Well yes probably because then you will get wealthy too.
2006-08-30 11:15:34
answer #1
answered by Shaniya S 1
I didn't know you were dating your girlfriends family. Does it matter to your girlfriend that you are not wealthy? It shouldn't matter if one person in a relationship has money and the other doesn't, because "money is the root of all evil", as the saying goes. Besides, are you even dating her only because she has money or because you like her for her and not because her family is wealthy? If you are dating her in thoughts of being wealthy one day as well, then you are dating her for all the wrong reasons, and she stop seeing her now. It's not fair to her or you if that's the reason behind your dating her.
2006-08-30 18:19:58
answer #2
answered by freeandsimple3056 2
In a perfect world, it SHOULDN'T matter, but in THIS world, it could be an influence on whether your relationship works out or not. You could find that there's too much of a difference between the lives you lead, or too much conflict between you and her family, or whatever. Now, it may NOT happen, who knows? It could work out great, but you just never know until you try! Good luck.
2006-08-30 18:16:29
answer #3
answered by Casey 4
Brother, you should be saying I'm not wealthy yet. anyone can obtain money, but happiness is wealth. Sleep on it. Also you my want to find a better job, because once a girl is accustom to a life style, she's usually not able to change.
2006-08-30 18:16:37
answer #4
answered by Good life 2
Depends on the nature of the parents, are they pretty decent people? Hardworking?
If they're snobs then you're in for a uphill battle, but if they're just your average people with a bit more money than most then... i don't think it'd be so dificult, but it'd be best to put your best foot forward. They won't want their daughter with someone who they see as either a slacker or someone who has no ambition or direction.
So if you step it up, you'll be fine.
2006-08-30 18:15:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
not usually...you have different ideals and perspectives on life. The family will make it difficuly for you as well. It's best to stick w/ your same social class, but if you love each other, it may be worth a shot.
2006-08-30 18:16:54
answer #6
answered by n4btc 2
It should. Money shouldn't be an issue unless you are a moucher (not saying you are) that lives off of them. As long as you make your own money no matter how much it is and they see that you are a nice guy that won't treat her like crap or use her for her money they should be ok with it.
2006-08-30 18:15:48
answer #7
answered by starlet_80 3
depends if her family is superficial. money doesn't mean that necessarily. if they are cool it won't matter if you take care of her and treat her well and take care of yourself (job hygene dress) they'll like you for the person you are. and parents always know how they're children are emotionally. like do you make her happy? that should be the number one question. if they are the type of ppl that are concerned with how much money your bringing to the table i suggest look elsewhere. years of headache can be involved.
2006-08-30 18:17:16
answer #8
answered by liketoplay420 3
Depends how much control they have over her and the choices she makes. Although if she loves you then her family's opinion unless extremely valid should take a backseat.
2006-08-30 18:17:04
answer #9
answered by solgiver 2
take it from my point of view...my family is well off in the money but myself I'm broke as hell my dad wants me to work for mine so I'm working at k-mart...get this my gf is rich I'm talking bout millionaire, she offers to help me out with my money but i refuse. like my dad says u want to make money you get out there and get a job, plus I'm paying my way through school.
2006-08-30 18:17:33
answer #10
answered by orange_crush_05 6