In answer to your questions
I know my language very well (including other dialects)
I learned at home and in school
I'm 26
I speak to ppl i know who use it
I probably could teach it, but i'm too busy w/ work
I would teach non-natives to use it, why not.
In the area I live in almost everyone uses our language and it's taught in school as an alternative to french class(mandatory language in canadian schools) with many natives and non-natives learning.
In answer to Tavio, i'm sure that they are just doing better things than surfing yahoo answers.
Mary: thank's for noticing :) although i don't know too much about our indeginous brothers and sisters in south american I do try to eliminate the stereotypes that are floating around, Ojibwa/Iroqious decent here.
2006-09-08 04:53:16
answer #1
answered by Miss J 3
I know a lot of people that know their Native American language... that speak Mohawk, Cherokee, Dakota, Navajo, and others.. and that have computers and are on the internet. It is also true that many are very poor though. The thing is that none of them come into Yahoo Answers. The languages are disappearing, and the cultures, and the people,,, in favor of European American expansionism and immigration from across the ocean which is crowding us out. Not Mexican illegals, as those are Indians too, who are just trying to survive the genocide that is happening. These "Mexican illegals" hardly speak Spanish either because they speak Quechua, or Nahuatl, or other native language,,, but the White people don't want us. The border to Canada is not being fenced, and that is where the 9/11 terrorists came from.
There are some Cherokee language dictionaries online, and some Indian radio stations, news, and other things.
PS. hey, Miss J,, I notice you've been doing a pretty good job fielding the Native American questions. got to stand up for the Central and South American indigenous peoples too. Ojibway/Cherokee descent here.
2006-09-08 09:45:05
answer #2
answered by mary_n_the_lamb 5
The fact that no one has answered your question yet shows how few people who are in the computer generation know a Native American language or have the money to own a computer with an internet connection. These languages are disappearing VERY fast.
2006-09-06 05:18:00
answer #3
answered by Taivo 7
First, tavio has no idea wht he is talking about.
Second, I will answer your questions:
Just thorough living, like you learned yours.
I am 32
Yes, I use my language everyday.
Yes, I have taught my cousins.
No, I would not teach it to Non-Natives
2006-09-13 19:14:14
answer #4
answered by samsf415 2
in school both
i will not said it
speaking it in school and a t home
2006-09-13 11:05:08
answer #5
answered by tikymim 2