the owner of a market research company was interviewing people for a position which involved going around to houses and talking to people about their opinion on certain products. he was particularly keen to hire one applicant who had a great deal of experience and was very well spoken. the only problem was a disconcerting mannerism: the man seemed to have nervous tic. every few seconds his head would shake wildly from side to side. the sales manager decided to be frank.
'you’ve got all the qualifications for the job and id really like to hire you, but I’m afraid that tic of yours might be a problem.'
'no problem' said the candidate. 'all I need to make it go away is a couple of cough drops. look. I’ll take some now.' and he began emptying his pockets on the desk. the prospective employer was startled to see dozens of packages of condoms piling up: edible ones, lubricated ones, multicolored ones, every variety imaginable. 'aha,' cried the young man happily, ‘here they are.' he brandished two lozenges, swallowed them, and sure enough, the head shaking stopped immediately. ‘so much for the tic,’ said the sales manager sternly, gesturing at the mountain of rubbers,’ but what about all these condoms? I don’t want you screwing around on the job.’
‘no fear. I’m a happily married man.’
‘So how can you account for the contents of your pockets?’
‘its simple, sir. Did you ever go into a drugstore, shaking your head like crazy, and ask for a packet of cough drops?’
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