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If you believe this or not, why would someone think this, and therefor not object to abortion? (Give it a try, pro-lifers, what does the other side think? What are their reasons for being pro-choice?)

2006-09-06 06:25:39 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

43 answers

Pro-choice is not only about abortion -- it's about a woman's right over her own body, and not having the government take that away from her.

Pro-choice is a term used to describe the political and ethical view which maintains that a woman should have total control over her fertility and pregnancy. This entails the guarantee of what supporters term reproductive rights, which include access to abortion, contraception, sexual education and fertility treatments. Individuals and organizations that seek to support this stance, both in terms of legality and availability, make up the pro-choice movement.

2006-09-06 06:28:12 · answer #1 · answered by Justsyd 7 · 3 5

You've hit the basic question. If a fetus is not yet a living person, then abortion is not the cessation of life and there's nothing wrong with it. The problem is if a fetus is a living person, the willful cessation of its life (as of any other person's life) is wrong.

So here's the bigger question - is it a life and if so when? Can we agree that when it leaves the body, it's a baby / a person (Noting that it still can't live "on its own" then)? What about on the way out - such as partial birth abortion? Is it a fetus or a baby as it's being born? OK, so if that's a baby, what about if it can sustain life outside the body - is it a baby then? Does it become a person at some specific stage of development? At a heartbeat? At the ability to feel?

My problem is how can you know? I do have a belief on this, but it's not necessarily scientific, so leaving that out - you can't REALLY know. I mean we all know it happens sometime - sometime between conception and the first breath, with people taking the view of either extreme of that - but there's not a way to be sure given current science. And my thought is - the risk if you're wrong (willful cessation of human life, which your average dictionary will agree is murder) is too high.

All that said - there are many other arguments for being pro-choice. But the only one I find palatable is a truly held believe that a fetus is not alive / is not a baby / is not a person.

2006-09-06 06:39:25 · answer #2 · answered by cmc1217 2 · 1 2

A fetus is a life. Weren't we all in the fetus stage at one point?
It is legal for a women to have an abortion up until she is 3 months pregnant, at the end of the first trimester. However, by the end of the first trimester (week 13), the fetus will have grown to 3 inches/ 7.5 centimeters long and will be fully formed. All organs and muscles have formed and are beginning to function. Even more shocking, at only 10 weeks, its face looks human and its gender may be detectable via ultrasound. Fingernails and bones can also be seen. If a woman going in to get an abortion has an ultrasound and sees that her baby has already started developing and is able to know the sex of her baby, we wouldn't have so many women getting abortions.

2006-09-06 06:38:20 · answer #3 · answered by Miss Jay 3 · 2 1

It depends upon your view. Once the fetus can form, (the first trimester) it can begin to feel therefore it is human and alive. The abortions made with chemicals and removal of the child is absolutely disgusting. see the links below for pictures of the partial birth abortions and the abortions of other methods. what if you were aborted. What would be going on here? nothing. NOTHING!! You'd be dead like the 47,282,923 aborted babies since 1973 when Roe v. Wade made it leagal to have an abortion. It's Murder. If your Dog became pregnant and you decided you only wanted four and she had five, halfway out of the womb you kill the puppy by bashing it's head open with a hammer. Would you do that? no the Humane society would lock your *** up. That's what they should do for people who get abortions just beacue they don't want a baby. If you're old enough to have sex, you're old enough to know the consequences and therefore pay the price.
Blessed Be!

2006-09-06 06:38:23 · answer #4 · answered by juniorteen312005 2 · 2 2

A fetus is described (medically) as the unborn offspring in the uterus of vertebrate animals after the embryonic stage.

Notice "unborn offspring" - Medically, a fetus is a child - not born yet.

Abortion is wrong, it is the willful killing of a person. Those who support abortion prefer to be labeled as "pro-choice" because it sounds better than the truth - pro-DEATH doesn't sound very friendly.

