My first reaction would be no - but faced with slow starvation and eventual death............................................
2006-09-05 09:13:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I honestly don't know the answer. Of course, most people are repelled by the idea of cannibalism. I am no different. But I have never been starving to the point of abject misery. I think that ordinary people can do bizarre things if they reach a certain state of mind. I haven't (thank God) experienced starvation myself, but I understand that it is extremely physically and mentally painful. Under those conditions, to a certain degree, I can understand how things like the Donner party can occur. They were a group of settlers during the mid 1800's, who were venturing west to California. They became trapped by a blizzard in the Sierra Nevada mountains, and had to start eating the bodies of the dead to survive. It's horrible to think about, but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
So my first response would be no. But sometimes, I think it's very challenging to imagine certain events- like the agony of ones body consuming itself due to lack of nourishment. I guess that psychologically speaking, it can change a person and their immediate goals.
2006-09-05 09:22:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Supposing you slightly altered your question to read 'Would you ever eat human flesh to keep yourself and family alive? They may have done so in Russia during WW2 when they were under siege.
2006-09-05 09:22:43
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Would like to think that when the situation arose I would. Although I would have to be pretty sure that rescue was not around the corner! I could not kill someone to save myself. But 30 days stuck up a mountain or on a desert island I suppose my viewpoint would change.
2006-09-05 09:18:49
answer #4
answered by dcparis2004 2
yes but I wouldnt kill another human I would eat them if they were already dead. I think most people would do this to stay alive
2006-09-05 11:12:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I agree totally with Elf. I would eat a dead person, and if I was dead then living people would be welcome to eat me.
But I really do not think I would kill someone to eat them.
As others have said though, who knows what behaviour one might exhibit in a "life or death" situation eh. In the modern rich western world we are lucky enough not to be likely to find ourselves in this situation.
2006-09-05 09:25:33
answer #6
answered by Gardenclaire 3
I would like to think that I wouldn't, but who knows how the human mind would really operate under desperate conditions. So, I guess the answer is maybe.....
2006-09-05 09:17:31
answer #7
answered by sheila c 3
Without a doubt yes....when it comes down to it, I'd do whatever it takes to stay alive.
2006-09-05 09:12:38
answer #8
answered by BenignSource 4
I have heard it's very much like pork, so if I had the chance of survival then yes i would. There wouldn't be many muslims left then. They don't eat pork do they.?
2006-09-05 09:17:18
answer #9
answered by Jeanette 7
If it was a matter of survival, sure, why not? I'd sooner be a living cannibal than a dead idiot.
"Feudalsurfer", have you not seen the movie "Alive"? There's NEVER no hope mate!
2006-09-05 09:12:46
answer #10
answered by mousepotato66 3
i wouldnt kill to eat some one to stay alive. I think I would do what they did in the film 'alive'.
2006-09-06 07:58:55
answer #11
answered by caz70 2