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Serious answers please. Reading Revelations, the seven seals. It is obvious that the seven seals represent a time frame since the ministry of Jesus, so going threw the seals where do you think we are now, which seal?

2006-09-06 00:36:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

In order to understand the answer to this question, you must first understand what the seals represent and the reason why only Jesus Christ is able to open them.

As the "Second Adam" and humanity's "kinsman redeemer" and Heir, Jesus Christ is the only One who has the proper place and worthiness to claim the earth as His own. All the rest of us have no place to step forward and redeem the earth. To understand the concept of "kinsman redeemer," read The Book of Ruth. At the end, Boaz acts as Naomi and Ruth's "kinsman redeemer" by marrying Ruth and producing a child who is the rightful heir to Naomi's dead husband and son's property. (Incidently, Jesus is a decendent of the union between Boaz and Ruth.) In this manner, only Jesus is qualified to step forward and claim the earth and cleanse it of evil on our behalf.

The scroll Jesus holds is symbolic of the Deed to the earth. Just as the one who holds the deed to a home or land owns it, Jesus steps forward to take up the Deed. You can read about this Deed and its seals in Jeremiah 32:6-15.

In ancient times, anyone who sent a document imprinted it with an earthen or wax seal, into which an inscription or signet ring was pressed. This verified that the scroll's contents were authentic; a seal also identified the true owner. There is also an old Jewish saying that anything sealed with seven seals is highly complex and spiritual. This is certainly true of the Deed to the earth, which only Jesus can open.

The seals do not represent a time frame; instead, they represent the initial steps Jesus takes to begin His reclamation of the earth, in order to set up His Millenial Kingdom. The first seal is the release of the Antichrist (an actual person -- NOT simply a force, as some teach) to begin his mission of destruction. Based on other prophesies, I believe the Antichrist is alive today; however, he has not yet been released "conquering and to conquer," as referenced at Rev. 6:2. Therefore, the seal has not been broken.

I think it's important for you to note that the Rapture of the saints MUST occur before any of the seals is broken. This occurs at the end of the Church Age, as described in Rev. 2-3 (currently, the Church is in the Laodicean age, described in Rev. 3:14-22). The Rapture occurs at Rev. 4 and the raptured saints are symbolized by the 24 elders. There are several reasons why I believe this; if you wish to know more, send me a message through Yahoo Answers.

I hope this helps. Peace.

2006-09-06 01:05:21 · answer #1 · answered by Suzanne: YPA 7 · 0 0

First of all, there is no scriptural basis for the Rapture having to occur prior to the seals being opened. This idea is based on some shaky interpretations and old ideas from the 19th century. Second, the rider on the white horse (first seal) is not the Antichrist. In Revelation, Antichrist is always depicted as a beast.

You are going to need an open mind to follow my beliefs that I will now lay out.

Read Zechariah 6:1-8 and you'll find the four horses of the first four seals, although in a different order. There are some clues in these verses: the black horse goes to the north (from Israel), the white goes north and/or west, the dappled horse goes south, and the red horse evidently stays.

I'll now give the timing of the first four seals:
1. White horse: 1897 - First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switz. Theodor Herzl wrote "At Basel I founded the Jewish State...Perhaps in five years, and certainly in fifty, everyone will know it.". With the aid of the British, the Jews set out to conquer Palestine and reclaim their homeland.

2. Red horse: 1918 - Middle East violence and Islamofascism. WWI ends, and the aftermath creates the Nazi party in Germany, the British Mandate of Palestine in the middle east, and ultimately WWII and subsequent violence in the Middle East can be traced back to the end of WWI.

3. Black horse: 1939 - WWII and the holocaust. The rider of this horse is probably not bearing a pair of scales, but a yoke or burden -- the Greek word can be translated either way. The "oil" and "wine" refer to a remnant of the Jews. I could write much more on this seal. For now read Zech 6:8 which is difficult to interpret - the Amplified version is best. I believe the angel means that God's wrath on the Jews is completed in the north during the Holocaust.

4. Pale horse: 1960 - Africa and decolonization. This lead to all the modern problems Africa is facing: disease, famines, wars, increases in wild animal attacks, all described in this seal. The rider's power over the "fourth of the earth" does not mean that 1/4 of the population will be killed. Think of the "four winds" mentioned several times in Rev. and the grisled horse in Zech 6 that rides to the south. Notice that the entire world was pulled into the problems created by all four horses. This goes right along with Zech 6:7.

5. Cry of the martyrs: At this point, there are no more pivotal dates. The martyrs are all those throughout history that have been killed for their faith and are awaiting God's final judgement on the earth. They are told to wait for a while longer.

6. We are currently in the time frame of this seal. There are seven earthly/cosmic signs, and we've seen the first two: the Indonesian earthquake/tsunami of Dec 2004, and the solar eclipse of Mar 2006 that eerily looked like a Muslim crescent over Israel. Israel will also see a red moon next year during a total lunar eclipse. I also believe the rapture takes place during the sixth seal. This seal does not immedately precede Christ's victorious return to earth at Armageddon as many believe.

