the u.s. is being fed way to many lies by our president. this needs to stop as soon as possible. more people should be aware of what is happening, and i'm glad that slowly people are finding out...
but to answer your question, i am completely sure it was an inside job... by our own government. the two buildings both collapsed at an impossible speed. those planes should have only harmed the top floors of those buildings and the main support beams of the building had not been touched. the buildings actually fell with the help of explosives, that were used to take out the main support beams. some say that the building just burned at inncredible speed, but no. also the buildings were burning at a temperature higher than jet fuel can burn, by at least two thousand degrees, therefore proving that there were explosives involved.
if you could, please find the video "loose change", or "loose change II" to back up what i have already mentioned (plus more)!
2006-08-31 12:49:58
answer #1
answered by haha183 2
All the things you cite as "evidence" are actually theory and opinion. No respected source has endorsed them.
I do have a question mark over the Pentagon and am not convinced of what happened there, although it is undisputable fact that an aircraft full of people including the wife of a member of the U.S government took off and disapeared. Where did that go if it didnt hit the Pentagon?
There was plenty of plane wreckage at flight 93's crash site, as witnessed by many many people and it is entirely consistent with the official story.
There were no audible or visible explosions in the twin towers, just the sounds of floors collapsing. Are you qualified to tell the difference between the loud bang of the floors of the worlds largest building giving way, and the loud bang of semtex?
As for WTC7 this is one of the worst of the conspriacy theories. This building was on fire, and two of the largest man made structures on the planet had just collapsed outside the front door, and you are surprised that the fabric of the building was weakened to the point where it collapsed??
If you hop down town now to ground zero you will see a large building accross the road which has black material draped down the front. This is the Deutsche Bank Building. This looks structurally fine apart from broken windows and clearly is still standing 5 years after 9/11 but is still going to have to be demolished as it is unsafe and this was much further away than WTC7.
Finally if 9/11 was an inside job it would have been years in the planning, and thousands of people in the military, government and secret services would have had to have been involved.
As Bush had only been in office a few months then his predecessor Clinton and his administration must also have been involved.
2006-08-31 20:09:46
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't. None of your facts add up at all. No plane wreckage at the pentagon? They have footage from security cameras crashing into the building. So whether there was wreckage or not the plane did hit. Did you not see the plane hit the twin towers?! I think plane fuel burning and melting would have to do something with the collapse. Relatively undamaged WTC my butt! There was only a plane smashed into them. How is that relatively undamaged? Wouldn't we have heard an explosion right before they collapsed if it was a controlled demolition? This is the most idiotic theory I have ever heard.
Hmm I wonder if Bush wasn't in office if people would still think it was an inside job? Sounds to me that people just need one more reason to hate Bush. Truly pathetic!
2006-08-31 09:11:56
answer #3
answered by Luekas 4
Either you are totally blind or looking to cause problems the scenes that I saw on Television over and over showed Two planes flying into both towers and of course you will see and hear secondary detonations at any fire from items exploding due to heat have you even seen an aircraft crash site? 90% of the time there isn't much left.
You most likely think that Kennedy was killed by people other than oswald
2006-08-31 15:03:29
answer #4
answered by iamright2 4
No, it was not an inside job. My source link is just one of many sites that debunk all the 9/11 conspiracy theories. And your statments of no plane wreckage at the Pentagon or the flight 93 crash site are just silly. Look at the pictures!!!! As for the rest, well, don't just listen to the conspiracy theorists, get both sides of the story before you make claims like this.
2006-08-31 09:06:39
answer #5
answered by cool_breeze_2444 6
I guess you believe in aliens too!
Some wreckage burned & I am sure the goverment removed any left, to keep from media & people like you who would cart it off
to prove some ridiculous point. Every scientist who has signed on for your theory has been discredited. They have no work in demolition just unrelated science degrees. This includes the founders of 2 groups & you.
2006-08-31 09:26:07
answer #6
answered by Wolfpacker 6
only paranoid conspiracy theorists expect to see a cartoon-style outline of a plane in the side of the pentagon! there was large pieces of the plane INSIDE the Pentagon. when the plane hit, it continued to travel into the structure. it did not bounce off the building, and it would not have left a perfect outline of a plane. the wings would have done less damage (less mass) than the main body of the plane. as far as demo work, where were the demo crews? talk about a coincidence, that a demo crew hired by the US government would try to destroy two buildings the same day that terrorist would hijack planes to attack the same buildings!!!!
2006-08-31 09:19:19
answer #7
answered by forjj 5
And that video of Osama Bin Laden telling his compatriots what they'd planned was all part of the conspiracy, right? Quoting from Bin Laden: "(...Inaudible...) we calculated in advance the number of casualties from the enemy, who would be killed based on the position of the tower. We calculated that the floors that would be hit would be three or four floors. I was the most optimistic of them all. (...Inaudible...) due to my experience in this field, I was thinking that the fire from the gas in the plane would melt the iron structure of the building and collapse the area where the plane hit and all the floors above it only. This is all that we had hoped for."
Read the transcript. Bin Laden is describing what he and others planned. Not the U.S. government.
Quit drinking from the liberal Kool Aid stands!
2006-08-31 09:46:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Too many things just don´t add up. A new and independent investigation (that reviews the collapse of WTC 7) is needed and the culprits (if this is true) should get their day in court.
2006-08-31 09:26:11
answer #9
answered by Tristansdad 3
Why would so many people be trying to spread the word about a 9/11 coverup if it wasn't true? What in the world would their motive be for doing such a thing? Just for entertainment? I think not, you have to listen to everyone's point of view and rely on scientific evidence to proove a point.
2006-08-31 09:25:21
answer #10
answered by lvillejj 4