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what do i do when i am deeply depressed and i am having a hard time at school and i and i am in grade 8 and i reacken im reallly ugly what do i do and i want to end it all by killing myself and i have heaps of people hateing me and very little friends and i can be really friendly to only to nice people only help before i do something really stuped.

2006-09-06 00:16:00 · 14 answers · asked by Izzy w 2 in Health Mental Health

14 answers

Go to a Store where you can buy Homeopathic Medicines and get AURUM MET in 30 or 200 potency and start taking it immediately in 30 take atleast three times a day and in 200 just once a day can be taken more frequently, but only in critical condition. And you will get over your depression so fast you will be amazed.
I have never seen anything cure suicidal thoughts/depression faster then this remedy and totally Non Addictive and with no side effects or complications. I would suggest you take it right now. By tomorrow you will be feeling quite happy positive and smiling. :-) trust me on this one !
Take Care and God Bless you !

You can thank me all you want tomorrow :-)
That's a promise :-)
Take Care See you Tomorrow !

2006-09-06 00:24:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

Please tell your parents, your school nurse, your school counselor, a teacher or some adult or family member you trust.
Here are some web sites. Many teens and adults feel this way. It is not your fault. Someone can help you change things in your life and get you help you need. There are medications, counselling or stituational changes that might help. Like changing something that is bothering you like the school. Kids are cruel. You may be at an akward age or people may just be being mean to you. Some supermodels were called ugly as kids. Sometimes it is a school thing. Myself and some of my friends were called ugly at our school by we were considered beautiful to people at other schools and in college. It was just a in group thing.

Here is a suicide hotline for the USA if you live there.
Here is information about it.

This is not your fault. Your life can get better. Many people feel this way.

2006-09-06 21:50:06 · answer #2 · answered by adobeprincess 6 · 2 0


Suicide & Crisis Hotline 1-800-999-9999 Help for Troubled Teens

National Hope Line Network 1-800-784-2433 Suicide Prevention


Talk Zone 1-800-475-TALK Peer Counselors

Teen Help Line 1-800-400-0900 Help Line For Troubled Teens

Teen Hot Line 1-800-747-8336 Hot Line For Troubled Teens

VOICES In Action, Inc. 1-773-327-1500

Youth Development International 1-800-HIT-HOME (448-4663) Youth Crisis Hotline

2006-09-09 05:38:18 · answer #3 · answered by The Notorious Doctor Zoom Zoom 6 · 2 0

hey i feel really depressed lately for different reasons. the way to sort it out is sit down with a pen and paper and make a list of all the good and bad things in your life. when i was in school i thought that i would never have a boyfriend and now i have been together with a wonderful guy for 20 months and engaged. you need to make a list of al the things that you want to achieve in life and start working towards it. dont worry about the people who hate you just concentrate and be happy with the friends you do have. once you leave school you will then have your own life and you may be a lot happier. you just need to try and make the most of your life right here and right now. i know its not easy....i am talking from experience....but give it a go anyway.
good luck and god bless

2006-09-06 07:23:00 · answer #4 · answered by SA angel 2 · 1 1

Hey, can you tell me what state you are from? I ask because I have phone numbers to places where there are people you can talk to.
If you do not want to tell me I understand. I have so many things to tell you I dont know where to start. Is it possible to keep in communication with each other somehow. I do have a lot of helpful things to tell you about what you are going through. Believe it or not, there are countless numbers of people your age, (actually all ages) going through the same feelings this very minute. You're not alone and I'm sorry you're having problems trying to get help for yourself. No one really understands do they?
Anyway, for now I will tell you, no body is ugly let alone really ugly. Besides, a persons looks is way down on the list for judging being liked. I hope that makes sense. I never had friends when I was growing up either. Every one said I was too nice (kiss assy) I guess I was desparate. I am still the same way today and I am a grown woman with three pretty much grown kids of my own, the youngest being 16yrs. I went through severe depression growing up and so does my youngest (the 16 yr old)
It took me all these years to realize that it is not how many friends we have but having just one or two REAL friends. Right now, for you, as you keep going through each school year, you will go through new "friends". My daughter had a hard time with that and she really had me worried for a while as far as her mental state. Finally she found a way to deal with it and it really works for her. Like myself, she has one person right now that she calls "friend". Oh sure, there are several kids in her school that she hangs with now and then or on the weekends they get a group and go to the mall or movies. But they are not called "friends". They are her sophmore aquaintenses. I guess that is pretty much the way I am comfortable as far as friendship and always have been. I tell you this; It is great that you are friendly to people. It makes you a good person. You dont have to kiss ass to any of them. Just be yourself. Smile at people when you make eye contact, most of the time they smile back. Besides if you want to test my advise you can do a little experiment. Try being mean or rude to one or two people instead of friendly. How does it make you feel inside afterwards?
I dont know how I can shorten the important things I need to tell you so ask anything or whatever if you want to keep talking to me. I dont want you to do anything stupid either. Please dont ok. There really are ways to deal with what you are going through.

2006-09-06 08:02:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Please baby, you are so young...so sad right now....But i know a lot of kids that felt the same way and they stuck with it and ended up better than all the kids in school...didn't you ever watch the Maury show where he has the nerds from high school come out and every one can't believe it because they ended up the BOMB...look..the age you are at is a bad one,..you probably just think they hate you and if they do, based on the fact that you aren't one of 'them' who wants to have shallow friends like that anyway? Please sweetheart...start working on yourself...find a new do that you like. Start working out...If you think you are ugly,...find out what it is that is bothering you and get a job and start working at how you can change the things that bother you. If you wear glasses..get contacts...sweetheart..none of them creeps are going to miss you if you end your life...but someone down the line that you could have loved will never get to know you and your family would be devastated...and God would really be sad, and Jesus too...start praying and ask God to help you out of this dispair...Love ,me xo

2006-09-06 07:43:33 · answer #6 · answered by MotherKittyKat 7 · 1 1

whenever i used to feel down, it always helped me to meditate. It really calms me down. Give yourself a break once in a while, go for a walk and clear your head. The main thing to do is just talk to someone, even if it yourself. I found that it always helped just to get stuff off my chest. good luck, hope you feel better soon.

2006-09-06 07:40:42 · answer #7 · answered by fleurt82 2 · 1 1

Don't think about to killing about youself. Life is precious not only to yourself but to your near and dear one. Just sit quietly and relaxed. Later that analyse yourself that why are so depressed that you are thinking to kill yoursef. Just ignore your negative and reinforce your positive side and make firm det ermination that your would not think negatively like that and you live for your near one. But do one thing that you confess to yourself that you are feeling depressed and try little harder to analyse youself. This is the best way6 I did it myself.

2006-09-06 07:48:04 · answer #8 · answered by ashok 1 · 2 1

is there someone you trust like your parents or school counselor you really need to talk with someone asap. no matter how bad things are its not worth taking your life for. there are alot of good things as well as people out there.

2006-09-06 07:27:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Nothing is worth killing yourself over....
And as far as beauty goes...its only skin deep.
youve just started high school,
and I promise that it will get better!
hate is a strong word ...so y do say that they hate you?

2006-09-06 07:23:08 · answer #10 · answered by Lloydo 1 · 2 1

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