I Pity Them, Poor Sick People !
I mean what else can you do for people who even don't know how to be just plain normal ! Beats Me !
Take care and May God Bless Everyone With Better Wisdom and Morals !
2006-09-02 09:33:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm a gay man, and I have a mixed answer I suppose. I find gay men to be fun and funny and outrageous at times. But they can also be absolute b itches and snakes and backstabbers. There is lots of drug use and alcoholism in the "gay community." I suppose that is true of all of humanity, however. Gay men seem to display these qualities more intensely, though.
It's kind of difficult for me, since I stopped drinking a few months ago because of my depression. It limits my social life, because it seems that everything gay guys do involves drinking. O well.
I know some lesbians, they are also fun and funny. But they can also be VERY mean.
Overall, gays who are intensely involved in poiltics can be a drag. As long as they aren't fussing about Bush and Republcians and religious people, they are fine. But my eyelids snap shut when they get all political.
I haven't been bothered by any homophobes, so I can't speak to that.
As for the bisexual thing, I can relate. I am attracted to women, and sleep with them from time to time. But I identify as gay. It makes it hard though, when I become friends with attractive women (which I always seem to do). Oftentimes it turns into Will and Grace. That part of it sucks.
Hope this helps.
Love, Jack.
2006-09-02 08:41:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Everyone is secretly bi-curious. Some people are taught to be horrified and they later become homophobic. Some people explore their feelings. Gay and lesbian people have figured themselves out, accepted themselves, and are exclusively attracted to the same sex. It is not a choice, make no mistake. There is nothing wrong with it. I don't believe in "God" but if I did, I would accept that he makes no mistakes. Gays and Lesbians are experts at dealing with fear, ignorance, discrimination, and being made to feel unwelcome. Some are bitter, and some are the most compassionate and loving people in the world. Whatever the case, your sexuality should not define who you are and what you become. If you let it, then don't complain if others do, too.
2006-09-02 08:38:04
answer #3
answered by pandora the cat 5
First off I am not homophobic. I have known many people who are homosexual and they are like anyone else some nice and some not so nice. Now do I feel this is something that is right? The answer to that is no. I don't feel like it is right as I feel that homosexuality is a sin. I believe that God still loves the person but the sin is another thing all together. I know my viewpoint is seen in a way that many consider it to be homophobic and to that I say you can believe any way you want. I am not the one that they will stand before on judgment day. I know what the Bible says about homosexuality and I know that it condemns it as a sin. But Jesus died for everyone so if the sinner repents and asks forgiveness of their sins than heaven is something they have to look forward to.
2006-09-02 11:38:55
answer #4
answered by jane d 4
I think the world would be a poorer place without gay culture, but as for individuals, I judge them on the way they treat others in general. I have met gay men who are kind, funny, witty and talented (and I am just grateful they won't be competing with me for my boyfriend!) but I have met the occasional gay man who is vicious, spiteful and bitchy and an obvious woman-hater. You have to pity someone like that, it must be awful to be trapped in that sort of mindset, and it's an example of the kind of dark place you will find yourself if you allow yourself to judge/value people because of what they are ("a female" or "a man who is attracted to men") rather than how they behave.
2006-09-03 03:16:44
answer #5
answered by Specsy 4
Well, I have to say that when my mother first told me she was a lesbian, I was devastated. I thought since she was gay, everyone would think I was gay. I was 15, and it was the early ninties, when gays weren't as accepted as they are today. Now, my mother's sexuality doen't bother me. I don't even give it a second thought. I know gay people from all walks of life, and they are pretty cool, and strong because they have to deal with the crap everyone puts on them. If you are gay, be proud. There isn't a think wrong with you!
2006-09-02 08:35:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There is nothing wrong with being Gay or to use the correct term homosexual. It has been proven that no one is 100% heterosexual, so there is a little gayness in everyone. Those who say they really hate homo's are the ones who usually have more difficulty in accepting their own sexual identity. Also people who ask this type of question are usually a little unsure as well.
You say your not sure of your own sexuality which leads me to believe that you have tried both sides, it sure as hell don't bother me. So just sit back and enjoy yourself for who you are whichever way you swing.
2006-09-02 09:48:56
answer #7
answered by stargazer 5
I knowsome gay men and they are brilliantcompany. Like any section of community there are some nicer than others. Homophobics or at least the ones I have come across are a mixture of narrow minded and bigots who are so insecure within themselves ......bit like the school playground bully we all know and love!!
2006-09-02 08:41:28
answer #8
answered by eagledreams 6
My view is that love is love-no matter if it's between two men/women or a woman and a man. I feel that love should be promoted in any form-after all you can heal things with love, you can't heal things with hate. Gay people deserve the same respect as everyone else and the same rights. Who has the right to say their love is sick? Nobody. Live and let live. Blessed Be.
2006-09-02 10:47:17
answer #9
answered by Taioma 2
Homosexuals/ Bisexuals are just ordinary people, I've got no problem with them. There are a ton of homophobs, who are just either close-minded jerks, or scared gay people will make a move on them.
2006-09-02 09:19:22
answer #10
answered by Casey 2
Firstly - why is this question in Mental Health?
I am Gay! That was easy to tell you all. Was a lot harder telling my mother...couldn't tell my father because he died a year before I came out.
My mother said that in her next life she only wants to have Gay sons...a lot less trouble than girls (she is basing that on my sister who has had sooooo many kids).
As for Homophobes, I have only ever met them on here...they tend to consist of narrow minded bigots; especially the ones that use God as an excuse for hatred (pick and choose scripture as it suits them). God is love and compassion - he could hate for none.
Hope that is an adequate answer!
2006-09-02 13:39:58
answer #11
answered by Paul G 2