this sounds like an e-mail my own kids might have written about their dad, only he isn't a workaholic just completely self absorbed with no time for anyone but himself. Where is your mom, is she in the picture, is living with her an doption. If not you may have to face the harsh realization that life is sometimes tough, and what doesn't kill you eill only make you stronger. turn this adversity into the will to succeed and later you can say screw him. Also remember that your brothers acting out can be a resonse to the lack of a good fatherly figure and he is probably expierencing pain , the same as you are. Maybe you can find a teacher, guidance counselor or family member to talk to. Maybe you and you brother can get involved in the big brother/sister program?
2006-09-05 06:41:06
answer #1
answered by Jep 3
You don't mention a mom -- is she not in the picture?
Sorry your dad is too busy to spend much time with you. He likely thinks that by working so hard he is being a good provider, and doesn't realize that while that is a wonderful contribution, unless there is true sharing time and an emotional bonding, it doesn't count for much in the long run. It's the 'poor little rich kid' syndrome. And that's probably why he's lax with you -- taking a more active role takes a lot of energy, both physical and mental.
What can you do about a little brother who is annoying and harsh? He's probably responding to the same frustrations that you are feeling.
Are there any other family members -- an uncle or a grandpa - that you could spend time with? Sounds like you and your brother both have unfilled emotional needs, and unfortunately it isn't going to come from your father.
2006-09-05 06:42:47
answer #2
answered by old lady 7
It sounds like your little brothers behavior is a direct result of your father not spending time with him or you for that matter.
Maybe you and your little brother should spend more time together. Maybe try doing things together that your dad doesn't seem to have time for. Before you know it your little brother being an annoyance will disappear. You and your brother need to stick together.
You will both benefit from the bond that you form. My dad was the same way with me and my younger brothers. My younger brothers were annoying as well. Once I decided that they weren't going to be an annoyance to me anymore, and we started hanging out more often, things were so much more better. Now we are adults and my brothers and I are very close and it annoys the hell out of my dad. Good luck to you
2006-09-05 06:55:37
answer #3
answered by NyteWing 5
I would let you dad know that if he wants to be responsible than act like an adult and punish your brother for what he is doing. Because if you were to do something to your brother then he would just say "well you should have came to me about it", then you say "If you stop and listen to me for a minute, maybe you would have heard what I said". I deal with this as well. Good Luck.
2006-09-05 06:41:15
answer #4
answered by Holly 1
You don't mention your age , so I'm assuming your still in school. School counselors are very good at this sort of thing. Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming being a parent. He may not have had a dad that taught him how to be a good parent. The counselor can make an appt. with your dad to talk of ways to help you all...good luck!
2006-09-05 06:45:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think you should really talk to your dad and let him see what you are talkin bout in your point of view and if I was you I would try to annoy my brothers harshness and mind my business or try to make life fun between you and your brother
2006-09-05 06:49:17
answer #6
answered by Black Butterfly 2
Maybe you could step up and help your Little brother be a better person, as an older sibling you have some responsibility to teach him. Your dad sounds like he is overworked and is not able to do everything. it would not kill ya to provide some extra help!!
2006-09-05 06:42:50
answer #7
answered by insane 2
I'm the middle one, between a littler brother and a sister... so I've been the little annoying sister and the annoyed sister!! I can say one thing: show your brother who is the big one. And kick him, too!
2006-09-05 06:46:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Dads have their reasons for the way they are, mine is harsh and irresponcible
maybe you need to talk to him and your lil bro about it
go to a family counciler
Anything can work just give it time and help
Good luck
2006-09-05 06:38:21
answer #9
answered by guitar = my life 1
I only went to Disney on August 14th for the completed finished day, it grew to become into surprising! I hadn't been on account that June 5th. each and all of the rides and nutrition and each thing else grew to become into great! regardless of the reality that it grew to become into rather warm, I enjoyed all of it. I took the monorail experience from Magic Kingdom to Epcot (takes approximately quarter-hour on account which you're able to desire to experience 2 distinctive monorails) and that i hadn't been to Epcot the two on account that June 5th and it grew to become into greater clever! all the rides at Disney are great, and that i admire this is a Small worldwide and Pirates of the Caribbean!
2016-10-01 08:30:27
answer #10
answered by ? 4