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Yes please come one come all share your opinions with the group here in this question,

What are your views on God?

What are your views on Jesus?

What are your views on the Bible?

Creationism vs Evolutionism vs Intelligent Design?


Death Penalty?



School Prayer?

God in the Pledge of Alligiance?

Gay Marriage?

2006-09-06 03:42:58 · 51 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

51 answers

You are going to have to be more concise with your questions. I have to go do my laundry soon.

What are your views on God?--I am not sure if a personified God exists.

What are your views on Jesus?--He was a mystic.

What are your views on the Bible?--Too many translations.

Creationism vs Evolutionism vs Intelligent Design?--I don't know and I don't care. I just enjoy what is here right now.

Abortion?--A necessary evil

Death Penalty?--I disapprove.

Iraq?--An ill advised disaster.

Dwarfs?--I hate it when the male dwarfs come on to me.

School Prayer?--No, a moment of silence is OK however.

God in the Pledge of Allegiance?--I don't care.

Gay Marriage?--Why not? Who does it hurt?

2006-09-06 03:49:54 · answer #1 · answered by a_delphic_oracle 6 · 3 1

What are your views on God?

I am agnostic. If he exists, I doubt that he is anything like the god Protestants believe in. I can't imagine worshiping a god who would send good men to hell just because they are nonbelievers.

What are your views on Jesus?

He was probably a very good man -- but not a god. I always thought that the Golden Rule was his most important contribution to mankind -- but recently discovered that he was actually quoting Aristotle.

What are your views on the Bible?

The old testement is a political manifesto written by a political leader used to keep the people in line. The New Testament are a group of stories and letters that fourth century Catholics declared are the holy word of God -- a dubious source, at best.

Creationism vs Evolutionism vs Intelligent Design?

If there is a god, I believe that either he greated the universe and let it unfold or that he had some sort of design but used evolution as a means to get there. Creationism is just plane silly -- even most Christians believe that Genesis is just allegory.


I'm not a fan of abortion -- but believe that the way to stop abortions is through education -- not legislation. And I'm not talking about teaching abstinance -- I'm talking about teaching birth control.

Death Penalty?

On principal, I am against the death penalty. I don't think it is a good deterrant. But there is a part of me that thinks it is occasionally a good punishment. There is another part of me that thinks it ought to be used for anyone playing Christmas Carrolls, ringing a bell on street corners, playing an organ outside a music store in a mall, Paris Hilton and the architect who designed #2 Broadway in NYC.


I think the invasion of Iraq was ill-advised. Given that we invaded it, I believe we have a committment to rebuild the country. I don't think we are going about it in the right way.,


I am opposed to dwarf tossing. Otherwise, I have little to say about them.

School Prayer?

Anyone who wants to pray in silence should be allowed to do it. Intsitutional prayer in public schools should be prohibited.

God in the Pledge of Alligiance?

I don't really care either way.

Gay Marriage?

We are not going to be able to stop gay people from having committed relationships. I believe that life partners ought to have certain rights enjoyed by married people (like the ability to make decisions if one person is in the hospital or an implied will). I think they ought to have the right to declare to the world in a celebration that they are committed to each other and that they have accepted the legal rights and responsibilities. If they want to call this a marriage, I have no problem with it. I don't understand why those who oppose it care.

2006-09-06 04:04:32 · answer #2 · answered by Ranto 7 · 0 0

1. I view god to be an entity concocted by man as not only as a means to control but to explain events that at that time they had no understand of.

2. I believe Jesus was a scapegoat to the religion.

3. The bible is a mis-mash of old myth and basic instruction to control people with fear.

4. Creationism and Intelligent Design make no scientific sense especially when they try to use science to explain it. Evolution on the other hand, yes I can understand that and I beleive in it.

5. It is the given right of the woman and man to decide if they should choose an abortion. however I think that better education to younger people and easier access to birth control/condoms ect is a fair was to go.

6. The death penalty should only be used where there is no unfathomable doubt that the person commited the crime.

7. Iraq.....well I dont agree with it in the slightest. Only thing I can assume is that Bushy was finishing off Daddies work. Its blatant violation of the geneva convention.

8. erm, the one in Jackass is funny!!!

9. I didnt like it at school, I wasnt religious so I dont believe it should take place during school unless we do a prayer for each and every religion out there.

10. Since im not American, I cant comment, but we do have a mention of him in teh British National Anthem. However since im Scottish I generally us the Scottish one instead which doesnt have it in.

11. All for it!

2006-09-06 04:03:42 · answer #3 · answered by A_Geologist 5 · 2 0

God is the sum total of all consciousness (so says I)

Jesus was a guy with some good ideas. He's dead.

The Bible is a book. I think it's on the best sellers list, but I can't figure out why cuz you can get 'em for free all over the place. They can't seem to decide if they should put it in fiction or non-fiction, but I have my opinion.

I believe in intelligent design, but it isn't science and it doesn't belong in schools. Evolution is a fact and should be taught without religious mumbo-jumbo (not even the religious mumbo-jumbo that I believe.)

If you can't feed it, won't love it, don't want your body to go through all of that stuff, are too messed up to care for it, etc. then abort... but do it before the human brain patern develops in the 2nd trimester.

Killing a human is wrong. But even "reformed" killers need to stay behind bars for the rest of their lives. Maybe they can do some good there helping the other incarcerated people, but they have forfeited their right to roam freely in society.

Why the hell did we go to Iraq?? Saddam is an asshat, true, but we can't afford it, it diverted our attention from Afghanistan, we have created a power vacuum and we are following the "blueprint" of Islamic extremists to the letter.

I love Red Dwarf. Smeghead.

Pray in school if you desire, however you want. But do it in private and the school cannot compel you to dso it if you don't want to.

I don't care that God is in the pledge. I'm more concerned that kids are pledging allegiance when they have no idea what they are saying.I'd rather have them pledge allegience because they are proud of our country... but we adults have some serious work to do if we want that to happen again!

Who the hell is the state to tell anyone who they should pledge their lives to? I don't get how this is even an issue.

2006-09-06 03:58:05 · answer #4 · answered by ZombieTrix 2012 6 · 2 0

1. God.. well I don't think I will have empirical evidence for the existence of any deity until after my death.

2. A human being who lived 2000 yrs ago. Totally human, not divine nor the child of a deity. A very spiritual guy though and a teacher.

3. Some historical fact mixed in with fiction and made to control society.

4. I'm not well enough educated in those to take a stab at that.. I'm still reading up on ID

5. I'm pro-choice meaning that every person should have the right to any legal choice available to them including abortion. Abortion is not something I would do myself however.

6. I agree with the Death Penalty on certain crimes like serial killers, rapists and heinous premeditated murder.

7. Well from the beginning I said this was going to turn ugly and we probably shouldn't even go there in the first place. I understand why we went, I don't think the reasoning was entirely honest and I feel bad for all those men and women who are there wondering at any minute if they are going to die.

8. Dwarves are people too. They unfortunately have to deal with what is usually a genetic disease and society does not make that easy for them.

9. I have no problem with a moment of silence so everyone can pray or do their meditating in their own way. I grew up with that. Actual prayer being led in a classroom.. it's not the place for it.. keep it private.

10. Could care less that it is there. Anyone can substitute the name of any deity while saying it or be like myself who just does not say that one word at all.

11. I don't look at in terms of gay or heterosexual marriage - I look at in terms of marriage and that should be for one and all regardless of what gender you are and what gender you wish to marry. So far as I see it, marriage is supposed to be about love not chromosomes....

2006-09-06 08:21:19 · answer #5 · answered by genaddt 7 · 0 0

What are your views on God?
I am not a big fan.
What are your views on Jesus?
Highly successful cult leader. Charles Manson and David Koresh tried but could not match his success.
What are your views on the Bible?
Pure fiction
Creationism vs Evolutionism vs Intelligent Design?
Government has no right to tell a women what to do with her body but it is a horrible thing that should only be done under extreme circumstances.
Death Penalty?
Lets keep kicking ***!
Poor little guys..
School Prayer?
Prayer does not belong in school.
God in the Pledge of Alligiance?
Do not like it. Pledging Allegiance to my country should have nothing to do with a mythical figure.
Gay Marriage?
Why not.

I think you cheated though, this appears to be more than one question, but then again I was always very good at math.

2006-09-06 03:49:12 · answer #6 · answered by barter256 4 · 1 1

"God" is the intelligent, infinite but nonjudmental source of all we know, i.e. the Cosmos. Everyone and everything is a part of the Cosmos; we are star stuff.

Jesus was an Essene rabbi who taught karma and reincarnation, forgiveness and equality. He was a good guy.

The bible is a collection of mythologies combined with a few historical facts.

Creationists feel that accepting a scientific truth over a biblical fairy tale would make their faith fall apart. They don't seem to grasp that if there is a "God", "God" would communicate through science, truth and discovery -- not through old men sitting around a campfire exchanging fables they heard from their parents.

Abortion is wrong if the fetus has a chance of survival outside the mother's body. That would be murder. Before the embryo is able to survive on its own it is clearly a part of the mother's body, and she has the right to abort it if she wishes.

I am against the death penalty.

I think we have stirred up a hornets' nest in Iraq, Bush is an idiot, and we need to get our soldiers home.

Dwarves are okay.

School prayer is fine as long as the kids pray to Vishnu, Buddha, L. Ron Hubbard and other "deities" along with the Christian one. Otherwise, it has no place in school.

"Under God" does not belong in the Pledge of Allegiance.

I am 100% in favor of gay marriage and I would be glad to march, sign petitions, do whatever it takes to see that gays, like all people, are treated fairly and given equality.

2006-09-06 03:55:05 · answer #7 · answered by Sweetchild Danielle 7 · 3 0

God doesn't exist, jesus was just some bloke who lived years ago, the bible is a book of fictious stories. Creationism is a long shot, evolution seems a bit far fetched but is possible (as we've seen). Abortion is a horrible thing but in some cases its better than the alternative, the death penalty is an easy way out for harsh offenders. Iraq was a war of lies and money, dwarves are fine. School prayer should not be used because it biases the kids in favour of whatever religion the school preaches. God is nothing to do with men and not everyone believes in him so its a one sided argument using it in the pledge of allegience. Not everyone finds love, if you find it and its in the form of a gay relationship then fine, gay marriage makes sense in that instance.

2006-09-06 03:48:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

- What are your views on God?
I don't believe in the concept of "deity";


- What are your views on Jesus?
Well, according to many historicians, that man lived then died about 20 centuries ago. So I see "jesus" as a human who died a long time ago.


- What are your views on the Bible?
Well, I have no view about this.


- Creationism vs Evolutionism vs Intelligent Design?
I trust exobiology & panspermia instead.


- Abortion?
I am pro-choice.


- Death Penalty?
I don't agree with death penalty.


- Iraq?
Hungry americans getting more oil & power.


- Dwarfs?
Dwarf stars (cosmology)


- School Prayer?
Gosh! Secular school.


- God in the Pledge of Alligiance?
no view in this at all. I am an unbeliever.


- Gay Marriage?

2006-09-06 03:53:22 · answer #9 · answered by Axel ∇ 5 · 0 1

God, jesus, bible are fiction. Evolution is proven scientific fact. I guess that's not really an opnion. Abortion is a personal choice. If it's legal where you are it's no one's business but yours and your doctor's. Death penalty seems wrong because if we kill someone for killing we're just as bad as they are. Public schools are supposed to be secular so no prayer. I'm fine with dwarfs and gay marriage. I signed the petitions for gay marriage when they came around a few years ago. Gays aren't trying to tell me who I should or shouldn't marry so why should I say they can't get married. I'm Canadian and gay marriage is legal here now.
Iraq and terrorism, I'm not even going to touch that one except to say that I wish some people would realize not everyone from those countries is a terrorist. Most are just normal people trying to support their families. And I'm not commenting on the pledge of allegiance as I'm not American and it's none of my business.

2006-09-06 03:52:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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