Hot spots my dog had them last year.Talk to the vet.
2006-09-02 14:48:49
answer #1
answered by East Bay Punk 5
It is the time of year to have fleas. They are very common and can be brought in the house by people and by other animals. The kitten could have also had fleas before you took her home. Some kittens can be severely allergic to fleas and it can cause problems.
I looked at all the other answers and I don't think that any of them are very effective treatments. Do Not Buy Anything Over The Counter to treat fleas. Most of these OTC products that say they are safe for cats contain pyrethrins which actually are toxic to cats.
If your kitten is at least 6 weeks old she can be treated with Advantage. This is VERY VERY effective in getting rid of fleas. It kills 98% of fleas within 24 hours of application. You can order Advantage from or you can obtain it from your vet. It is a prescription flea medication.
Your kitten could also have ring worm, or even dermatitis. One way to tell for sure if it is fleas is to set your cat down on some damp paper towels and brush or comb out your cat. If little brown specks of dirt fall on the paper towels and leave a reddish tinge on the wet towels it is most definately fleas. These brown specks are called "flea dirt" this is actually the by product of the fleas that are consuming your kittens blood.
It is very important to treat fleas right away in kittens as they can cause anemia and in severe cases even death.
2006-09-02 17:10:07
answer #2
answered by MsDolittle 2
It might be an allergic reaction to the food she's eatting or to something she got into. It might also be fleas, ring worm, or mites. It would be a good idea to check her over for any fleas. You may want to give her a bath and if she is old enough, use something like Frontline, Advantage, or Revolution. You DO not want to use flea collors or store products. They can be very old and toxic, you never know. Go to the vet.
2006-09-02 17:13:26
answer #3
answered by kittykat1768 2
A type of Exima. There this yellow liquid they give to dogs for that. It can be used on cats too. Forget what it's called. DOn't use a lot.
The cat may have feels, get it a flea shot or use the Hartz stuff that works for 3 months. The stuff in a vial you put behind the neck.
2006-09-02 14:58:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Benadryl will help stop the itch but it dont treat the problem, yes i have been giving it to mine cuz he has licked all the hair off his belly making it a mess...the vet said it was probably a food allergy but testing is troublesome and expensive..i am looking into holistic vet medicine for it now and switching him over to a hypoallergenic diet...good luck i spent 500 bucks on my boy so far this month and i still dont have an answer...If it is food allergy he/she will itch around the face, chin and neck area. Mine is doing that too. Good luck and I hope you find a cure for your baby...some cats are extremely allergic to just one flea wont find any fleas cuz cats are meticullus groomers..but check your other pets (if there is one) to see if there are any flea eggs..dont buy the crap they sell at walmart either..there are controversies about what it does to your cat/ buy the good stuff at the vet. Good Luck and i hope you find what you are needing for your baby
2006-09-02 15:19:10
answer #5
answered by staceycat27 1
Flea allergies. Give her a good bath in a product recommended by your vet. Too many fleas on a small kitten can kill them!
2006-09-02 15:14:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
my dog had this problem. we brought him to the vet and she said it was an allergy. she gave us antibiotics (so not to get the raw spots infected), and itch stuff for his ear (which were also itchy). we spent hundreds of dollars cuz everytime we ran out, she wouldnt give us new meds until she gave him another check up. he took so much antibiotics that he smelled like medicine. it wasnot working either. She gave him millions of shots of ringworms, heartworms, etc. that didnt help. more money was spent. she suggested we bathe him 3 times a week. we have a skipperkee. he has THREE LAYERS OF FUR!! it was a HUGE project to bathe him with special shampoo, blow dry his hair for HOURS, then clean up the mess. we did it though because we love our dog but it was insane. FINALLY one day my mom was online and she came across this vet page. many other poeple had the same problem. they gave their dogs benedryl after asking their vet if it was safe to give a dog benedryl (which it is). we did this and he got all better! he even grew all his fur back!
now imnot sure if u can give a cat benedryl (im guessing yes but im not a vet and i cant be sure), but its something worth trying if u can. get the tablets and break them in half and give half a night. it saved us lots of money, time, and back breaking work.
2006-09-02 14:59:07
answer #7
answered by Ashley W 3
It is probably an allergy to flea bites. Use a good flea and tick repellant like Pro-spot and apply an ointment like Neo-sporin to the affected area. You can get Neo-sporin at your local drug store. Take the cat to your vet as soon as you can.
2006-09-02 14:47:04
answer #8
answered by lowrider 4
She could have fleas, or eczema. Check her for fleas, give her thorough baths with GENTLE shampoo-- best to use a baby shampoo, every day until no more fleas. If it isn't fleas, take her to the doctor ASAP. She may need a skin cream for relief
2006-09-02 14:49:58
answer #9
answered by from HJ 7
I would go to the vet right away. This could be fleas or ringworm. It can also be something more serious. You should talk to the vet before you give your cat any type of flea treatment.
2006-09-02 16:13:57
answer #10
answered by kitty f 1
Could be fleas? Could be like a nervous reaction--I had a cat that was always licking and scratching--losing hair--the vet gave her a steroid shot--ask your vet.
2006-09-02 14:48:01
answer #11
answered by Amy N 2