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too much like hotels. we have a shortage of troops in trouble spots.
What about penal battalions! training would not cost as much as housing these law breakers and the conscripted sent would have a lesson in teamwork and even leadership.

2006-09-06 05:34:34 · 22 answers · asked by peter d 2 in Politics & Government Military

22 answers

Isn't it amazing how when someone asks a question about an emotional subject, everyone starts going off on one instead of discussing the subject rationally. We're all entitled to our views and opinions of course and who would want it any other way but at least let's discuss/argue these good questions sensibly, shall we?

First of all too much like hotels? You've been inside one then I take it or just read too much of the likes of The Sun and News of the World who are, after all, only in it for one thing - to make money!

It's simply not true and prisons ARE very overcrowded.

Another thing most people seem to forget is that prison, by its very nature, is loss of freedom and THAT is the punishment. Surely penal conily's went out over 200 years when we sent prisoners over to Australia?!

Conscription is simply ridiculous. If you were a full time paid armed services person, would YOU want someone next to you who didn't give a damn and wasn't looking out for your back? If someone wants to enlist, they will do it regardless and because they WANT to.

I do believe in rehabilitation in prison and I believe it works too. A BIG problem - and I know people won't like this much - is that "society" gives them too much of a hard time - even those who have done training inside or got themselves an education and learned new skills whilst they've been working (oh yes, surprise surprise, prisoners work too. Infact it's a priviledge which can be taken away if they don't do it properly!). Employers don't give ex prisoners a fair go in my opinion. Why do people assume because someone has a criminal record that they must be a liar and a cheat and someone who can't be trusted? Put yourself in a convict's shoes for a moment - would YOU stay on the straight and narrow when all around you think you're the pits of the Earth and not worth scraping off their shoe and you can't get a job for love or money? Damned if they do try to find work and damned if they don't and have to live on dole money or go out and rob/steal/cheat to feed themselves and maybe their families! Doesn't make it right but sometimes what else are they expected to do?

And before anyone starts getting silly - I'm voicing my opinions like anyone else. I don't care who disagrees with me as long as you 'argue' the facts ok? Thank you. :)

2006-09-06 05:51:42 · answer #1 · answered by mancunian_nick 4 · 1 1

You have a legit point. It would have to be on a volunteer
basis & also not for very serious crimes. In return if they do a certain amt of time, a part or all of their sentences could be removed. This would help also in overcrowding of your prisons. This has been done with success in the past.I just looked at the answers already submitted, man what a negative way of thinking. Prisons should only be for violent crimes, murder,rape, brutality, etc. These people should be housed in max security and non violent crimes, be dealt with by house arrest, community service, ankle braclets and making retribution. Your suggestion would be another option & a good way to start some serious prison reforms. Also lighten up on your pot &hash laws.

2006-09-06 05:44:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sending prisoners over seas with assault rifles is probably the worst idea I have ever heard. Prions are NOT like hotels. I think you might have the right idea with the teamwork/leadership lessons. They could send them to a prison boot camp, but not to war. I think that would be a good idea. I think there needs to be more done with the actual rehabilitating of prisoners, rather than just locking them up to keep them out of society.

2006-09-06 06:06:09 · answer #3 · answered by Curt 4 · 2 0

Maybe if they were really overcrowded like some foreign prisons on TV inmates wouldn't be so keen to return so soon after their release. The prisons in the UK could do with being less like hotels and more like foreign prisons. Army is a good idea, they all need the regimental rutine and work ethic but they couldn't have weapons so they'd be good for nothing. Again.

2006-09-06 05:42:21 · answer #4 · answered by Justme.X 2 · 1 1

Look my husband is in the Army well let not give people that most have some hate for America because they are in jail and could not follow are laws a gun to shot our troop that work hard to protect you the prisoner will not put there heart into like our troop thank you very much

2006-09-06 06:49:14 · answer #5 · answered by Ashley W 2 · 1 1

Not that every criminal has done a violent crime, but for the ones that have, I'm not sure handing them a gun is such a great idea! People are concerned about the handful of US Troops that have committed crime against civilian Iraqi's, but I'm willing to bet we would see a big increase of crimes on innocent people if we sent known rapist and murders over there.
Personally, I'm not really comfortable having people like that fighting for our Country, and though I truly could care less what they would do to terrorist and extremest, I would fear for the good and decent Iraqi people.
We need to stick to the stable, level headed people that make up the majority of our Military, and let them do the job they have been trained to do. Sending criminals to fight a war isn't the answer to our over populated prison problem, building more prisons is the answer. And to be honest, if my tax dollars go to keeping a rapist, child killer or wife beater behind bars, then I'll gladly agree to it. I would much rather have the money come out of my pocket to keep them behind bars then to allow them to freely walk the streets and possibly make one of my loved ones their next victim.

2006-09-06 07:02:03 · answer #6 · answered by Naples_6 5 · 0 1

The Uk should adopt the American way unless they are on death row ready to be hung or which ever method you choose then life should mean life and not in the case of some recent cases out after 10 Capital punishment should be used only in the cases of those who have killed a police officer in the line of duty child killers in fact it is still on the statute books of England you can be hung for
cattle rustling high treason arson of her majestys dock yards

2006-09-06 08:25:45 · answer #7 · answered by gnomeishtinkering 2 · 0 1

Did every physique comprehend that if 2 adolescents have intercourse, one 17 and one 18, the 18year previous will visit reformatory as a intercourse criminal. This guy or woman would be categorized a intercourse criminal for something of his or her existence.20 years in the past the mothers and dads might punish the toddlers by grounding or supply the female delivery administration. Now the criminal gadget has taken the flexibility from the relatives and categorized a non-criminal offense as criminal.

2016-09-30 09:49:50 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I think we should enforce the death penalty more than we are, putting them back on the streets is not the answer, your sugestion seems like a good one except for the fact that they will have guns, boot camp would be better, only without guns. Yes prison is a lot like a hotel now, cable TV, steak whenever you want , whatever you wnat for your last meal

2006-09-06 05:41:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The Dirty Dozen was just a MOVIE. Today's soldier is a highly motivated, intensely trained, and DISCIPLINED individual. There is no room in the armed forces for someone who is so weak in moral values that he would end up in prison. They would be more of a burden then a help.

2006-09-06 07:45:00 · answer #10 · answered by tallerfella 7 · 0 1

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