They also use the same argument(s); "what about rape?" and "what about incest?" Both are sad situation, and I will not argue that point, but they seem to leave out the point that less than 1% of rapes result in pregnancy. I don't know the stats for incest, but even assuming it is the same or slightly higher, this should only account for 40 abortions out of the nearly 4,000 performed yesterday. The remaining 3,960 are from selfish people who are to lazy to take responsibility for their own actions.

2006-09-06 06:37:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

It has been proven that the heart starts beating five days after conception. When you see a picture of a living being inside the womb why would you think that is wasn't human. It may be a part of the mother's body, but did you ask the baby if it wanted to die when you decided to jab a metal rod into its head and suck its brains out and then threw it in the trash like it was a piece of nothing. Anyone who thinks of abortion as an option should be jailed for attempted murder.

2006-09-06 06:36:33 · answer #6 · answered by saxxylao 1 · 4 1

science has said that until a fetus is at a certain "age" it is not living, it has no brain or organs. not all pro choice people believe this, and also pro choice isn't about saying ok go get an abortion we condon that it is about letting people make up there on choice. we are not pro abortion we are pro chioce. do you get the diference. i believe that a women has the right to choice but i don't agree with it if it is for the wrong reasons. some cases are understandabl, ie rape, inseste, health issues and if you are to young. i don't think it should be used as a birht control method.

2006-09-06 06:31:52 · answer #7 · answered by ~Saratini~ 4 · 3 2

Some people justify abortion even if they believe a fetus is a person by saying that there should be exclusions for women who are raped or women who may die because of their pregnancy. Although there is a wrong commiting when a woman is raped, if she conceives a child as a result of that wrong, must the child be held to pay for his or her father's sin? So, this is a weak argument. Also, a good doctor works for the life of the mother and child. If a child dies as a result of a medical procedure or drugs in the attempt to save the mother's life, that is not a sin because it was not willed to happen--i.e. it is not murder. But if a child dies as a result of an abortion--an attempt on his or her own young life--under the argument that such an abortion is needed since the child will "die anyway" when the mom has that medical procedure or drugs...etc then it is murder. There was an intent to kill in the second example that did not exist in the first. Consequently, there was also sin. (Incidentally, this is called the principle of double effect--very useful moral reasoning to be able to use during tough times....)

P.S. I want to add something about people's rights. No one is denying that the woman who is raped lost her "right" to a her own private life. Certainly her rights and dignity were violated. But they were violated by the rapist, not by the baby. It is a truth universally acknowleged that women are endowed with certain unalienable rights endowed to them by their Creator (Thanks, TJ), but at times when such rights--any rights--are at odds with the right to life, the right to life should always be given the greater weight. For example, if I am a high school student and I get pregnant but I wanted to go to college and start a career, my child's right to life must come before those desires. His or her right to exist is so much more important than college or career which I can always do later. I hope that makes sense! Thanks!

2006-09-06 06:31:48 · answer #8 · answered by Mary's Daughter 4 · 3 3

Maybe you should have been aborted.
Then the world would have been a better place.
So, how does that make you feel?
Wanted, Loved, Hated?
Do you feel like you are a burden on society?
Do you feel like you could have been?
What are the questions, who has the answers
What is life, what is death
what is birth,
what is abortion
what is the right
who has the right to decide if we live or die
do you like to breathe, feel, live and love
do you like to walk, run and play
to feel the rain against your face
on a day filled with gloom
of what could have been
or what should have been
to walk in ones footsteps
to play ones game
to experience life
to experience birth
to experience grief
to live.

2006-09-06 06:35:05 · answer #9 · answered by John M 3 · 0 2

I'm anti-Infanticide because NOBODY knows when life begins, and NOBODY knows when you become a person. Therefore, NOBODY knows whether or not abortion at a certain stage is murder or not - NOBODY can prove ANYTHING in regards to the beginning of life, it could begin 3 weeks after conception or it could begin 3 weeks after your 2nd birthday. I'm opposed to abortion for the same reason i am opposed to running around throwing hand grenades into abandoned buildings - Because you MIGHT be KILLING SOMEONE.

2006-09-06 06:34:35 · answer #10 · answered by thehotdogbun 3 · 3 1

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