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I believe in Him and all relating to such for numerous reasons, but Atheists on the contrary seem to immediately bash him without much thought for the "why"? Why does it bother you? Why is hard to believe? Difficult question, I know, but I'm really quite curious... always this talk about Him being ridiculous fiction and Him being believed by insecure people. Though, couldn't it be the other way around? For Atheists to be insecure themselves? This is just a thought....

Thank you for answers!

2006-09-06 01:01:35 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I said God as He IS the biggest part of the Christian religion, but sorry if it truly is a mastake... didn't no it could be taken so offensively!

2006-09-06 02:40:32 · update #1

Sorry, it was supposed to read "mistake", not "mastake"...

2006-09-06 02:41:14 · update #2

This is a question, not a generalization!! Please, I am only curious. I did not insult or anything. I am just asking a simple question-- hwta does it ahve to be immediately taken so wrongly???

2006-09-06 02:42:44 · update #3

*Edit of last additional details: This is a question, not a generalization!! Please, I am only curious. I did not even insult or anything. I am just asking a simple question... why does it have to be immediately taken so wrongly??? Goodness...

2006-09-06 02:43:53 · update #4

Googlywotsit-- I have not generalized, I have not been disrespectful, I have just honestly asked why Atheists bash, or at least are strongly against the Christian religion. Nothing else. Therefore, your answer is completely wrong and out of the circumstances! Please, please rethink your words and try answering my question next time. Thanks.

2006-09-06 02:55:50 · update #5

Icarus62-- What??? Clearly, you're against the Christian religion with all the wrong sources!! God has chosen to create humans and let them be free; it would be terrible if he were in control of everything! Don't you think it's hard for Him though? Do you think he enjoys all the evil that has penetrated in humans and made them act so (not Him who created it!!) ? Of course, this is only some people and my belief-- I don't wish to impose anyone of my beliefs. Just to share them to clarify a person's answer...

2006-09-06 03:01:51 · update #6

Listen, these people who claim to be Christian ARE NOT. Just to make the point final, once and for all. These people who go around trying to convert everyone aren't true Christians. They are just extremists. Sick people who have a lot of wrong in themselves. And besides, what gives Atheists the right to bash the whole Christian religion even if some true Christians were too extreme/imposing? Is bashing or such really the solution to stop these Chrisians? Sorry, but I think most of us think right; now it's time for Atheists to think right and start trying to stop some of us of being too imposing with another act than bashing. Thank you.

2006-09-06 03:10:51 · update #7

Magic One-- I must admit your whole answer is very well-said, though I disagree with some of course. Like, what I still don't understand is why most Atheists think Christians are crazy people only obsessing over their ideas. That they're completely closed to science... they're not! THAT is a false generalization! We can be both; open to science while believing in Heaven, God, praying, etc. And I'm also not quite sure why there would be anything wrong with proof being from personal stories. So? Just because our proof is of personal happenings, why does it have to be wrong? Do you not trust others for this? I'm not imposing or asking this out of aggresion, I just don't understand these two things.

2006-09-06 03:23:07 · update #8

21 answers

Your a sweet person and if you keep asking questions of Atheists then they are going to "bash" the dickens out of you for it. They believe they are right and nothing will change that unless they want it to change. Gezzz I asked a question last night about Steve Irwin and something that some idiot said on AOL and boy I got fileted big time by a few people. People on this site that are rude and nasty will continue to be so but there are some that answer questions with respect even if they don't agree with them. So keep your chin up and don't let them get to you.
As for the question:
Atheists see that the God of the Bible does not do anthing that helps them or the rest of the world here on a personal scale. If God is there then they want Him to show Hisself and stop the misery here. What some Christians don't realize is that the God they worship is real to them but not to the Atheists. My God as I explained before does not speak, watch, or interfer with life here on earth. My God is a power unlike any that we know and why that power started this earth and us is going to remain a mystery to all Atheists and a lot of Christians. It's just that Christians have been taught to take most things on faith and not question them. Me and a lot of Atheists would rather Think than just Believe. I hope you can understand what I am saying, I am not a basher of the God of the Bible. I just see God as something that is not in our daily lives and that is why we all need to learn how to get along together here and now or we will not survive as a world in the future. And that is a shame because just think what man could accomplish in the next 1000 years if we stop killing each other andf work together instead. When I think of what is out in the vast universes and galaxies I am reminded of just how ancient we still are. We are yet babies and have not learned how to use the better part of our brain to do the things that need to be done to exist. Maybe someday in the far future mankind will advance to a higher stage of existence and then we can consider ourselves Adults finally.

