Dude what the hell are you doing?
Well, for starters, make your life worth something, and dump her, well that's technically impossible since it seems that she's not even your GF, no unfaithful thing here, so if you want her back, which is something that boggles my mind, but hey if you want it, just be careful with what you whish...... the only good think for you to do that will have better chance for her to notice that you exist and that you are not only a wussy provider in her life, make yourself scarce, go out with other girls/friends, talk to her and whish her luck, you have to really mean it. and go on with your life. then every time you talk with her over the phone or see her, treat her like a good friend, and I mean a good friend that you tease, make fun of, give her a hard time, and really enjoy yourself and have a good time with whomever you are around with, including her,don't bring up the issue that she f***ed with another guy, be responsible with what happens in your life, and having an open relationship with someone that you can't trust it's your fault no one else is responsible for that but you, basically have the idea that she missed out on you, and believe it. STOP Kissing Her ***! Move on!, I guarantte you that you will have a better chance.
I don't need to tell you that what you're doing It's not working, since she has f**ed with another guy and that's the only one she has told you about. so what have you got to loose? Move on.
What the hell, are you doing with a girl that it's not honest and doesn't even care how you feel?, don't you respect yourself? ask this question 475 times before going to bed. Personally I wouldn't want someone like that around me.
Good luck
2006-09-05 15:19:09
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It seems like you have a lot of love and committment to offer a woman. The downside of this is this opens you up for predators such as this person. Nothing makes honest women more angry than to hear an honest, decent guy being played the fool. You seem to be the "interim guy." When this other a**wipe is not around, you are the guy. When he rings her up, she drops you and runs to him. If she cared for you she wouldn't do that. And if she had respect for herself she wouldn't do that either. In my opinion (since youre asking) sleeping with a cheater is gross.
It doesn't sound like you have forgiven her, and there is nothing wrong with that. Cancel the vacation. If youre thinking its hard now, just wait until you guys are alone in your hotel room. Think of trying to get intimate with her, and then having the idea of someone else banging your woman. Im sorry if this is harsh but you seem like someone who is nice and honest. You deserve someone who is like you.
2006-09-05 21:41:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
By more than friends do you mean you sleep together and she does this? Then pal she is using you as her f*** buddy! She is in love with the other guy and she is one of those who don't have a strong enough will Do not let her drag you into her hell hole because you will end up feelin lower than trash and that is not good!
Drop this loser girl and stop taking her needy calls when dirtbag uses her as a bathroom once again.
2006-09-05 21:35:19
answer #3
answered by lipvixen 5
I don't think you should forgive her if she is so unfaithful and untrustworthy as to see someone behind your back after she gave her word. You should try dating other people and trying to find happiness elsewhere. If you just can't give her up, have a talk with her and give her the choice between your relationship and this guy. You don't know her answeruntil you ask and if she chooses him she's not worth it. If she chooses you, you two have a lot of work to do, and could even invest in a relationship counselor but it could possibly work.
2006-09-05 21:35:01
answer #4
answered by Ivi 2
Look, I have a friend who is doing the same, he complaints that he doesnt have a girfriend and when I tell him I am there for him, he says he likes another girl and doesnt wanna hurt me. He already told the grl about it and she said she doesnt want anything serious but he still going after her. My advice, leave her alone, just like I did to my friend, if she wants to F*** the guy and then feel use, then that's her problem. U will be better off by not caring too much, than by trying to help...
2006-09-05 21:32:20
answer #5
answered by Cubanita 5
I guess the relationship you have with this girl is a sort of mutual understanding and based on your story I guess it's time to let go.
They might say that love conquers all but don't they just know that you can never make someone love you, for you can never ever make their heartbeat for something it won't.
You been there all time for her and gave her so much love and understanding but you got nothing but pain. I say you must quit, give her up, who knows a space might be enough for her to realize to whom she's meant to be... and who loves her more..
2006-09-05 21:39:22
answer #6
answered by Creine_Athena 2
I think that you have been a good friend to her, but there is only soo much that you can do. She clearly knows how she is being treated bythis guy and she chooses to continue to deal with him. Continue to be friends with her if you still want to, but dont "wait" on her for a relationship especially a serious one. Is she really someone you would want to be with, if she is attracted to a guy as you have described above??? There is someone else out there for you. Dont set yourself up to be hurt.
2006-09-05 21:34:15
answer #7
answered by MissMandy 3
Hmmm well shes a slut it seems, however you wrote in your first paragraph that you and her are not dating, or are not togeather. So I think shes free to sleep with whomever she would like. If you dont want her sleeping with others guys than you need to either commit to her, and makes sure thats what she wants also, or you need to get ride of her, and fine someone else.
Personally if I were you, I wouldnt take her back.
2006-09-05 21:36:05
answer #8
answered by chicata25 4
I know shes your friend and it hurts aswell cos u love her but at the end of the day its her life she got to make the decisions herself all u can do is let her know ur there for her when she gets hurt..i hate guys who use girls like that but it seems shes sprung by him and will keep runnin like a lap dog till she learns but one good thing wll come outta it when shes hurt by him ur there for her and who knows maybe she wll apprecate you more end of day its her relationship you dont wanna wreck your friendship by going in guns blazin mouthin of about the guy shes fallen for even if he is a dirt bag
2006-09-05 21:31:13
answer #9
answered by Daino 2
aww hun thats horrible. you sound like a great friend. i wish i was as lucky as her. i say, if you love her, stay by her. i hate it when guys give up on me. like i said, she should really realize shes lucky to have a guy friend like you and friendship is a huge plus in a relationship cause you want your partner to be your bestfriend as well. keep after her even if it hurts . it might get hard. but hey...loves not easy.
good luck
2006-09-05 21:30:58
answer #10
answered by ready4answers 2