well being Irish my self and contrary to the rumors we are not all drunks, we do have a sense of humor that the yanks lack, We can have a good laugh nearly all ways at our self. we could never go to war or for that mater win a war. As someone would shout over to the outer side where you from the may say Baghdad, the Irish would ask do you know so and so , the answer coming back. would be yes. we would all be in the pub by 10 am war over, see we a simple folk .but not stupid , never confuse the two, We would just be taking the P.ISS and laughing to much.But in fairness Irish women are great they have the seance of humor as we Irish men do .So go on pick an Irish man or woman and happy hunting. so to find one just come on over pull up the floor we all over the place here arnt we lads (yea stacks of us over here)>>>>
2006-09-06 23:23:20
answer #1
answered by ? 2
Since you don't say what the issue was with this guy it's pretty hard to say if you had a cultural diff with him. And what's the age gap? I just love Irish guys. Totally different from other men in that they just seem more open and positive. But that's just my own experience. I'm sure there are jerks in every culture so it's best not to generalize. If this guy wasn't all you expected an Irish guy to be, move on and sample another. They're very charming!
2006-09-05 23:35:20
answer #2
answered by Iknowsomestuff 4
Well some famous Irish men for you folks Colin Farrell, Liam Neeson, Pierce Brosnan, that crap about the pub is old wives tales, Ireland is very modern country it was the first country after America to ban smoking in bars and public places. Been Irish myself I have never tasted Guinness, wine drinker here. The Irish know how to laugh at themselves the craic cant say that word in USA it has different meaning. Here it means what up, any news how you etc.
2006-09-08 14:48:17
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Lads over here in the Emerald Isle are just the same as anywhere else!
Most of them are adorable, full of fun, laid back, real gentlemen and then there are the ones who treat you like dirt, etc which as far as i'm aware is normally the same the world over - unless there is some nation out there where all the men are of the adorable variety if so, i'm packing my bags now!
2006-09-07 05:15:59
answer #4
answered by Rock-Chick 2
Ah Irish guys ain't that bad.... they're mainly smart arses and you have to understand Irish humour to understand them, when you do you'll love it. I'm Irish and have only really been with Irish guys.... I think they're the best in the world and great crack.... watch out though, they are still guys and most singles are only after one thing!
2006-09-05 23:35:55
answer #5
answered by Katie 4
I'm Irish not all of us are bad.
Depends on who you meet and where,most of us have a sense of humour and friendly others just let the Irish down the way they act.
Of course it depends on if the guy is sober or drunk too.
2006-09-06 09:33:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There are a lot of lovely Irish guys out there, but its abit like any guy u meet weather they r irish, english or whatever some of them r just complete w*nkers!
2006-09-05 23:34:44
answer #7
answered by Irishbird3 3
Well , I'm irish, I dont drink guinness, cant stand copperface jacks, go out on a saturday, not a friday, dont work on building sites.
2006-09-06 09:45:09
answer #8
answered by spawn_of_cookie_monster 3
i dont know. im looking for a nice irish guy too! if you find some, let me know! lol
2006-09-08 04:05:02
answer #9
answered by clairelouise 4
I used to be Irish.
2006-09-05 23:36:23
answer #10
answered by Whatever 2