Yuk yuk yuk......you're a jerk! The "y" chromosome is a broken "x" chromosome, by the way. We have two strong "x"s, while you only hav e one, paired with the weak "y". So maybe you ought to call us Ms. or Mistress, and don't forget to ask, "May I?"
2006-09-04 18:12:58
answer #1
answered by Joey's Back 6
Uh...yes, you are wrong. "Princess" is romantic and endearing. Master is domination. Should she need this firm control and see you as the easy way to stay inside and not make decisions where she might mess up...I think it will only be for as long as it takes for her to mature into the wonderfull and precious emotional treasure that all ladies were intended to be. At the least how about giving her free reign to have you call her whatever she wishes? Bet she won't say mommy or perfection or most high b****. If you treat her like she is your perfect choice for a friend and intellectual companion i'm sure she will try to live up to your expectations. Right now she is only a criticism away from suicide or someone else.
2006-09-04 18:22:46
answer #2
answered by frndchps 2
In my opinion, you are wrong but not necessarily messed up. The logic that you apply is quite fallacious on the first part. Just because you have a Y chromosome does not give you inherent superiority. This kind of thinking belongs in a different century, such as the 19th century. I think that women have demonstrated that they can be the equal (and in some cases the superior) of males.
I cannot argue the third part, although I do think that you are unnecessarily haughty about your masculinity. However, your saving grace is your second point. If she is in training to be your submissive, then you are within your right to have her refer to you in that manner. In my opinion, you might want to have her just use Sir in public as Master may invite unwanted questions.
However, I will point out that you are her Master and she is your submissive mainly because of a choice on HER part. It takes a great deal of courage to submit to another human being, and it in no way makes her inferior. Given the tone of your question, you might need to ponder that.
2006-09-06 16:56:30
answer #3
answered by Ѕємι~Мαđ ŠçїєŋŧιѕТ 6
you should not be having a sub/dom relationship in front of her friends. unless they live like that they do not understand and they may have no idea that she is submissive. keep it under wraps around the vanilla people. be vanilla in front of her friends and relatives or they might think that you are abusive and controlling. maybe she doesn't want others in her world to know that she is submissive. being a good master is more than just having a Y chromosome. it's also recognizing your submissives needs as well. she is allowing you to be Dominant and she is allowing you to be her Master. a D/s relationship is usually sexual in nature. you have to control women for some reason. i believe that most Dom's view women as just objects rather than human beings. you think you have a RIGHT to treat females like they are nothing. very few submissives are treated like princesses unless their masters think they deserve it. talk to your girlfriend about how public she wants this D/s relationship made. it might save your relationship in the long run.
2006-09-04 18:15:06
answer #4
answered by itskind2bcruel 4
Submissiveness is not a female trait, nor is dominance a male trait. Some men. particularly those who feel threatened by strong, intelligent women, are more comfortable being the dominant one in their relationship and probably gravitate toward weak women for fear of an equal relationship between partners. If that's the sort of relationship you're both striving for, there's not a heck of a lot your girlfriend's friend is going to do about it. Sad but true. I'd suggest that you get some counseling to get over your unhealthy feelings, but as Benjamin Franklin said, "Never give advice: Wise men don't require it and fools don't listen to it."
2006-09-04 18:24:41
answer #5
answered by peanut_curry 2
This man is a sexist pychotic freak, check out his other questions such as:
"Am I out of line for having my girlfriend address me as "sir" or "master"? (nonsexual)?
Should I permit my girlfriend to go to the beach without me?
What should I do about my girlfriend's friend who is telling her to break it off with me b/c I am controlling?
Was I wrong to restrict my girlfriend's tv programming?
Was I wrong for smacking my girlfriend's hand?
Should I let my girlfriend eat burgers and fries? (need objective advice)?
What is a good bedtime for a wife or girlfriend? I told mine 10 p.m. lights out and she thinks its not fair.?
Isn't the man supposed to be head of the household??
What are some logical punishments I can give my girlfriend when she does something wrong?
Does a wife ever have a right to not obey her husband?"
2006-09-05 09:30:41
answer #6
answered by sondra j 3
You make her sound like your slave. And if I was her the first time I heard that we'd be over. And no women needs a man to make her descisions for her. And what the hell does it make a difference if you have the "Y" chromosomes? And you are training her? You make her sound like a monkey in your little zoo! This is sick! You should kiss the ground she walks on for putting her through this!
2006-09-04 18:12:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't think there's anything that out of line with it, unless of course your girlfriend doesn't like it. And I'm sorry I have to protest that "she needs a man to make her decisions for her". What a load of bull! Everyone is more then capable of making their own decisions and I'm sure any woman would agree with me that we don't need some man making them for us. I'm in the army so I have to call people Sir out of respect but doesnt mean he's superior to me. Grow up
2006-09-04 18:12:11
answer #8
answered by phoenix 2
First off yes you are wrong, if you want something to be submissive, let you be the boss and be in control and yet love you unconditionally and follow you around get a dog. Although I wouldn't be surprised if even the dog left.
2006-09-04 19:22:01
answer #9
answered by bluekitty8098 4
Only one of your girlfriends? Why don't you make the rest of them call you sir or master? I don't believe that you actually have any girlfriends other than the ones in your head.
2006-09-04 18:15:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous