We are all susceptible to to this kind of behavior..it's not easy to be rejected by anyone..One of the reasons you're struggeling to "just forget" him is because you don't have any "actual real memories of what he's all about. You've romanticized him in your mind. and now because you can't have him, he's not interested, he doesn't like you...etc..etc... your mind is playing tricks on you ! it's the old forbidden fruit theme working here..we want what we can't have! We're all susceptible to this behavior... the best thing to do is get yourself very, very busy...start seeing other guys. If the opportunity presents itself find out what he's "really" like from his girlfriends past & present...reality check..he's not perfect..and you're gonna have to trust a higher being that for what ever reason you two are not suppose to hook up right now...maybe down the road, maybe not-- but, for right now It's just not gonna happen for a reason you may never know. Ya, know ---you may really have yourself convinced you realllllly like him but he really doesn't have very good taste if he doesn't like you now does he? You'll be fine. And 10 to 15 years from now you might not even remember his name!
2006-08-30 13:22:52
answer #1
answered by Brains & Beauty 6
You're never going to forget him, not literally. I suppose what you mean is, how do you move on instead of being stuck on the idea of having him?
The key is to defocus from him.
Since he doesn't like you, he's clearly NOT the right guy for you -- which means you two aren't as good a match as you'd hoped. So, you're better off not dating him anyway!
Try to refocus your interest elsewhere. You might not be ready to find a new crush, but do everything you can to remind yourself that there are plenty of other cute, single, friendly, sweet guys in the world and hopefully in your immediate vicinity.
Try thinking up a generic profile of what kind of attributes you're looking for in an ideal relationship -- a list that isn't just a description of the previous guy you had the crush on! Then look around and contemplate all the ways certain people might fit most of those criteria.
If you go a long time and you find you're still fixated on him, or the fact that you two are a bad match is causing you depression, get some counseling. It can really help! You probably won't need it, though... time makes a big difference and adds lots of perspective. Good luck!
2006-08-30 12:26:35
answer #2
answered by pixelscapes 3
Well ya cant make the guy like you. if he dont, then what I would do is tell myself that "he was a stuck up jerk, and Im better w/o him!"
Move on to the next day! Forget about a one night stand or going for a guy only cause it would be a rebound thing and that relationship wont work.
Find someone who likes you, and go on! :) You'll get over him! :)
2006-08-30 12:26:58
answer #3
answered by Tweetalette 3
Well, TRY to find some negative things about him, think of sum thing of him that u really don't like, and build on to that anger, talk to him, clean your conscious, tell him how u feel, and see what feedback he gives you, there's more guys out there, just become more fond of different types of ppl
2006-08-30 16:08:08
answer #4
answered by Beto G 1
okay if he is your first love then you will never forget about him! i mean if you really like him maybe yall should just be friends then take it from there
2006-08-30 12:25:11
answer #5
answered by Snoopy 2
What? How can you not forget someone who doesn't like you? Are you a masochist or something?
2006-08-30 12:28:26
answer #6
answered by justmemimi 6
try this -
think about himand then close your eyes.
press gently and roll your fingers over the eyelids - liek erasing the image - it works.
2006-08-30 12:24:27
answer #7
answered by cvy2000 3
A one night stand will do
2006-08-30 12:23:24
answer #8
answered by aikidochess 1
move on to da next guy u like
2006-08-30 12:23:30
answer #9
answered by leah95_7 2
just date other people and the "forgetting" about him will just happen!!
2006-08-30 12:25:07
answer #10
answered by Michelle : 5