Yeah! It's like you go to work every single day, doing the same single thing. It becomes such a routine. You work hard to pay your bills. Something unexpected happens, throws a wrench in your plans. You have to adjust and find ways to get past it. You experience this a few times, then BAM!! Somebody in Willacoochee, Wisconsin wins the 300 Million Dollar Powerball Jackpot.
Just kidding.
I am a lucky and fortunate person as well for these reasons:
I am still alive!!
The most wonderful woman alive said yes when I asked her to marry me!!
I have a roof over my head, food in my refrigerator, and a car to get from Point A to Point B!!
I have a job that allows me to pay for that roof, food, car and support my wife!!
I have family around me!!
I won the Every 10 Minutes Mountain Dew Promotion and got an XBOX 360!!
Before I waste time thinking about how much more people have I do, I think about how much more I have than other people. I am grateful that I have been blessed with what I have because I can be worse off than other people.
2006-09-05 02:56:32
answer #1
answered by L Jeezy 5
Im pretty lucky... I always have been. When I was 5 we walked into toys r us and I was the 1000th person to walk in, and I won a cabbage patch kid. When I was 7 I was picked out of 15000 kids to kiss Shamu the killer whale at sea world. When I was 8 I picked my own mom's name out of a drawing to win 1 kt diamond earings. The list goes on and on.... Im just naturally lucky. I think I have guardian angels who protect me. Dont get me wrong... I've also had alot of mis fortune... But for the most part, I consider myself to be lucky.
2006-09-05 09:55:09
answer #2
answered by Angel Eve 6
You can't beat luck. It is better to be lucky than to be good.
I am pretty well off and work hard, but I have a friend who is just plain lucky.
People can say what they want about taking opportunities, but when you lie and cheat to get ahead and don't get caught that is just lucky.
2006-09-05 14:59:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
2 points
2006-09-05 09:56:40
answer #4
answered by answer@yahoo 1
Maybe they deserve to be fortunate at this time. But everything shall have a balance, which means, maybe someday, they will have unfortunate situations too.
2006-09-05 09:58:53
answer #5
answered by Teddy J 1
They are not lucky. They just use every opportunity that is given to them. They are doers not thinkers.
2006-09-05 09:54:43
answer #6
answered by lkraie 5
Reminds me of that song: "Some people have all the luck"
2006-09-05 09:55:21
answer #7
answered by ruthie 6
Luck does not exist it is only something that failures use as an excuse when they do not meet their goals
2006-09-05 09:56:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
They do not waste time asking silly questions
2006-09-05 09:54:13
answer #9
answered by baheramgor 3
They are possessed by the devil!
2006-09-05 09:53:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous