I'm sure they'd rather be applauded for their accomplishments, but I guess if the best they can do is protest gay pride, and they want to be applauded for that.......... to each his own.
I guess if I were gay, I'd think twice about supporting firefighters who, for personal reasons, chose not serve the public in matters of safety. Everything sort of goes both ways, don't ya think?
Maybe they should choose a different line of work if they can't embrace all of the people they are supposed to serve.
No, I think being a firefigter is one thing, and being prejudiced is a personal choice that should have no bearing on your being a firefighter.
2006-09-05 06:43:26
answer #1
answered by niffer's mom 4
A tad insensitive to send these guys out dressed that way. Especially in front of a mob like that.
Maybe all the gay firemen could have done it. At least now their bosses know how to get rid of any trouble makers, I'm sure other employers are rubbing their hands with that little bit of ammo.
In civvies I can't see any reason for them to refuse.
2006-09-05 13:43:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Not quite sure what you are getting at here, got a feeling you are just attempting to provoke debate. Can't really believe that in these enlightened times, such an attitude would exist. .....just in case you are being sincere, why sign up for a job knowing what would be required of you, and then decide that you should have the power to change the rules.......... ' Who pays the piper ,calls the tune ' the tail should not wag the dog.!!!!
2006-09-05 15:39:39
answer #3
answered by learned_old_sage 3
do firemen routinely distribute information at 'parades' ?
may be they were too busy putting out fires.?
my be the gays wanted to letch at firemen ?
you can only make a judgement on this if you know the actions of the firemen in relation to a comperable non-gay event.
2006-09-05 16:17:12
answer #4
answered by timetocomeinfromthecold 1
I don't agree with the lifestyle of gays, but i'm aware that i ought to love my neighbours as i love myself. (the parable of the samaritan) so, what you're saying is wrong.
Any human being's life is valuable and if we can help, we ought to. you as a person are not perfect, so u want to be accepted warts and all, so do gays, because they are human beings before they are anything.
Love is that which makes the world go round, not prejudice, hatred or money (contrary to popular belief)
Take care.
2006-09-05 13:42:16
answer #5
answered by Wisdom 4
It would not be acceptable to refuse to distribute vital safety information to any other group in society, so why should the firefighters be allowed to pick and choose who they can help?
2006-09-05 13:33:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
is this a blatant attempt at controversy?
Or are you a homophobe?
Trying to say that homosexuals don't deserve the same safety instructions as heterosexuals?
You're lame.
2006-09-05 13:31:54
answer #7
answered by this_is_ska_wars 2
As a fireman, his job and responsibility is take care of other people, regardless of his personal views. If he doesn't want to help others, then he should do something else.
2006-09-05 13:36:57
answer #8
answered by jtj 5
I wonder what would happen if they were called to a Gay Club where there was a fire - would they stand and watch instead of dealing with it and anyone requiring resuscitation would they just stand and watch them die?
2006-09-05 13:35:23
answer #9
answered by dot&carryone. 7
You look like a very camp, Gay man ....verging on perverted weirdo so I'm surprised you weren't there with your hand bag and tiara..
2006-09-05 15:15:13
answer #10
answered by Gypsie 5