I don't think anyone can totaly describe the Trinity, but the following site has a great deal of information concerning the Trinity.
2006-09-02 05:16:54
answer #1
answered by AirborneSaint 5
The Trinity is the concept of God in 3 Persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit...
With our limits to understanding, you can only come close to understanding it... A trinity is something made up of 3 distinct entities, yet they are all the same... I've heard it taught that each Member has a distinct purpose different from the Other Two... You'll probably see that in other answers... I'm not sure whether They share the same awareness or not... It IS written in Genesis, right after the Fall, that God said: "See, the man has become like One of Us, to know good and evil..." so, it would seem so - that They do not have the same awareness...
About the best way to illustrate the concept is to draw an equilateral triangle and then, draw another one connecting the midpoints of each side... Each triangle represents an Individual within the Trinity and the whole thing is a triangle as well...
2006-09-02 05:26:39
answer #2
answered by KnowhereMan 6
First of all, Yes! Jesus is/was an avatar; the only true avatar that ever existed. An avatar is God in the flesh, walking among us.
Secondly, the trinity is the threefold manifestation of God or the Godhead. Man was made in the image of God, so as we look at man we should see a trinity... and we do: Body, Soul, and Spirit.
Jesus is also known as the Word, and he limited himself for a season in this realm as he took upon himself the form of man, so there were some things he did not share awareness of with the Father and the Spirit (like the exact day and hour of his second coming)
The three persons on the trinity form a "plural unity" like we see in Ezekiel's bundle of sticks.
2006-09-02 05:54:00
answer #3
answered by skypiercer 4
No Jesus is not like an avatar and I will give you a serious answer- but I can see you thinking of a representation of God in a different medium. The word "trinity" is not in the Bible, this term captures Biblical truths about God. The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit are God, not just 3 parts of God or 3 names for the same person. God reveals himself as a Tri-Unity. Christianity is not polytheistic---there was not Father God uniting with Mother god to produce son of God. Many people think it is 1+1+1=3 gods, rather than the analogy of adding units, the Trinity has been explained by multiple wholeness 1x1x1=1.
Another simple analogy for you is to thing of the element of water. It can be ice, steam, or liquid---each its own material yet the same element. Hope this helps.
2006-09-02 05:24:05
answer #4
answered by Missie D 2
The trinity is:
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
They are the same just different forms.
God is God, the Alpha and the Omega, The Almighty, The Creator
Jesus is God in the flesh and
The Holy Spirit is God in "spirit form" this is what "enters" you when you accept Jesus as your personal Saviour. Kinda like your conscience.
Think of this: Water can be a liquid, solid and gas.
God is liquid, Jesus is solid, Holy Spirit is gas
its all still water.
2006-09-02 05:46:07
answer #5
answered by hevenleangel 1
The doctrine of Trinity is False. It is not a Bible teaching. Jesus said that his Father is the ONLY true God (John 17:3). Jesus is the Son of God, his Father is Jehovah (Psalms 83:18) and there is ONLY ONE(Echad) JEHOVAH, not three (Deut 6:4). Ecc 4:9 defines the true meaning of echad. Notice the usage of singular noun & verb (God not Gods, IS not ARE) in Deut 6:4. The holy spirit is God's active force, a part of God, so the spirit is the same as God not a separate person (2 Cor 3:17). Just like the word "reincarnation" is not found in the Bible and therefore not a Bible teaching, the Trinity, God-man, God-Son are not bible teachings too, that's why those are not found in the Bible.
2006-09-05 05:59:36
answer #6
answered by trustdell1 3
I wasn't going the answer this question but some of the other answers were driving me nuts, lol.
The trinity doesn't make sense biblically. Whoever said there were "indicators", I don't believe we'd have to find hints! I promise you, if there were an explanation needed Paul would have covered it in Romans -- the big transition book from the law to the age of grace.
IF Jesus was God, what would be the point of Him being on earth at all? The point was that He was a man who walked perfectly in the light, he had the spirit of the Lord ON him just like Moses and King David.
You can't kill God -- Jesus was dead for three days and nights.
You can't tempt God -- Satan tempted Jesus three times in the dessert.
Here's the way it works. I'll try really hard to be brief.
Think of Holy Spirit like you would a cell phone. It's a way to talk to God. Adam had spirit in him until he sinned, God asks "Adam, where are you?". Certainly God knew where Adam was...
From Adam to Pentecost the Spirit of the Lord (unlimited minutes plan) was ON certain leaders. In fact, Moses handed it over near the end of his life to another leader.
Paul says that it was a Great Mystery meaning that if Satan had known that all christians could be born again and everyone would have 'spiritual cellphones' then he'd never have crucified Jesus!
So, we pray to God with Jesus as our mediator using our spritual cellphone.
2006-09-02 05:33:18
answer #7
answered by wrathofkublakhan 6
The Christians get confused over this 3 in 1 Trinity ... why did Jesus have to pray to God if he IS God in the first place?
Why did the Arch Angel come to reveal the scriptures, if he was also God?
Since Jesus was born - does this mean the other God fathered him?
Ofcourse not... its all trash - Jesus was just a man - a Prophet but a human.
Chirstians will now stoop to saying oh well .. its a divine mystery lol
2006-09-02 05:25:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The Trinity is an originally pagan concept: The Egyptians had a trinity of Osiris, Isis, and Horus (father, mother, son-- a lot more sensible). And Hinduism has the "Trimurti" of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva (The Creator, the Preserver, and the Destroyer/Recreator). When the early Christians deified the man Jesus, this destroyed monotheism, so in order to save it they came up with the concept of Trinity, but it's really nonsensical. Jesus is said to be the Only Begotten Son, but begetting is something that occurs IN TIME. That which is begotten is necessarily younger than the Begettor. So Jesus cannot be a "Co-Eternal", which is a term Trinitarian doctrine applies to him!
2006-09-02 05:19:05
answer #9
answered by kreevich 5
the holy trinity consists of the father, the son, and the holy ghost. the father is god, the son is jesus, and the holy ghost... well even with 12 years of catholic school i was never certain of what he was - some non-body entity that appears? it's symbolized by the little flame.
they are all the same person, and yet they are all different. jesus asks god questions when he is alive. but jesus is god. it's totally confusing to someone who doesn't practice the religion.
but yes, i guess jesus is kind of like an avatar, the face of god. but so is the holy ghost, just only appears as a little flame.
2006-09-02 05:20:01
answer #10
answered by Jenessa 5
The word trinity is not in the Bible, but the indicators certainly are.
Look up Psalm 45, and Psalm 110. Both indicate THE GOD speaking to
"HIS OTHER".....also......The Trinity is indicated in 1 John 5:7 if you are using
a King James Bible (others have removed or altered same).
In the Old Testament see Isaiah 44:6 --- and His redeemer I am ---.
and Isaiah 45:11 --- And His maker --.
My favourite indicator is 1 Corinthians 15:28 ! At some point The Trinity will once
again unite because THEN there will be no need for The Trinity !
Water appears as a liquid, steam, and ice. All three are one.
A Clover leaf has three segments, it is but ONE clover.
In both situations above, three are one. Why can't THE GOD do the same?
2006-09-02 05:17:39
answer #11
answered by whynotaskdon 7