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Forgive me, I'm agnostic.

What does it mean to "speak in tongues"?
What's it sound like?
Is there biblical precident for it?
When do people do it?

Can you Type in Fingers?

2006-09-06 01:45:49 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

Every person who claims to "speak in tongues" who has been recorded has been found to be speaking random gibberish, a collection of random words badly pronounced form other languages OR has been later found to have been taking courses in other languages when they do manage to "miraculously" speak another language.

The original Greek texts were badly translated and meant "they spoke the language of others", meaning they could suddenly speak foreign languages... And no one today has legitimately been able to do so. It's babble and hysteria.

2006-09-06 01:57:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

From the New Testament, Acts 2:1-4, it talks about how the disciples received the Holy Spirit and how they began to speak in unknown tongues:

"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."

People get very emotional by thinking that God is filling them with the Holy Ghost, and they are commanded (by the minister) to "speak it out". They start to babble gibberish while in this very emotional state. Some of them faint (they call it being "slain under the Spirit"), while others might dance or cry.

At other times in a church service, someone might stand and deliver a "prophetic message" by speaking in this gibberish, followed by someone else who will stand to supposedly interpret the message.

It is all based on emotion. Nobody has a clue what they are doing or saying.

For more about this, check out the information below, with video and audio documentation taken from church services that show this.

2006-09-06 01:57:27 · answer #2 · answered by SB 7 · 1 2

Read the account in the NT concerning the Upper Room gathering. It will inform you in greatest possible detail, but I can tell you that speaking in tongues is speaking in an "unknown" or "unlearned" language. For example, it would be like me speaking in perfect Mandarin Chinese, though I'm not Chinese, nor ever had a lesson! It sounds like gibberish to those who don't understand and even on the Day of Pentecost, the people who were in the street outside the Upper Room were astonished when they heard their individual tongues being spoken by these "Galileans" who could never have had a lesson in learning these many tongues in which they spoke! People do it under the influence of the Holy Ghost to prove God's presence in a gathering of believers with a spiritually charged interpreter present so that God's message to the assembly can be clarified and edified in their hearing.

2006-09-06 02:00:42 · answer #3 · answered by bigvol662004 6 · 2 4

Speaking in tongues simply means to speak in Languages. Lengua being the latin word for tongue.
It sounds like any other language in the world.
There are two times I can think of that tongues were used in the bible. 1) was tih Nimrod. He tried to build a tower as high as the heavens, his intent was to question Gods power and status! SO he struck all the workers ,through his holy sirit, with different tonges. Because they all spoke differently and couldnt understand eachother, so they split up and all dispersed to different parts of the world. 2) was in the upper room where disciples were congregated and the Holy spirit struck them with the ability to speak in different tongues. And flames appeared over there heads. The tongues were given to them so they could speak to all the inhabited earth and people of the different nations, in order for those Gentiles to get the message of God in their own native tongue.
People perpertrate to do it now and speak in jibberish and say that they are speaking in he "tongue". They say it is a heavenly tongut, a tongue of angels. I say it is Malarcey and not anything the bible ever talke about.

2006-09-06 02:16:08 · answer #4 · answered by david s 4 · 0 3

To speak in tongues is to have the gift of speaking in a language which is foreign to your own and which you do not know. As if an English-only speaker suddenly started speaking Hindi.

It sounds like the language being spoken sounds like.

The Bible gives three separate examples, the best known on the Day of Pentecost when the Apostles went out to the crowd and began preaching the Good News to the different linguistic groups in that crowd. Jews were present from all over the Roman Empire, most of whom spoke no Aramaic (the natal language of the Apostles, except for Phillip who was Greek).

As a gift, it is largely unnecessary these days, so it is very rare.

And no, lol, one does not "type in fingers".

2006-09-06 01:52:23 · answer #5 · answered by Granny Annie 6 · 2 6

I am a born and raised Catholic but when I moved down to North Carolina many years ago, my in-laws went to a church and invited me to go there as well. What I saw, made me scared at first but, then I just sat there and watched. the church I went to wasn't Catholic but the people there was up at the front of the church hands up in the air, talking very strangly, and I found out that they were speaking in tongues. Not used to seeing people dancing around the front of the church hands in air and yelling stange things, but that is how I learned what speaking in tongues was.

2006-09-06 01:59:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

The major incident in the Bible is in the 2nd Chapter of Acts where the believers have just seen Jesus Ascend into heaven after His Resurrection. He tells his followers to "wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit". In this instance "tongues of fire" came down upon a large gathering of worshiping believers who were outside in a public area. Those around Them heard these Jewish people suddenly speaking in languages that they did not know. Many recognized their own language and heard God being praised in their native tongue.

It just sounds like a foreign tongue. Those who call it gibberish reflect many G.I.'s who have visited foreign cultures and call their languages gibberish too. The Apostle Paul explains more about it in The 12th and 14th chapters of ! Corinthians.

I bet you $100 dollars cash that "Ikyoto" has no believable source for his assertion that Tongues are proven false. I know people personally who have had a foreign visitor who spoke an ancient Chinese language and heard it spoken at a prayer meeting by someone who had no way of knowing this language and the person was praising God.

2006-09-06 01:50:38 · answer #7 · answered by Makemeaspark 7 · 2 5

Speaking in Tongues is one of the 9 spiritual gifts that may be given to someone that has received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. 1st Corinthians Chapter 12. In Acts 2:1-6 Many Christains belives that when you receive the holy Ghost that speaking in tongues is the evidence of having the holy Ghost, Now I know I will upset many people by saying this, Speaking in Tongues is NOT the evidence, & that can be proven by scriptures. In Acts 2:1-6 we see the day of pentecost in the upper room, When they recived the Holy Ghost They began to speak in cloven tongues, or we can say divided tongues & when many heard about it they came to see for themselves, & all that came said that they heard them all speak in their languages. So we have to see that speaking in tongues is one of the nine spiritual gifts. Now just to believe that you have to speak in tongues when you recieve the holy Ghost, there is not scripture for that, even though many tries to interpreted the scripturs in the wrong way. I have seen people speak in tongues, & as soon as they stop, 5 minutes later they will cuss you out, Is that The spirit of God? NO. But I also have seen people speak in tongues & someone will interpretate what was said in tongues so that we can understand. Please Pentecost people, I am Apostolic Pentecost, I have seen it all in my 36 yrs. of serving God. That if you are wondering? Yes I have spoke in tongues, & I have interpreted tongues also. But that is not the evidence. The true evidence is how you accept the TRUTH, if you claim to have the holy Ghost which is the Spirit of God with measure, then how can you deny God's own words.

2006-09-06 02:14:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

Speaking in tongues is speaking in different foreign languages that came from the confusing of the tongue at the tower of babbel.

A lot of people try to show that they can speak in tongues in Chruch and God says this.

2 Timothy 2:16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

1st Corinthians 14:27-28
27 If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret.

28 But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.

Just pray to the Lord the normal way, He can hear you just fine and will not love you any less for it. Not being able to speak in tongues does not mean that you do not have the Holy Spirit within you as long as you accepted Jesus as your savior.

2006-09-06 01:56:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

Speaking in toungues is a gift of speaking in a foriegn language that only someone with the Holy Ghost can understand.

It sounds odd if you have never heard it

The Bible speaks many times of men recieving the Holy Ghost and speaking in toungues

People do it when the recieve the Holy Ghost

Dont be silly while asking a seriouse quisiton.....You did say you were trying to be seriouse then you eneded trying to be silly.

2006-09-06 02:02:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

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