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I have heard over the years that Christinity, Islam, & Judaism
they have many thing in common yet they are different in many ways as well...
Please help find the...the similarties and differences...

2006-09-06 04:32:17 · 16 answers · asked by R A 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

Islam & Judaism believe in the same g-d but in different profets that will bring redemption, Christianity believes in a lot of different holy identities. Islam- fryday holy day, Judaism-saturday, Christianity- sunday, Jews and Muslems are obligated to say their prayers daily as opposed to christians that go to mass only on sundays.

2006-09-06 04:47:42 · answer #1 · answered by yafit k 4 · 2 0

Your question is too wide and general to be answered by one person on here but similarities are God. Differences are the way that we pray and worship although if you look closely at the religions you can find some groups even Muslim ones can still worship as in sing while at their building but they are not recognised. they are called Sufism or Tasawwuf, they sing in worship like Christians do and the Messianic Jews do similiar to Christians. Any way the list goes on and it is a fastinating subject to look into.

All Muslims Messianic Jews and Christians believe that Jesus will come back, But mainly Jewish people believe that the Messiah will come. and Elijah will blow the trumpet for that to happen. All believe there is a heaven only the Jews do not believe there is a devil or satan.

All came from Abraham and Sarah, Father of the Nations and Mothers of the Nations.

Jewish people read the same reading yearly every year. They pray three times a day the same prayers.
Muslims read or say the same prayers five times or more a day every day day in day out.
Chrisitans pray what ever their heart tells them or sing when they want. Unless they follow their own routine. Then who knows. Freedom is best?

Collectively I hope that you get all the answers you need

2006-09-06 04:34:14 · answer #2 · answered by sarell 6 · 0 0

Hi, trying to be simple, I´ll tell u:

God talks to Moses and he says worship only me, and dont associate me with nothing: destroy ur idols.

Moses come down from the mountain carryin the ten commandments with him and tell the people: dont worship no one but God.

People follows this sometimes, they got their freedom and go searchin the promise land. In some point of the way "changed" the original message and believe they are the choosen people, and they think God is only for them.

Jesus comes along, God doesnt speak directly to him, but still he was inspired with a message that pretends to "correct" the biased jewish thinking and then he says to the jews: hey we are wrong, this religions belongs to everyone in this earth and in this universe, God is love for all and we shall not take advantage on people´s needs, so we should not charge interests when we gives loans.

Jews get up set to Jesus, becoz he is an economical and political threat.They killed them. Jesus dont leave no written testimony nor message: the message starts to be changed and then people starts to say Jesus is Son of God. So once again the original message was adultered.

Constantino converts to Christianity coz in order to unify his empire he needs a common belief. He choses the gospels he wants and he (with the Church) invents the concept of the Holy Trinity that also fits and suits with the geological model they used to understand the universe and which was given by Ptolemy, the greek. SO, as they believe earth was the center of the universe, saying Jesus as human, is part of the divinity matches and make sense with this antropocentrical perception of the universe.

Of course the Galileo came and he was victim of the catholic Church becoz of his findings were also a threat. Any way...
6 centuries later (of Jesus) ...Mohamed came along, Gabriel de Arcangel spoke to him and told him: u have to go out and "correct" the message, people missunderstad Jesus who was a prophet of God and now they are worshiping him as if they were God...so pls go out and tell the world they have to come to the right path again and worship only Him...so Mohamed did.

So this is why in Sura Fatiha (the first of the Quran) there is this recitation that among other things say "show us the straight path, dont let us follow the path that followed those who earned ur anger (the jews) nor the path that followed those who strayed (Christians)

So this is why muslims knows that Moses and Jesus and Abraham were the first muslims on earth. It doesnt have to do with Mohamed, it has to do with the fact that they worship only God and they didnt praised Jesus. Their feith were authentic, they were real monotheists.

So after studying this an other sources u come to the point where everything makes sense and sometimes, happens like it happens to me: I adopted the religion.

2006-09-06 04:39:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

THey all believe in the same God. They share almost all of the same prophets. The Jewish holy book is the first half of the Christian holy book, and Islam sees both of those books as originally divine but corrupted. They all come from the Middle East.

The main differences are whether or not they eat pork. Oh, and that whole 'son of God' stuff. And which of the other two they prefer killing most.

2006-09-06 04:35:45 · answer #4 · answered by XYZ 7 · 0 0

All three of these religions are abrahamic. They descend from the prophet abraham. they all believe in one god and they all believe not to worship idols. all of them also believe in baisic human rights and the truth.
it's just that christianty believes in the trinity and that jesus was the son of god, however islam and judaism don't believe the factbthat jesus was the son of god, but they believe he walked the earth and muslims believe he was a prophet.
jews celbate sabbath on a friday, and muslims celbrate thier holy day on friday too, however christians clebrfate it on sunday. if you were a bit more specific about the details you wanted i could give you more.

2006-09-06 04:39:35 · answer #5 · answered by intellectual_mind 2 · 1 0

differences: who is Jesus? Christianity: one-third of God, Islam: prophet, Judaism: heretic. Similarities: acknowledgement of the Old Testament as divine.

2006-09-06 04:36:16 · answer #6 · answered by Sharon C 2 · 0 0

Islam and Judaism are very similar while Christianity is nothing like either

2006-09-06 17:15:38 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All believe in the same God (Debatable though)

Jews and Muslims Don't believe in the Divinity of Jesus.

Muslims believe Jesus was just a prophet, and Muhammad (who came 400 years after Jesus) was another Prophet.

Jews and Christians believe that Muhammad was a false prophet.

In a nutshell.


2006-09-06 04:36:42 · answer #8 · answered by C 7 · 0 1

Christianity believes Jesus is the only way to avoid the second death. Everyone whose name is not written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire.

Judaism generally rejects the "new covenant" of Christianity and therefore is judged by the old covenants of Abraham and Moses.

The God of Judaism is El, also known as El Shaddai, Adonai, Jehovah Jireh and so on. His characteristics are Justice, Truth, Provision, Peace, Anger, Love, Spirit and so on. The same God of the Christians except Christianity sees the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as a triune God (God is one, but three modes or manifestations or "persons" o dimensions of God are revealed to us as the same God)

Islam follows a god named Allah, a demon god emerging from early Arab idolatry and invoked by Mohammed. Allah claims to be Jehovah, and Mohammed claims to be the prophet. However, the characteristics of murder, telling lies and practicing deception, condoning the breaking covenants, and replacement of instead of fulfillment of prophesy are characteristics of the Allah demigod, setting it as definitely different from El Shaddai.

The three religions emerged in the same regions of the ancient near east.

2006-09-06 04:40:32 · answer #9 · answered by Just David 5 · 0 2

Jews are waiting for their Messiah and believe Jesus was a prophet/holy man. Christians believe jesus was the Messiah and the Son of God. Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet and that Allah is their God who sent Muhammed to do his work. Thats the nutshell version.

2006-09-06 04:38:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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