My friend and I were out booze cruising. We had her daughter driving us around to peoples houses that we knew, since she had a license. We partied all over. We had left her sisters house and decided it was time to go home. One the way back we told her daughter that we had to go wee, so she was trying to find a place to pull over. Finally it got to the point where we told her, "Just pull over!!". I was sitting in the back seat and got out first and when I got out I noticed she had parked about 2 feet away from a hill that went down for a long ways. So I scuttled in between the car and the hill until I was behind the car. I was undoing my pants when my friend got out. She was undoing her pants and was just getting ready to squat when I told her, "Watch out for that hill" and at first she didn't understand what I had said so I said, "Watch out for that hill!". She looked back and when she did her head disappeared. I went over to the side of the hill and looked down just in time to see her head, then her a**, then her head, then her a**, then her head, then her a**, and all the way down she went. She finally hit the bottom and yells back up, "I still have my tp, but I spilled some of my beer!!, and she squatted and finished with what she started out to do. I also finished what I was doing and went back over to the side of the hill only to see that she was still only halfway up. Finally she got up to the car and I asked her, "What the H was that all about?" and we got back into the car and continued on our way home. The next morning her husband asked her when she had gotten her rash. She didn't know anything about it so she looked. They must have had just mowed the hill.
Even as I'm telling you this my memory is so clear of that night that I'm starting to laugh. So thank you for asking.
2006-09-02 06:08:44
answer #1
answered by windandwater 6
Once upon a very drunken night, I staggered into the home of my sister and her family. This was okay to do, as her home was closer to the bar than my own, therefore quite convenient when driving a car seems to be , well, difficult. Anyway, sometime aftr settling into a deep, alcohol induced sleep, I woke, and I realized that I was standing in the kitchen, 'wee-ing' into the trash can.
If that wasn't enough, I looked up to find that I had an audience; my sister had heard me staggering around, and when she saw me all she asked me to do was to have fun flushing the can when I was done. Ahhh, those days are gone, but the memories linger on...
2006-09-02 06:01:17
answer #2
answered by The Mystic One 4
A firend of mine, and by that i dont mean me, was running down the polished wooden stair case in her house, trying to run for the bus, she fell and pee'd everywhere. When her sister said 'were ypou running for the toilet' she said no ' it just hurt so bad i had to pee, i didn't even need the toilet!' the unfortunate thing about the situation was here parents were away at the time and there was a small but substantial group of friends visiting!
2006-09-02 05:57:03
answer #3
answered by hot_lips9996 1
Not about myself but..... our house sat on a large corner lot and had 10' shrubs around the side yard. I was letting the dog out one night and a group of young people came down the street laughing and singing and drinking! I heard one of the girls say she had to pee and she came around the bushes from the street. I waited till she had her pants down and sent my dog after her (my dog wasn't a threat, she only chased intruders) barking like crazy. The girl went running out of the yard screaming with her jeans around her ankles!. I don't think she had a public "pee" again anytime soon!!
2006-09-02 05:47:40
answer #4
answered by Sandy 2
Group of us got drunk and crashed out in a friend's living room. I woke up in the night to find this bloke standing over me peeing all over me!
It's true I swear!
2006-09-02 05:43:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
my sister woke up in the middle of the night and went to the toilet and we went down in the morning and she was asleep on the floor...pants down!
2006-09-02 05:43:11
answer #6
answered by cookie monster 2