And I thought some of the answers were hilliarious too, BTW. Don't U just luv it when ANY question on Wicca results on a four volume history of Western civilization? LOL! Spamahoy and Dana S gave the best answers to your question I thought. They didn't take a year to read.
But yes, I think the xtians, jews, and muzlims will erradicte each other in a war for oil so George Bush's friends can get rich. There will be a nuclear war, and the monotheists will probably try one last burning time again before that.
Out of the ashes, the Wicce will rise like the Pheonix. We will rebuild society, but this time without monotheists. A matriarchy will rule, like in the Golden Age. No war, no famine, no disease.
Blessed Be!
2006-09-05 13:50:15
answer #1
answered by wicca chicka 2
Good question, although immaturely put. I will do my best to give you an adult reply (I say immaturely putdue to your refusal to write Chrisitian, instead relacing it with xtian- which personally, I find rude and insulting to those who believe in it)
While it is true that Christianity is on the decline, and it IS all over the News ( Falling numbers in the Churches, the exposure of pdeophiles within the Church, so on so forth- all very disturbing to the Chrisitians, I am sure), it will never disaapper completely- just like Paganism never did. And while every wiccan you know may believe this is going to happen, you don't know EVERY wiccan. I personally, while I thinkit would be great, am a realist- there will be no complete breakdown of ANY religion, because there will always be people to believe in it. Yes, the actual churches may dissappear, but Chrisiantiy won't go away.
I don't say this as a Christian, by the way I am a Pagan, who takes great care to ground herself. The "Jealous Father Syndrome" will never bite the dust- just as the Gods and Goddesses never bit the dust.
I also don't believe it will happen, due to the issues we have in our own community- the obvious one-sidedism of most covens, where the Women have more power of the men, and where Women outnumber the men- we will never grow to be a mojor following until we can find a balance- where the God gets as much respect as he DESRVES- for, the Goddes gets all her power from him. And any truw Pagan/Wiccan/Witch, who has read anything, will know that.
2006-09-04 08:34:08
answer #2
answered by aht12086 2
It was once said that at the rate that Elvis impersonators were increasing that half of the US population would be impersonating Elvis professionally by the year 20-something-or-other.
That's not an insult. The phenomenal increase of Wicca over the past few years is indeed stunning, but I don't necessarily believe it will ever exceed, say, five percent of the USA. In the end, sooner or later, it will reach a 'saturation point' and then it, like any other religion, will become subject to attrition and a slow decline into irrelevance in a modern secular society.
So sayeth edsawyer.
2006-09-04 08:18:09
answer #3
answered by XYZ 7
I believe that Christianity and other religions will thrive until the end.
At witch time there will be a comeuppance. The Lord will deal with all the people.
It will be based on what you know and what you were exposed to.
From what I understand there are books that will by opened and we are all written there. Each one of us is there.
I have to go with what I believe, you have to go with what you believe.
So we all are going to the final destination at which we will find out for absolutely sure.
2006-09-04 08:24:54
answer #4
answered by chris p 6
Wicca is not increasing as much as is made out, what you must remember is that common people are not aware of what Wicca is – Wicca is an priesthood, where one has to be initiated into a coven with direct lineage back to Gardner or the New Forest Coven – anything else isn't Wicca but more likely to be general Pagan or Neo-wicca (belief system based upon the outer-court teachings of Wicca).
It is actually Neo-wicca that is increasing at an excelled state because essentially anything can be classed as Neo-wicca – you ask one Neo-wicca they will say they follow a multi-faceted divine; you ask another they will follow a specific god of a specific pantheon. Wicca remains a reasonably small cult because becoming Wicca can be difficult and progressing to third degree in order to found a new coven can take decades.
Christianity is not really decreasing, simply that more people are open to the idea of being able to say 'I am not Christian' where as in the past this was frowned upon, also now we are getting more and more radical Christian groups such as the Sea of Faith where practices, doctrines and beliefs are relaxed – i.e. not as strict as say Catholicism.
Wicca will never outnumber Christianity, as Christianity is a major world religion, Wicca a rather slowly growing cult, a large factor within Wicca to consider is that no one ever wanted Wicca to be a major religion, thus why initiation is necessary to become Wicca, as a means to preserve the line and the religion itself.
As for Ravenwolf, yes safe to say we greatly dislike her, if not for writers such as her we would not have the problems we have now in the pagan community and the ignorance and disrespect towards Wicca we see today. Most of all those in this context – Silver Ravenwolf is a prejudice moron who is very much anti-Christian – her ideas on Christianity are best ignored, just as her ideas on Wicca best ignored.
2006-09-04 09:34:31
answer #5
answered by Kasha 7
Oh sweet jebus.
I can only hope and pray that it doesn't. I prefer the christians in charge over the fluff bunnies. At least the christians have a more or less stable doctorine and they haven't schismed in a while over issues.
As for quoting Silver Ravenwolf, please. please don't. She's the Benny Hinn of wicca. And about as informed. I can almost picture her out on the streets handing out the wiccan version of chick tracts she writes up. I've read her books, just like i've read the bible , they're all together in the mythology section of my library.
I'm not christian, I'm not wiccan. but I know the meek will inherit the earth... after the rest of us are through destroying it.
2006-09-04 11:07:21
answer #6
answered by guhralfromhell 4
I seriously doubt that Wiccans will ever out-number Christians. Many are leaving patriarchal religions and seeking out a gentler way to live that is true. People are becoming Taoist, Buddhist, etc. as well as Wiccan. There are so many religions out there for people to choose from. Wicca itself is a new religion and I am sure we will see more new religions spring forth giving people yet another option.
Blessings )O(
2006-09-04 08:22:46
answer #7
answered by Epona Willow 7
YES! And I think it is the only thing that will save the planet!
Wiccans and xtians cannot co-exist together. Did the 13,000,000 people who died in the burning times die for nothing???
Wake up people! Blessed Be!
2006-09-04 22:43:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No, this will not occur because fully over 70% of the nation identify themselves with a christian religion. Given that in Christianity the Witch is associated with Satan; then you would be hard pressed to overcome the engrained beliefs of the mass majority of the populous.
2006-09-04 08:20:42
answer #9
answered by rhutson 4
no, wicca will not replace christianity. wicca is nothing more than a cult started by some guy in England in the 50's that attracts mostly silly teenaged girls who think they will be able to perform magic. Most witches who actually practice, are pagans with a religion that goes back centuries before Christianity began, not followers of that homogenized, pasteurized, mish-mash that calls itself wicca.
2006-09-04 08:21:22
answer #10
answered by judy_r8 6