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do muslims in britain not publicly condone acts of terrorism.but instead seem to just keep quiet. when was the last time you saw a muslim march condoning these sick scum.i havnt .ever..failed plane bombings and god knows how many more terrorist acts that are being planned .but do we see marches condoning these acts.no.why not and dont try telling me that the british press is at fault for not reporting it.why dont they ring one of there buddies in al jazeera and get them to report a march by muslims condoning terrorists. ill tell you why because it just doesnt happen . but hey a palastinian gets shot and all hell brakes loose.is western life not considered as a equal to muslims.i dont think so what do you think.?

2006-09-06 03:21:27 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

I don't remember seeing any Christians marching to protest bombing abortion clinics or killing doctors who perform abortions. Are there Christians out en masse picketing Fred Phelps of http://www.godhatesfags.com/? I sincerely hope so, but I've never seen any news about Christians organizing to stand up and speak out about their lunatic fringe.

2006-09-06 03:29:24 · answer #1 · answered by Sweetchild Danielle 7 · 1 1

You do have a good point. I do not believe that Muslims as a whole as evil. To me that foolish. It seems that only the radicals are making headlines. I bet that if a bunch of Muslims in the Western World would stand up and go on record condemning these murderous actions it would go a long way in breaching the gaps between them and other faiths. Unfortunately, their silence is speaking volumes in a negative sense. I truly wish that those who do not follow these Radicals would stand up and say something! Just my thoughts on the matter!

2006-09-06 10:32:29 · answer #2 · answered by badgerman 2 · 1 0

I think you and jews should be deported to mars or maybe thrown in to the space to make Britain and the whole world safer No one may fully judge a religion before knowing and studying its true meaning. All u people r just brainwashed! don't u pea brains c Wat they do with the poor Palestinians?Ever wonder who gets killed everyday for no reason? and recently they attacked and killed hundreds of Innocent Lebanese for no reason. At least u should have been neutral in this case but Ur thoughts are totally biased against Muslims Ur not realistic. A single or few people are not representing Islam. The Qur'an is fully represnting Islam. Muslims hate u people far more than u do because of Ur such thoughts against us and Ur Pharaoh Presidents policies. u people and ur media r creating more hatred. Do u have any Justification for Wat happened in Abu Ghuraib Jail in Iraq and wats happening in Guantanamo bay? u people call urself civilized but ur not.

2006-09-06 10:35:50 · answer #3 · answered by ajmal 3 · 0 0

Because many Mulims agree with what terrorists are doing and do not want a visit from the police who would monitor who was attending the march. Its called Muslim stealth. They try not to bring attention to themsleves so they can infiltrate and take over before anyone knows whats going on.

2006-09-06 10:27:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

i think u are nuts go to a doctor for help dear yes there are many many Muslims in Britain in went against terrorism as u told about Palestinian gets shot hell brakes dear u don't know what is hap ping in Palestine IRAQ and Afghanistan u just watch Ur stupid no true no news 100s Innocent people are killed by Ur troops remember one thing there is a saying that what goes around it comes around

2006-09-06 10:29:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The muslims have never ever thought anyone other than muslims as equal. It is because they think they have the right to kill people for not believing in their beliefs.

2006-09-06 10:26:25 · answer #6 · answered by crazy s 4 · 1 1

I agree, the same happens here in the Canadian media. If hezbollah peppers purely civilian Israeli targets with rockets, nobody says squat. When hamas straps hundred of pounds of dynamite to women and little children and sends them into crowded Israeli marketplaces to blow up old men, old ladies, young women, mothers, pregnant women, children, toddlers, babies, nobody says squat. But let Israel target hezbollah and hamas purely military targets with pin-point, laser-beam surgically-precise strikes and coincidentally a single old man gets a bump on his head or a scraped elbow because hezbollah and hamas are sick and evil and dastardly and cowardly enough to not only hide their military assets and resouces amid their civilian populations but to actually use those civilian populations to fire their rockets from and the **** hits the fan in unmitigatedly unholy quantities. Bush, Rumsfeld, et al refer to the islamo-facists and call hezbollah and hamas nazis and they're pilloried and vilified by every corner of the media. Yet when these same sick, evil, satanic anti-semites call for the elimination of Israel from the planet (not please don't fire rockets at us or please get your military out of our country or please pull back from our border, which might be defensible claims but in any event are certainly less extreme) but the wiping of an entire country off the globe, nobody says a damn word. When the nazis professed these very same sentiments and set about enacting them, the whole world mobilised against them. Yet hezbollah and hamas and islamic jihad and the iranian turkey are permitted not just freedom of speech, but the implementation of their sick beliefs? Why? Because they sport a permanent suntan? Because they don't speak german? Because they wear bedsheets instead of shirts and pants? Even in our local paper, letters to the editor in support of the hezbollah position (which is stated as the lebanese position, so you have to wonder are writers simply mispeaking, are they deluded or are they speaking the truth unawares?) out-number letters in support of Israel by at least 1-0, usually 2, 3 or even 4-0. And further to this whole point, the subtle text, the fine print if you will, is that the elimination of Israel is not the whole plan, it is simply the first step. The koran, their so-called "holy" book calls for the conversion/elimination of the "infidel". "Infidel" means you and me, folks. If we can't be converted to muslimism or islamism, then we are to be killed. Israel is not preaching, nor does it want, the death of all muslims or the elimination of muslim-land from the planet. Israel doesn't preach nor does it want all muslims converted to Judaism or be killed. The Torah does not state this nor even obliquely advocate this. Christians don't preach and don't want the elimination of islamia from the planet and/or the conversion of all muslims to Christianity or be killed. And their Holy Bible does not state this nor obliquely advocate this. Whenever there is a "middle-eastern" people-marching, placard-carrying protest, it is ALWAYS pro-hezbollah and/or pro-hamas. If every once in a long while, you happen to hear a one or two line report on how "the muslim community does not support the actions of hezbollah" it is nothing but lip-service in muted support of the "let cooler heads prevail" concept. There are no muslim protests against hezbollah, just are there no letters to the editor opposing hezbollah (and/or supporting Israel). why why why? Because there is an international anti-Israel pro-islam conspiracy in which the world-wide media are wholly complicit.

2006-09-06 11:44:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

totally agree with u. as a british asian myself, i am worried ppl thinking that i am muslim. i think they should go and protest, coz when the cartoon pics of prophet mohammed came, muslims were gathering and protesting. i think islam is fake and i hope these ppl get punished by god, all of them.

2006-09-06 10:37:15 · answer #8 · answered by rocky 3 · 0 1

Haven't got a clue as to what you are saying.
If you are saying all Muslims aren't bad I'll agree.
If you are saying Muslims don't kill people, I don't agree with you.

2006-09-06 10:25:48 · answer #9 · answered by chris p 6 · 1 1

Why can't people use punctuation and even capitalize words?

And no, these lives are not equal on any level.

2006-09-06 10:28:45 · answer #10 · answered by twowords 6 · 0 1

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