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I agreed to get the dog for my boyf and little girl and have kept him so far even though I really hate him, because I am not irresponsible. It is really getting to me now though because he is always jumping up and crying,he has emotional probs that I cant solve. It is me who is at home with him all the time and I am going to have a baby in about 2 weeks and I dont think I can manage to look after everyone. I want him to go, am I really selfish?

2006-08-31 00:00:01 · 23 answers · asked by sazj27 2 in Pets Dogs

23 answers

Not hate, I could never HATE a dog, but I did have one for a while that I really didn't like.

I already had a Rottweiller at the time, the best dog I've ever had, so loving and stupid. A friend of a friend said he was going out of town and asked if I would look after his Mongrel Charlie for him while he was gone. I said I would.

What he didn't tell me was THE DOG HAD NO TRAINING WHATSOEVER. Seriously, didn't even know how to sit. The dog was four years old f'Christ's sake, how could he have not taught him how to sit in four years?

This guy's dog used to chew up my furniture, destoryed a carton of cigarettes (2,000 smokes, ruined!), kept fighting every other dog it came in to contact with (including, in a rather ill-conceived manner, my Rottweiller) and pissed all over the house.

This guy also didn't mention that when he said he would be out of town "for a while", he meant FOR A YEAR.

2006-08-31 00:05:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

It's not selfish to not want a dog, some people don't like dogs or are not in the right place and time for a dog. However it is very selfish to go out and make an irresponsible purchase of a dog and then turn around and try to get rid of it. Didn't you consider the puppy's needs and whatnot before buying it? He is probably jumping up and crying because he needs attention and training.

If you are not willing to invest a little time and money to take the puppy to training classes (which are desperately needed), walk him everyday at least once, and do some training at home, then yes I suppose you should find another home for him. Contact your local humane society or find someone that will take good care of him.

2006-08-31 00:16:22 · answer #2 · answered by ontario ashley 4 · 3 1

Since you state in your first sentence, "I agreed to get the dog for my boyfriend and little girl and have kept him so far even though I really hate him, because I am not irresponsible".

It sounds like you were against having a dog from the get go and only agreed to this one against your will. Also, being pregnant, you are probably feeling overwhelmed at the moment and when the new baby comes, it surely will not become easier. Probably the one you really hate is the boyfriend for putting you in this predicament in the first place. Your hate and anger is misdirected. Tell the boyfriend how you feel. I do feel badly that your little girl has probably become attached to the dog.

Perhaps you had a hatred for the dog from the beginning and are simply looking for reasons to intensify your hatred! Every mistake the puppy makes seems much worse than it actually is because of your anger at being forced to take care of him.

No, I've never personally owned a dog that I hated. I have loved every single dog, but some have been more difficult to train than others. Just like children, dogs have different needs and personalities. Some dogs are calm and some are more active. You didn't say what breed puppy this is or how old he is currently.

Do the dog a favor and give him to someone who will devote the time and love to him that he deserves. You already hate the dog and a month from now, you will not feel any different.

Explain to your little girl that mommy made a big mistake for allowing the dog in the first place.

2006-08-31 01:56:22 · answer #3 · answered by Free Bird 4 · 1 4

Yes. I had a staffie x, she was really horrible. She ate a wall in my kitchen I was only out for half an hour to get the kids from school! She destroyed everything just because she could! It got to the point I was on anti-depressants just to live with her as I like you didn't want to be irresponsible. My other dog I had at the same time was great, so it wasn't because I didn't know what I was doing, she was just a devil dog!!! But after 2 years of training and dog classes with her she had to go. I couldn't take it any more. I have a boxer now who is great. My other dog died 18 months ago and I only just got over her going enough to get another dog. Talk to your boyfriend about it and see what he says. Good Luck.

2006-08-31 03:12:27 · answer #4 · answered by claire 2 · 4 1

The dog's problems CAN be sorted, but I don't think you're the person to sort them. You have a new baby on the way, and given that you already have a child, you probably know how demanding babies are.. Speak to your boyfriend. Could he not take (A LOT) more responsibility for the dog eg training it etc.? That's the only way I can see for you, realistically to keep the dog. You are taking on too much and need more help.

If not, the dog should be put up for rehoming. Someone out there will be the right owner for your dog. Phone around a few rescue shelters. They will make sure that your dog is given to the right home.

Next time, before getting another dog - make sure that EVERYBODY in the household wants the dog and is prepared for the responsibility!

2006-08-31 02:03:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

I have, but I ended up loving and understanding him. He used to chew up the garden and my shoes all the time. But I had to let him go, it broke my heart though cause even though he was a little unbearable at times I had this bond with him. Have you talked to your boyf about it ? Maybe you could organise with him to look after the dog. But no, your not selfish, maybe there is just a lack of understanding between you and the dog.

2006-08-31 00:17:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Yes you are being selfish.

The dog has feelings too - and if you show him or her that you dont like it then that will be picked upon by the dog.

Having a dog isnt just an easy decsion, you have to look after them and train them what is right and wrong, and they are for life, you dont just wake up one morning and think that because your bored you will go and buy a dog.

Also if you are having a baby - did you not think about this? And how the dog will react to the child etc?

I can see this poor dog being shoved into a dogs home, because the owners didnt think it through before buying him. A dog is for life you know.

2006-08-31 00:30:35 · answer #7 · answered by sunshine 2 · 2 3

Why don't you make your boyfriend take him to a couple training classes? You could also crate him for at least part of the day when you are home. If you were to learn how to control him better, maybe you wouldn't dislike him so much. He just needs training, tell your BF training classes or he has to go ( the dog I mean!).

And no, you are not being selfish, you are having a baby!

2006-08-31 02:58:46 · answer #8 · answered by whpptwmn 5 · 4 1

If you hate it and you have a baby coming, I think you should find it a new home. I would go ahead and do it now rather than wait. Things are stressful enough with a baby in the house, without having a dog around that you hate.

2006-08-31 00:12:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

The dog just needs training. He needs to get used to be on his own, you are always around so when your attention is elsewhere he jumps up and cries to tell you that you need to make a fuss, when you make a fuss he wins.. its an association game. If he has emotional problems of another source i would suggest speaking to a vet to find out if there is an animal behaviourist who can give you advice on how to cope and re-train him to not be so dependent. As you are due to give birth soon you will need all the help you can get. Maybe you could get boyf to take him to classes?

2006-08-31 00:14:05 · answer #10 · answered by klo 3 · 3 3

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