congratulations!,if i was ur sis i would say,make her feel special every day in some speical little way, and remember neither of you can read minds so talk to each other about everything,you can get lover's anywhere but friends are special....keep ur relationship special
I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world bro x
2006-09-03 03:37:39
answer #1
answered by mo 1
Ok - so look on the upside..... sisters are wonderful things IF YOU GET ON!!! However, you know what girls can be like (bitchy, jealous, etc). At least you have no risk of a jealous sister on your wedding day!
There's another bonus..... you're so used to what blokes can be like, I think you're more likely to be the perfect wife! You'll be more than prepared for all the stupid little annoying ways that the male species can adopt and so you'll deal with married life in just the right way!
Just remember - marriage is about honesty, trust and a life-long friendship (after you've got all the lusty bedroom activities outta the way on the honeymoon!!!). Respect eachother, trust eachother and you'll last forever.
Good luck and congratulations!
Lou x
2006-09-01 21:27:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I am all lady and i've got four brothers, i love them so much and gives them advice on girl friend choices and look out for them but since you don't have any sisters you should try to keep a good relationship with your mom i think that is the best sister you will ever find so all the best
2006-09-02 04:01:49
answer #3
answered by shella n 1
It depends on your age, however assuming that you are over 28 I would tell you to always give your lady lots of cuddles, help around the house and generally let her know how special she is, not in words but by demonstrating it in your actions. Teach your new wife to be a cook in the kitchen, a lady in the lounge and a sl*t in the bedroom and you won't go far wrong. If you are younger than 28 I would advise you to wait before considering marriage.
2006-09-02 05:06:43
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Congratulations on the wedding! My advice is firstly to make sure you enjoy you're big day. I got married in October and it was FABULOUS! As a sister I would have to say...never go to bed angry, buy your new wife flowers now and then and keep your love life spontaneous. Take her on a date now and then. It helps rememeber you are still young and very much in love. All the best!
2006-09-02 02:32:30
answer #5
answered by clakkie 1
Be honest with yourself in all things. Treat her like you will on the day of your marriage for the rest of your life. When you look into a crowded room, see only her. Do not ever put anyone before her, not even yourself. Create a life together, do not simply merge two lives. Best wishes.
2006-09-02 01:37:29
answer #6
answered by tjnstlouismo 7
"You can be right or you can be happy"
I have three sisters and one brother. When he gets married, that's what I'm going to tell him. Plus, I'm going to tell him not to be like dad! :) For my brother I want him to make sure that the woman he is marrying is going to be compatible with him for the years to come, not just an accessory for social engagements. I want him to have the courage to be true to his vows, the compassion to consider her feelings and the wisdom to find empathy. I wish for him patience with day to day life and to put forth an effort to accept change. I would want him to be sure that he is getting married because he can not stand the thought of living one day of the rest of his life without this woman in it and to remember that every morning of every day.
Then, I would probably give him aspirin (for the headaches he's going to get), a pair of comfortable shoes (because there is going to be a lot more shopping in his life), and a piggy bank to remind him he shares in the financial success or failure of this new union. And if he were moving away, I'd give him phone cards and self-addressed stamped envelopes to remind him to stay in touch....
Congratulations on your pending nuptials! You're going to be a great husband! Oh! One last thing - never tell her she looks fat!!! (tell her the outfit you like better) :)
2006-09-02 01:09:07
answer #7
answered by Kristi C 3
Congrats on getting married and the best advise I can give you .. every day be joyous of the time you have together.. every moment is precious so take them to heart. Through the bad times and good times, you will always have one another to lean on. Take moments for each other .. time for one another and always listen.
Hugs from a Loving Mom to a Brillant, as well as beautiful 8 year old Jared and Our Angel, Zachary (taken to soon but who will always remain in our heart) ~ Mel
2006-09-01 21:12:07
answer #8
answered by jaredsmommy2004 6
All i can say is have fun coz it will all be over quickly ok so have fun coz it is a wonderful day and dont think of wot could go wrong well good luck you and doing the right thing god bless you both
2006-09-02 06:47:54
answer #9
answered by gem 1
Enjoy the day together, it goes so fast. You get so busy mingling separately, you only come together to cut the cake or do the first dance. Get on that dance floor the pair of you and stay there!!! Have a great day .x
2006-09-01 22:19:26
answer #10
answered by K-9 3