2006-09-06 05:24:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Why is it so hard to believe? I could give you a list. The Resurrection, As far as I can tell everything that is dead stays dead. The transubstantiation-now there's a fairy tale, the goofball "mysteries" religious people come up with when they try to explain the unexplainable. And last but not least, the problem of evil. God is either a bully with a very strange sense of humor or a weak and flabby cosmic muffin. Who needs either?
I have a better understanding of why believers think like they do because I was raised in a religious household. I see it has some advantages particularly if you don't want to have conflict. If you want someone to point out the rules and you just follow them. If you like to get a good brain sharpening argument going, religion is not for you.
And that's why you find atheists on this board. You ask questions, we're going to try and answer. You run the risk of not liking the answer. We don't necessarily see difference of opinion as bad. In fact it's good most of the time. Toss some ideas against the wall and see what sticks.
I see how you can believe and sometimes I feel sorry for you and other times I feel, well, it's her funeral, let her live her life, she's made her hammock, let her try and stand up in it.

2006-09-06 08:34:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Well the reality is that gods are just imaginary, but think what a god would be like if one really existed: He would be responsible for all the suffering that humans have ever endured throughout history. He would have been right there in the Middle Ages when people were impaled on stakes through the anus to die a long agonizing death, and being pleased with the sight. He would have been looking down on Saddam's torturers dunking people in baths of acid, and approving of it. He would be reading the minds of small children being starved to death, beaten to death, raped, tortured, hacked to pieces, suffering far beyond anything we can imagine, and thinking this was the best of all possible worlds... because if it wasn't what he wanted, then he could simply have chosen not to create it this way.

You want to worship such a god, the source of all evil that has ever existed? I sure don't, I would be ashamed of such a belief.

2006-09-06 08:11:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Yes it is possible but those who "bash" tend to do so because the "faithful" have been harrassing, torturing, and killing those who differ in opinion for thousands of years..it is bound to make people a little bitter. So it seems more likely the THEISTS are insecure since they seem to spend all day, every day trying to make all laws be their religious commandments and force people to convert by any means necessary.
As to why atheists talk about God this has been asked about 7 million times in the past month but anyway it is because 1) they like the mental exercise of the debate in which both cases have same amount of proof 2) Trying to "save" people from becoming a religious follower which tends to stifle creativity and questioning the unknown 3) Decide that most of the conflicts in world arise over religious reasons and that if we all put them down people wouldn't have so many excuses to hate and fight 4) Tired of being told gonna burn in hell by someone who can only prove his or her point by saying "because my bible says so, yessum" and 5) Trying to gain a following to protect themselves from the growing "do it our way or we will kill/arrest you" mentality of the religious.
I do believe in a God, and I believe God is very very disappointed in humanity for being so blind, greedy, stupid, jealous and vain. The organized religions, which I believe distort the ideals of God, want us to turn away from all light and decency that could be ours. They want us ignorant and meek to control us while God wants us to question and learn more about the glory of creation so that we better understand it so that we can relate better to God.
Maybe the world would be better off if we all chose our own paths to God instead of following some guy in a big hat.

2006-09-06 08:33:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Pslams 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

Will you scold your god for bashing me?

Of course there is nothing for you to scold, but I will bash to the day i die this infamous lie that is Christianity. It has done more harm to this world than can even be conceived. It has retarded out society by centuries by supressing science, burning our best minds at the stake and teaching people to be satisfied without understanding how things really work. For centuries people lived without even looking into real answers for things, because they thought they had all the answers in a book.

Even though a lot of Christians still adamantly oppose advancements in science it has been allowed a little freedom in the last two hundred years and look at what is has done for us...Our life expectancy has doubled, we have cured diseases and made things possible for handicapped people whereas before a lot of handicapped people were killed or forced to live life totally as invalids. I could go on and on about what science has done for us since Christians stopped killing scientists...but thats enough right there. Thats more good than Christianity will ever do.

Not only has Christianity been the biggest obstical for the advancement of science and morality, but the tyranical god described in that Bible is the most horrific charcter in all of fiction and the doctrine of hell has driven many to madness. As long as people hold a tyrant in reverence there will never be peace on Earth.