7. Half an hour of silence. This seal is followed by the seven trumpet judgements which begin Daniel's 70th week. Also, here's my proof of the dating on the first four seals: Read 2 Peter 3:8. If a day to the Lord is like a thousand years, a half-hour is like 21 years -- simple math, folks. Applying this time period to all seven seals, you can arrive at the approximate years for the first four: 1897, 1918, 1939, 1960 - all 21 years apart. Fifth seal - 1981. Sixth seal - 2002. Seventh seal - 2023. Tribulation: 2044.

All this probably has left most dispensationalists shrieking, but there are a whole lot of problems with the current interpretations of Revelation that you'll find on most prophesy sites.

Some further proof: The Jewish-Roman war lasted about 7 years from 66 to 73 AD. Add 2000 "prophetical years" of 360 days, and you get 2044 AD.

2006-09-08 06:12:37 · answer #2 · answered by John A 3 · 0 1

The seven seals are books, all of them are no longer sealed. Folks just do not know of most of them or ignore them.

The Basics:

1- As Suhuf - ( Prophet Adam and Seth.)

2- Al Hikman - ( Prophet Luqman.)

3 - At Tawrah / Torah - ( Prophet Moses.)

4 - Az Zubwr / Psalms - ( Prophet Solomon.)

5 - Al Injil / Revelations - ( Prophet Jesus.)

6 - Kitaab Barnabaa - ( Apostle Barnabus.)

7 - Al Quran - ( Prophet Muhammad.)

We are on the Quran seal (book) now. That does not mean the other seals are ignored though. There is good in all of them.

Proof ? No way, Faith.

Have a blessed day.

2006-09-06 03:50:51 · answer #3 · answered by zurioluchi 7 · 0 0

none of the seals have been opened, those in Christ, will be removed from here first, as we have been promised to be spared this suffering. (all seven years of it). I have to go to work now but I will try to find this question again when I get home so that I can share this scripture with you that shows you that.

till then: Grace

2006-09-06 00:47:14 · answer #4 · answered by setfreejn836 3 · 1 0

First Horseman and time-honored Seal....Wold conflict 3. 2nd Horseman and 2nd Seal....Civil violence and affliction,worldwide huge, led to by making use of WW 3. 0.33 Horseman and 0.33 Seal...the great Famine of the twenty first Century. Fourth Horseman and Fourth Seal...dying from a sort of reasons, maximum related to the three previous horsemen. 5th Seal...the great Martyrdom. 6th Seal...worldwide conflict 4. on the tip of international conflict 4, the Seal of the living God is given to the countless straightforward, then a severe set of sufferings start up, that are defined in the e book of Revelation because of the fact the 1st Six Trumpets of the seventh Seal. The Seal is a mark on the brow, and additionally inner graces and presents, and providential secure practices from most of the subsequent sufferings. First Trumpet...Many products of a comet ( probable Comet Tempel a million), which has broken aside, fall to earth. there is hearth and destruction over some 0.33 of the earth. 2nd Trumpet...One great piece of that comparable comet continues to be and falls to earth, landing in the sea, inflicting popular destruction. 0.33 Trumpet...Nuclear fallout from WW 4 poisons many supplies of water on earth. Fourth Trumpet...A nuclear wintry climate led to by making use of WW 4 and by making use of the various fires from the broken comet that fell, reduces the quantity of light that could attain earth. 5th Trumpet... some thing like locusts (the two guy-made or some thing fullyyt supernatural), torments human beings for 5 months. 6th Trumpet....the three Days of Darkness. approximately one 0.33 of the earth's inhabitants would be killed. anybody who is going outdoors or opens a door or window to the exterior for the time of those 3 days would be killed. seventh Trumpet.(4 hundred years after the 6th Trumpet)..The final of the international afflictions it is produced from the seven bowls of God's wrath. The depraved are punished by making use of God with great severity.

2016-10-14 09:19:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Rev 6:01 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, ( AS IT WERE THE ) noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

02-White horse=Victory

04-Horse that was red= Blood Shed

05-Black horse=Just, Fair

08-Pale horse=Death

The rest is understandable. These verses are very symbolic. As you read you will see that the language is pass tense.

2006-09-06 00:54:28 · answer #6 · answered by Rhonda 3 · 0 1

3rd seal 2002

2006-09-06 00:57:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

it depends on your view of the revelations. you have four views historical, theatrical, future, and spiritual. the view u are referring to is historical and if u believe that way we would be on the fourth seal.

2006-09-06 01:14:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I'm sorry, I missed that movie. Were these trained seals? or still in the wild?

2006-09-06 00:38:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

None yet..that is during the time of the tribulation.

2006-09-06 00:38:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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