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Please pray for me. I have IBS. Two years ago I asked a nurse for the doctor to remove my colon. She was rude and uncaring so I gave upon doctors. I cannot suffer like this anymore. Three years is enough. I want my colon taken out. I would rather wear a bag on my side than live my life in the bathroom. Please say a prayer that I either get better or a prayer to help find a doctor to remove my colon. If I did not have children I would cause my self great bodily harm. Thank you.
(I don't feel right asking others to pray for me but I am at the end of my rope and don't know what else to do. Every night for 3 1/2 yrs I have asked God to help make me better. ...................................)

2006-09-06 02:00:56 · 42 answers · asked by cranky_gut 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

By the way I have seen more than one doctor. I have seen 4. (right now I have no ins) One nurse was rude and one was downright hateful and told me to find another doctor. I have spend hours and hours researching IBS. I have done so many things to help myself. (way too many to list here) Every suggestion I have read about I have tried. I do believe in docs but I believe in God and the power of prayer even more. Thank you to those who left kind words and prayrers.

2006-09-06 02:52:47 · update #1

42 answers

I will pray for you honey. I am so sorry about your pain. I have IBS but it is not that bad. I feel so bad for you.

Continue to hold on for the kids sake. I pray that soon you will enjoy life again.

Dear Lord have mercy on my sister and heal her completely of this affliction for the sake of your name and for the sake of her family who love her. Give her loving brothers and sisters in Christ who will help her carry her burdens and an abundance of comfort to console her for this time in her life.

3 minutes later.........I just put you on a prayer chain of sorts. and I am E-mailing my Women's small group to pray for you. I just told them your initials(and that you are not my actual sister who has the same initials {Chuckle}).

2006-09-06 02:11:00 · answer #1 · answered by Makemeaspark 7 · 2 2

feel bad for you---i have IBS, but not as severe as yours. Nevertheless, i can understand your frustration. Have you tried acupuncture or going to a Chinese doctor specializing in homeopathic medicine. I would also strongly recommend looking in Google search and explore these options. Taking out the colon may or may not be the best option. Look up Ayurvedic medicine and see what you can find. I will pray for you. Another suggestion is to find a support group for IBS and you may find others who can suggest helpful things that have worked.

2006-09-06 02:12:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

When God answers the prayers of a Christian, it isn't always the answer we want. But he knows best and he does answer the faithful.

Jesus prayed!
Matthew 26:39
And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O FATHER, ( IF IT BE POSSIBLE,) LET THIS CUP PASS FROM ME: ( NEVERTHELESS NOT AS I WILL, BUT AS THOU WILT.)

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a RIGHTEOUS man availeth much.

2006-09-06 02:28:11 · answer #3 · answered by Rhonda 3 · 1 0

You will be prayed for by many, as well as myself. But god has given the doctors a medication for this condition, You should seek a second and or third opinion

2006-09-06 02:20:54 · answer #4 · answered by smurfee68 5 · 0 0

I am a Christian and God says in the Bible "I give you plants for your food and herbs for your medicine."

the answers our often here already in the forms of God's creation.

"Please try Dr. Richard Schulze's incurable program first
first go to index see it for recommendations:


here are the links to his recommendations..
and 5 day cleanse




It is importsant if you have ibs not to do intestinal formula #! only formula #2

I also remember from his 12 hour tape series that he once treated a women who had suffered form this many years by inverting her upsie down and giving her rectal implant of extra virgin olive oil and aloe Vera juice (he had an underground clinic for very ill and dying people 20 years)

. He said she told him it was the first time she smiled in years as it put out the fire.

I don't have the films right now but went upstairs to look in the 700 page manual for his suggestions (tape series is save your life diet available through Sam Biser's website or eBay/amazon) very worthwhile.

All he had in there (the manuel) was that he gave several cups of aloe vera juice (high quality) ..both rectally and orally. He also used "1/2 bottle" of licorice root
use deglycyrrhizinated licorice mixed with slippery elm in a blender drink.

I have worked on this answer over an hour..I typed all this information but unfortunately hit the esc keys accidentally not once but twice and lost it all.

I was going to give up as I am in pain from typing so long and I can't do it all but your post so touched me, I am at least doing this..

See Linda rector pages book for the suggestions...I had typed all these but cant do it again 3rd time but all info is here but in a link where the book (healthy healig) can be purchased at the authors site (also products crystal star products she uses)


I use this book all the time..It is probably my most useful book for all kinds of problems and helping sick people so it is well worth the money.. Schulze's products are the beast on the market..the website says why.

Good luck..please give this a try first before taking such drastic action.

2006-09-06 03:26:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

We can pray for you but what you may want to remember is that God doesn't always answer our prayers in a way that we feel is best. Whatever He is allowing in your life is for a greater purpose. Instead of asking God to make you well...ask him for his guidance in what He is working on in your life and/or in the lives of others around you. We can only see a glimpse of the picture but God sees the whole picture. Just remember that God loves you and keep the faith. God Bless.

2006-09-06 02:09:33 · answer #6 · answered by sunshine05rose 5 · 2 1

By His stripes we are healed. Keep on praying to God. God has a greater plan for your life so don't give up the faith. It will be a wonderful testimony to win people to salvation when you are healed.

Remember that confession is possession for our words carry great power so think and confess positive into your life.

I will pray for you.

2006-09-06 02:19:33 · answer #7 · answered by Cinderella 3 · 2 0

Yes of course I will pray for you... but in the meantime here is a couple of support groups that you should really check out.. .http://www.ibsgroup.org ,and http://www.ibstales.com/ibs_treatment.html you can not underestimate the importance of support from people that know what you''re going thru.Please continue to try to be more proactive in your treatment...God would want you to take a active stand in your health cause you are a beautiful gift and there's no one else quite like you.If the dr is not listening to you... find another one who will...Life is an incredible gift...sometimes you have to fight to get a little more of it.

2006-09-06 02:13:17 · answer #8 · answered by jeanette98070 2 · 2 1

There are thousands of people around the world who have the same problem, myself included. You know what fixes it a lot better than praying and begging doctors for NEEDLESS surgery?

Adjust your diet and make changes in your life. God is not there to fix your problems - that is lazy and irresponsible. Change the way you eat and handles stress!

"God helps those who help themselves" is another way of saying "God isn't going to hand out miracles to people who won't do something to make changes"

2006-09-06 02:09:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I do feel bad for you. My husband has IBS and swears he would rather chop his stomach off that suffer anymore. The good news is that it does get better with age. My FIL had it bad when he was younger, but it's almost completely gone now that he's in his fifties.

2006-09-06 02:07:38 · answer #10 · answered by Squirrel 4 · 2 0

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