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Ive taken jui jitsu, boxing, and wrestling for over 5 years now but i want to start kicking. I dont have a gym to learn it at but i have a free standing heavy bag for kicking in my garrage. Ive also played soccer all my life and can kick a ball well over 70 miles per hour. What part of the leg do you kickbox with so i can practice on the bag at home.

2006-09-01 09:59:51 · 6 answers · asked by superdaveard 2 in Sports Martial Arts

6 answers

kick a tree and find out.

2006-09-01 10:33:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Depends on the type of kick. A round kick hits much the same as a soccer kick with the ridge on top of the foot. A front kick hits with the ball of the foot, and a side kick hits with the heel. If it's Thai boxing that allows low leg kicks, ideally you hit like the round kick, but make contact with your shin just above your ankle.

2006-09-01 17:04:53 · answer #2 · answered by ravenofchrist 2 · 0 0

Muai Thai uses the round house or round kick, which uses the instep of the foot curling the toes back and using the ball of the foot (as with the front kick). the shin, particularly the lower part is more effective but you must get in closer to use it. these attacks are most effective at working the backs of the opponent's legs, their knees, or calf muscles to eventually weaken them. but they are also effective for midsection or head strikes; but again you have to get in close to use them.

This leaves you open for a midsection strike to the abs, stomache, or kidneys area, so you have to be quick to surprise your opponent with these strikes or you could wind up on the business end of these attacks or get countered by those same attacks.

knee strikes are also used but they are equally risky maneuvers, so the key is to surprise the opponent and get into a good position to use them.

Muai Thai and kickboxing also uses the forearms or elbows for quicker strikes and positioning for a grab by interlacing their fingers behind the head and pulling down to better utilize the leg strikes.

either way mostly when kicking you'll either use the ball of the foot, the heel, shin, or knee. So you'll wanna work on all these parts.

2006-09-02 14:48:12 · answer #3 · answered by quiksilver8676 5 · 0 0

Lower shin is good
Now I played soccer for 10+ years and you don't kick a bag (or person) the same way. i guess what you want to do is something similar to a "Volley"(in soccer) but go more upward at about this angle \ with the kick and your foot you have your weight on spin on the ball of your foot (not your heal) and snap your hips... Sh*t it's hard to explain with out showing you.

2006-09-01 18:46:31 · answer #4 · answered by BigKilla 2 · 0 0

Lower shin. However you can use mid shin for way more power, but this is extremely risk.

2006-09-01 17:10:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

lower shin. just above the foot, not too high or shin bruises will suck.

2006-09-01 17:06:38 · answer #6 · answered by April N 3 · 0 0

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