the 100% perfect word of God when it is even signed with the name of the men who wrote it.

2006-09-06 06:53:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Probably because the Xtians are so "in your face" with it. Moreover, there's very little scientific evidence for anything in the bible. Some history, yes, but the bible just doesn't say much abou the physical world.

But, you're essentially correct. We should also give honorary chuckles to the Koran, the Zend Avesta, the Guru Granth Grahib, the major and minor Upanishads and a big guffaw to the Scientologists and the Moonies.

2006-09-06 06:49:13 · answer #6 · answered by Irritable 3 · 2 0

The reason most American atheists bash christians is because christianity is the prominent religion in the US. This means that everyone knows a little something about it, and it also has the most impact on American society.
I agree with you that the church of scientology is even more ridiculous than christianity, but in order to argue against their beliefs, I would have to know something about them. Since they run their church in a highly secretive manner (sort of like a cult), I really don't know enough to ridicule them, and I have neither the time nor the inclination to learn about their beliefs.

2006-09-06 06:50:15 · answer #7 · answered by Danzarth 4 · 0 0

This site is used primarily by Americans and the largest
religion in the United States is Christianity (and all its variants).

Therefore, the Bible comes up in conversation quite often
and people comment on it - sometimes for good, sometimes
for bad - but they comment on it.

If the majority of this site's users were Chinese, Iraqi or Israelii,
then we'd be bashing different books.

I have seen people discussing others here, but at nowhere
near the frequency.

2006-09-06 06:51:22 · answer #8 · answered by Elana 7 · 1 0

sorry you silly twit. science has absolutely NOT proven the Bible to be true. And theres no point bashing something as dorky as scientology, while there are still loads of goonies like you who say iditotic things like "scince has proven the Bible" true. Clearly you need some severe bashing

2006-09-06 06:50:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well Scientology is a cult. Only some forms of Christianity are cults. Many are not. All of Scientology is a cult. Why not just worry about all Cults since Cults are harmful?

2006-09-07 12:00:18 · answer #10 · answered by adobeprincess 6 · 0 0

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