"If there is a God who will damn his children forever, I would rather go to hell than to go to heaven and keep the society of such an infamous tyrant. I make my choice now. I despise that doctrine. It has covered the cheeks of this world with tears. It has polluted the hearts of children, and poisoned the imaginations of men. It has been a constant pain, a perpetual terror to every good man and woman and child. It has filled the good with horror and with fear; but it has had no effect upon the infamous and base. It has wrung the hearts of the tender, it has furrowed the cheeks of the good. This doctrine never should be preached again. What right have you, sir, Mr. clergyman, you, minister of the gospel to stand at the portals of the tomb, at the vestibule of eternity, and fill the future with horror and with fear? I do not believe this doctrine, neither do you. If you did, you could not sleep one moment. Any man who believes it, and has within his breast a decent, throbbing heart, will go insane. A man who believes that doctrine and does not go insane has the heart of a snake and the conscience of a hyena." [Robert G. Ingersoll, "The Liberty of Man, Woman and Child", 1877]

2006-09-06 08:38:29 · answer #5 · answered by AiW 5 · 1 2

Not meant as a put down, but statistically on average atheists are more highly educated than believers. And you can't really bash something you don't believe in. What atheists argue against is the lack of empirical proof used by believers.

Believers tend to want to take personal, subjective narrative and use it as proof. Generalizing from one or only a few instances to create a proof is faulty logic. If I flipped a coin three times and it came up tails each time and I claimed therefore that it will always come up tails you wouldn't think I knew what I was talking about and you'd be right. But believers tend to use this kind of thinking to "prove" the existence of God.

Many atheists theorize that God becomes the fill in for things that believers cannot explain or cannot accept. It's easier to believe that the son or daughter you lost in a car accident was part of some greater plan by God than to accept the fact that it was just an arbitrary, unfair, senseless accident. Its easier to believe in a big brother God that loves you no matter what than to find self acceptance. Its easier to chalk up the evolution of creatures on this planet to the handiwork of God than to seek the answers as to how we came to be.

The latest mask for creationism is intelligent design. It claims that there cannot be higher level organization by happenstance. How many times have you looked at clouds and found patterns that reminded you of horses or elephants or boats or Ronald Regan's nose? Your odds of winning the lottery aren't very good, but someone eventually wins.

The trouble with many "faith" (and we can discuss what real faith is in another question) based religions is that they then try to pretend that there is scientific empirical evidence to support their beliefs. I wouldn't trust the theories of a first century astronomer to get me to the moon, I don't see why I should find the observations of a first century theologian any more reliable.

When presented with the beliefs of aboriginal magic, many of us chuckle and chalk it up to superstition. But when facing the early superstitions of their own religions, many people simply refuse to evolve, all of a sudden modern science and learning don't count because now we're talking about Jesus, Mohamed or Moses.

I dropped my belief in an all powerful, prayer answering, manic depressive god of the old and new testaments long ago. Magical gates in the sky and harp music make great movie fodder, but hardly have a place in my day to day decisions. I have seen no empirical evidence that any such entity exists. Can we pretend that our individual experiences, our serendipitous events are evidence, certainly, but the reality is that they are not.

If your belief in Jesus, Mohamed, Moses or God makes you a better person without causing you to transgress the rights of others to believe and live according to their conscience then bless you and keep your beliefs. But it your beliefs cause you to attempt to dictate the lives of others and dispossess them of their rights to free participation in society then I shall be there to oppose you each step of the way.

2006-09-06 09:32:27 · answer #6 · answered by Magic One 6 · 3 0

Here are a few reasons:

* It promotes false hope at the expense of actually finding resolutions for today's ills.

* It promotes hatred for gays, atheists, and other religions.

* It is enforced on children, before they are old enough to decide what the world is.

* It denies scientific facts.

* It is often a scam that takes money from the poor and gives it to the rich.

* It causes people to live in a fantasy delusional based bubble often times preventing them from acting upon rational thought.

2006-09-06 08:07:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Its not God I attack but his moronic followers,whichever religion they are part of. Intelligent believers who don't try to foist their beliefs upon me are fine but rare. The reason for doing this is because religious nuts are trying to run the world towards their own ends all the time and this affects us all atheist or not.

2006-09-06 08:17:59 · answer #8 · answered by Ming R J 3 · 6 0

Of course no one knows who is REALLY right... personally I find it hard to believe because there is no real evidence or support for the idea of a "higher supreme power". To me it makes no logical sense.

2006-09-06 08:13:50 · answer #9 · answered by ontario ashley 4 · 3 0

I'm not an atheist, but I think that it's more accurate to say that they bash religion, not god. Given that you made that fundamental error, I think that you don't really understand where they're coming from on the issue. No offense, but it's pretty apparent.

2006-09-06 08:04:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

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